The heat came back...

We had a nice short lived week of semi-coolness but the heat came back. Not as bad but, where did all this humidity come from?! So we hit the 80's mark all week but it felt like closer to 90 with the humidity and no winds (again). That all adds up to a higher electric bill for me!! Gah why is electricity so expensive in California... don't we get enough sun and wind to generate both solar and wind energy to run our state?? I really wish 1) I could afford solar energy for my house and 2) that I wouldn't have to worry about it being hit by miss-fired golf balls from all the terrible golfers who think they are semi-pros and can arch a ball over the trees to save a stroke on a par 4 course that is my backyard.
Weekly Update:
Speaking of the heat... I got this little fan the other day at Costco people were raving about. It's called Woozoo? It's a nice little desktop fan, pretty powerful for its size and extremely quiet! The jury is still out though on how cool it can make me but supposedly it works up to a room almost 400 sq. feet! It does move left to right and up and level independently or at the same time which is pretty nice. Reminds me of like a globe due to its size. But so far I like the size and how much room I save, the quietness of it and so far it works well. I am not quiet sure what all the hype is about this fan yet as I see images of people putting it in their luggage for trips or in their car for camping. Don't quiet get that and even though it's fairly small... it still takes up space if you bring it with you plus you need to find a plug or power source.
At the movies:
New at #1 is Nope with a decent 44 million to open. Word-of-mouth is solid for this film and should carry it to 100 mil for the Summer. Drop down to #2 is Thor: Love and Thunder with another 22.1 mil and now closing in on 300 mil cume for domestic. Should get there maybe in another full week. Holding it's ground at #3 is Minions: The Rise of Gru with 17.7 mil extra and also shy of 300 mil cume, this should only take another day or two tops. Slight drop to #4 is Where the Crawdads Sing with 10.3 mil and will continue a steady decline. Rounding off the top 5 is Top Gun: Maverick with 10 mil more as it starts to lose its thrust at the box office.
Quote of the week:
"Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative." - Oscar Wilde
Facts & Tips:
Pressurized plane cabin air is the same average humidity of the Sahara Desert.
"Its my business if I think my asset is in too deep." - Ian Anthony Dale as Adam Noshimuri in the TV series Hawaii Five-0
No wind, warm air.

Hot but cold... so the temps this past week were not terrible but the problem, like most of the time is there are no breezes. When there are not breezes what may be 75 degrees will feel like over 80. So when it hits 80 degrees with no breeze, it feels above 85 and that is way warm when it shouldn't be. The nights are also warmer being 65 but again, no breeze so it feels like low 70's which isn't bad but it could be and feel a LOT cooler but it isn't. What is also a bummer about no wind, the AC kicks in because the air is stagnate and very warm, almost like it's humid but it's not, just no circulation. So, I guess I'll be seeing another high electric bill again soon. I wish solar energy installation was not only cheaper but golf ball proof. Not sure if it would work on my house being next to a golf course and the high impact of a golf ball hitting one is very likely.
Weekly Update:
This has been a very long week for me and I'm glad it's kind of over but not really because I think this next coming week will be just a long. Just that each day seems like an eternity of nothing. They are also the kind of days you can just watch and feel each minute tick by as you sit and stare into the sky or into nothing... When there is nothing to occupy your time it just seems like time is forever which isn't a good thing when you aren't doing anything. You kind of want the day to be over yet it seems like it takes forever to get there and you want to know when is the monotony going to end! If only I had something to occupy my mind but... blank. Just blank, even if I think I'm doing something, I'm not or it's not thought-provoking or neuron snapping. Everything is just simply... blah.
At the movies:
Holding it's spot at #1 is Thor: Love and Thunder with another 46 million and now past the 200 mil cume mark as it makes its way to 300. It may take more than a week to get there but it will get there. Also holding ground at #2 is Minions: The Rise of Gru with an extra 26 mil as it heads to 300 mil as well. This may take a couple of weeks but also will get there eventually. New at #3 is Where the Crawdads Sing with 17 million. Not a bad number for this film and the timing of it's release. Dipping down to #4 is Top Gun: Maverick with 12 mil as it now hits 600 mil cume. Won't go much further but that is a great number to end with. Rounding off the top 5 is Elvis with 7.6 mil as it also hits a milestone of 100 mil at the domestic box office.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Two show up this week... coming in at #6 with 6.3 million is Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank and didn't quiet hit the mark for a family Summer film. New at #9 but on a more smaller scale (less than1000 runs) is Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris with only 1.9 mil.
Quote of the week:
"Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark." - Rabindranath Tagore
Facts & Tips:
A very small raindrop can travel up 7 minutes from the sky before reaching you.
"Kareem and I are just in a book club... of two." - Alisa Reyes as LaCienega Boulevardz in the TV series "The Proud Family."
The heat is... off!

And just like that, it cooled down... aaaahhhh. Really funny how weather works and how one day it could be 90 degrees and humid, then the very next day 78 and breezy... why? I mean great it finally cooled down and I can stop running my AC. I am NOT looking forward to this month's bill at all! I ran the AC a lot plus at night last week I did have to keep the windows closed a lot because of all the random fireworks going off and scaring the poor pup. Hopefully the rest of this week the fireworks will stop and he will calm down again... I hate fireworks and it is so warm and dry here too so fire-alert is high! I hope this weather though stays cooler now for the rest of the year!
Weekly Update:
Have you ever misread someone's intention for a long time to realize... they weren't genuine or what you thought all these years? I'm sure everyone has at some point but maybe sometimes it takes you a day or a week to realize it or... or maybe years, I guess it depends on the intent and how you are interpret it. I like to consider myself a type of person "you see what you get" and I think me being that you assume others are the same. Which is not always the case of course but you learn either quickly and easily or long and the hard-way. I guess that is being human or just simply not wanting to hear what was being said maybe? Or both perhaps! Who knows but I guess the lesson is always pay attention and try to read the clues or hints. I will say this, I am terrible at hints if anyone gives me one... though I love puzzle games but they are kind of different because a puzzle you know you are trying to figure something out where as a hint is random when you aren't working on a puzzle. Welp, I guess it's all part of life.
At the movies:
Taking the #1 spot by storm is Thor: Love and Thunder with a big 143 million to open. Word-of-mouth is strong on this film and should hit 200 in no time, probably mid-week if not sooner. Should carry through the rest of the month too with high numbers. Drop down to #2 is Minions: The Rise of Gru with another 45.6 mil as it passes the 200 mil mark and continues. Slight drop to #3 is Top Gun: Maverick earning another 15.5 mil and now just shy of 600 mil cume domestic. It may actually get it by end of day tomorrow though. Step down to #4 is Elvis with 11 mil more as it gets very close to 100 mil and may take another week to get there. Rounding off the top 5 is Jurassic World Dominion with 8.4 mil as it starts to level off just passing 350 mil domestic mark.
Quote of the week:
"Courage is knowing what not to fear." - Plato
Facts & Tips:
Flightless birds, like the penguin, could once fly.
"Relax, I'm gay and your brother, so technically you're the least attractive person in the world to me. You okay? Sorry to drag you into this, but Elena thought she was compelling to me, and I could give up on ruse." - Chris Brochu Luke Parker in the TV series The Vampire Diaries.
Where am I?!?!

Our weather is not normal!! Ok, we get hot and super hot, 100 degrees even but it has been in the 90's and humid! The humidity is the not normal part! What is happening? Have we become like the Southern states of the US?! We are typically a very dry heat but one thing that is good, when it gets darker or later in the evening it cools off fast, literally drops 20+ degrees which is good. I wonder if this hot moist air will help our plant life here. One thing I did notice the other day... ants! When it gets super warm or hot here they come out into the house looking for cooler places and water sources. Where are the breezes? That is what is missing right now are the Summer breezes that helps cut the humidity we are having lately (I think). I just hope this crazy weather breaks soon.
Weekly Update:
4th of July is upon us and I don't care for it anymore. No more 4th of July Editions for me... why do not I care for it? I've said this in past years, pets. My pup Orion (not really a pup but will always be a puppy to me) is scared of them. He's gotten used to the distant fireworks but the ones nearby are terrifying to him and people fire them off the week (if not weeks) before the actual day. I get they want to celebrate but we are in a massively dry area right now, still in a draught and this is when pets get spooked the most and run off scared. I've tried a lot of different things from thunder-shirt, calming treats, closing all the windows, playing music loudly to cbd oil. Some work, some do not but overall, he is scared and it really upsets me I can't do more for him. I try to hug and hold him to reassure him but you can feel his body quiver and his anxiousness. Poor pup (pictured is not my dog).
At the movies:
Rising to the top is Minions: The Rise of Gru earning a BIG 108.5 million for it's debut! Above most expectations and word-of-mouth is solid for this film. Should carry on through the holiday week and get to the next benchmark in no time. Holding on to #2 is Top Gun: Maverick with 25.4 mil more and now closing in on the 600 mil mark. Could take a bit to get there but should get there. Drop down to #3 is Elvis earing another 19 mil and though not a great 2nd week, the drop-off was well below average. This film will struggle a bit to reach 100 mil but it's already an award contender. Slight dip to #4 is Jurassic World Dominion with an extra 15.7 mil as it starts to wind down and looks like it will stay in the 300 mil range. Drop down to #5 and wrapping things up is The Black Phone with 12.3 mil and should drop off the charts next week.
Quote of the day:
"Progress was all right. Only it went on too long." - James Thurber
Facts & Tips:
Sloths can hold their breath longer than dolphins can.
"I should be upstairs grooming my hero hair." - Paul Wesley as Stefan Salvatore in the TV series The Vampire Diaries.