And more rain continues!! We had a short heatwave mid-week, in the low 80's almost which is really weird. Global warming is such a thing, none of this is normal at all!! But to go from 2 or 3 days of high 70's to low 80's and then rain with mid 50's?? This is not normal ... the rain is nice but we have had several winters of late with no rain and mild-Summer temperatures. It's almost as if we did some kind of complete rotation of time, maybe our calendars are all incorrect? But each year it has been so drastically different but also not in a good way. We need to figure out that weather controlling machine already, make it normal again! But what about the space station that circles the Earth? That would be pretty cool. I see a lot of sci-fi movies and art work so I know it can be done! OK, all kidding aside, we need a moon base.
Weekly Update:
Its been an interesting and sleepless week. I should probably cut down on the caffeinated sodas and frappachino's. I think I am down to just two fraps a week though so that doesn't seem too bad. I just have to remember to only get them in the morning and not in the afternoon. Even if I feel tired in the afternoon, that caffeine stays with me through the night I guess! I know sleeping pills exist and they say they do not make you drowsy in the morning but I hate to take a pill unless I absolutely have to. I feel as if I don't get very much sleep for days, eventually it will catch up to me and I will fall sleep sooner a later day. Well, its a theory anyway.
At the movies:
Surprise at the box office as M.Night's "Split" continues to hold on to #1 for a 2nd week and earn an additional 26.3 million. Steady course to 100 mil in another 10-days or so I would say. Is M.Night back or is it more of the performance of McAvoy? Or a bit of both perhaps? New at #2 is A Dog's Purpose earning 18.4 million which is above expectations given all the bad press on it lately and boycotts. Hard to tell if word-of-mouth of those who did see the film will be enough to give this dog an extra leash on life. Holding to #3 is "Hidden Figures" earning another 14 mil as it passes the 100 mil cume mark. Still good legs and with its nominations will carry a bit further. new at #4 is Resident Evil: The Final Chapter earning 13.9 mil and close to expectations, definitely a franchise that has ran its course plus some. Rounding off the top 5 and climbing is "La La Land" with an extra 12.1 mil and now over 100 mil itself which is big for this film. More to come as it continues its Oscar race.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as the expansion of Gold comes in at #10 with only 3.5 mil. Pretty much as expected too.
Quote of the day:
"The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page." - Saint Augustine
Facts & Tips:
Forty percent of twins invent their own language
"The independent polling company in my Dockers has determined you're the hottest girl in the school." - Josh Sussman as Jacob Ben Israel in the TV series "Glee."
RAIN!!! Talk about some flooding and snow capped mountains plus more! We had some days of non-stop raining and hard rain at that. We sure needed it and it felt good. It was also the first time I have seen portions of my backyard flooded and it was kind of funny seeing the dogs stuck. So one jumps over the water, sort of, to get to the grass to go potty but then can't figure out a way to get back. Walked around and around all while the rain is pouring down. The older dog just walks through the water without a care but she also doesn't want to stay out in the rain while its going on. Finally the younger one walks around and jumps it where he can but still didn't know what to do and was confused. Later that night I took them out in the front yard where it was just squishy grass but no flooding so they could walk around. But it was very squishy. This rain is so needed ... we aren't out of it yet but it put a nice, small dent in our drought.
Weekly Update:
It has been a tiring week and the one day I had off, I slept but kept waking up when I normally do. I guess that is normal but I so wanted to sleep uninterrupted. Blocked the outlet light, closed the blinds for the morning sun and no alarms set. But, I still woke up around the time I normally do to see the time and then go back to sleep. But it wasn't interrupted, I mean even the dogs didn't do anything and I am sure they wanted to go pee so bad. Sigh ... and I was super tired the night before that I stayed up past midnight and then just crashed into bed which is not normal for me at all. Sleep sleep sleep, you evade me so! I will find you and I will slumber in you, you just wait. This Monday is my next sleep in day, I shall conquer it!!! Well, I hope I do at least ... my claim may turn out to be false.
At the movies:
Interesting week as weather across the country might have effected the numbers just a bit. New at #1 is Split with a surprising 40.2 million! Way above all expectations with mixed reviews. New at #2, well below expectations is xXx: Return of Xander Cage with 20 mil. Could this franchise be all dried up now? Holding ground at #3 is "Hidden Figures" with 16.3 mil and slowly approaching 100 mil cume but may not get there for another week. Also holding onto #4 is "Sing" with 9 mil extra and just shy of 250 mil cume, should get that tomorrow. Rounding off the top 5 is "LaLa Land" with another 8.4 mil as the accolades continue to come in.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
The expansions did not fair to well this week. Up first is The Founder at #9 with 3.8 mil and not much more to write home about this one. Was right about expectations though. In at #17 is 20th Century Women expanding and 1.4 mil to add. Finally at #18 is The Resurrection of Gavin Stone with only 1.4 mil and pretty much expected at that.
Quote of the week:
"If you find it in your heart to care of somebody else, you will have succeeded." - Maya Angelou
Facts & Tips:
Squirrels lose more than half of the nuts they hide.
"And I can't believe you just spent $6 on some orange juice that took a trip around the blender with ice." - Debra Wilson as Cloret on the TV show "MADtv."
Martin Luther King, Jr Edition
A great man once said he had a dream ... but in this day and age that dream seems to have tarnished quiet a bit and faded drastically. As we prepare for the next regime change, we are clearly heading into a new dark ages and the once era of healing and growth will no doubt be of mass division and decline. The words of the wise no longer resonate as they once did and upheaval will be in store for the next 4-years if it lasts that long. Things have changed already but nothing that helps America whatsoever ... it is a new dark ages and this man's dream will be pushed to the wayside.
Weekly Update:
I've been visiting the parks more often this year ... Disneyland Park there is and went in 3 times so far this year! Well, twice was to visit someone and the latest time was to say good-bye to a co-worker who recently left the company and Tuesday was their last day. It was a sad but happy visit at the same time. She was awesome to work with and her laugh was always so infectious. I was able to learn so much from them and now I am a department of one. It used to be four people in what I did but as time went, people left and we weren't able to back-fill except when I came on board. But now, just me ... well, hopefully I can hold the fort down till more are able to come on board.
At the movies:
A lot of changes this weekend post-Golden Globes but nothing to surprising. Rising up to #1, after being neck-and-neck for it last week, is "Hidden Figures" with 20.5 mil and now tracking to possibly hit 100 mil cume domestic. After its many wins at the Globes, coming in at #2 is "Lala Land" with 14.5 mil and solid to hit 100 mil cume when it is said and done. Holding on to #3 is "Sing" with another 13.8 mil and continues to hum along. Dropping down to #4 is "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" with another 13.8 mil as it is now just shy of 500 mil cume and should hit that in a day. Rounding off the top 5 is new comer The Bye Bye Man with 13.4 mil to open and exactly on predictions for this film.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Two this week, up first is Monster Trucks at #7 with only 10.5 mil and slightly below expectations. Word-of-mouth is very weak on this film so pretty much out of the races. Coming in at #8 is Sleepless with only 8.5 mil and right around expectations.
Quote of the week:
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Facts & Tips:
Strawberries have an average of 200 seeds.
"That's what you think, buster. She was a genuine witch. Everybody knows she used to lure men to her house just to kill them. Why she even let her cats lick their bones after she got done with them." - Cody Linley as Spit McGee in "My Dog Skip."