A great man once said he had a dream ... but in this day and age that dream seems to have tarnished quiet a bit and faded drastically. As we prepare for the next regime change, we are clearly heading into a new dark ages and the once era of healing and growth will no doubt be of mass division and decline. The words of the wise no longer resonate as they once did and upheaval will be in store for the next 4-years if it lasts that long. Things have changed already but nothing that helps America whatsoever ... it is a new dark ages and this man's dream will be pushed to the wayside.
Weekly Update:

A lot of changes this weekend post-Golden Globes but nothing to surprising. Rising up to #1, after being neck-and-neck for it last week, is "Hidden Figures" with 20.5 mil and now tracking to possibly hit 100 mil cume domestic. After its many wins at the Globes, coming in at #2 is "Lala Land" with 14.5 mil and solid to hit 100 mil cume when it is said and done. Holding on to #3 is "Sing" with another 13.8 mil and continues to hum along. Dropping down to #4 is "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" with another 13.8 mil as it is now just shy of 500 mil cume and should hit that in a day. Rounding off the top 5 is new comer The Bye Bye Man with 13.4 mil to open and exactly on predictions for this film.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Two this week, up first is Monster Trucks at #7 with only 10.5 mil and slightly below expectations. Word-of-mouth is very weak on this film so pretty much out of the races. Coming in at #8 is Sleepless with only 8.5 mil and right around expectations.
Quote of the week:
"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Facts & Tips:
Strawberries have an average of 200 seeds.
"That's what you think, buster. She was a genuine witch. Everybody knows she used to lure men to her house just to kill them. Why she even let her cats lick their bones after she got done with them." - Cody Linley as Spit McGee in "My Dog Skip."

Facts & Tips:
Strawberries have an average of 200 seeds.
"That's what you think, buster. She was a genuine witch. Everybody knows she used to lure men to her house just to kill them. Why she even let her cats lick their bones after she got done with them." - Cody Linley as Spit McGee in "My Dog Skip."
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