Monday, April 27, 2020

So this past week it did warm up for a few days but not bad from what it could have been.  Fortunately the nights were nice and cool, even cold at times that I had to really bundle up because I was simply way to lazy to get up and close the window.  It wasn't freezing or snow-man weather (I just thought the picture was cute so I used it). I hope this weather sort of stays this way, I don't mind if the days are hot if the nights promise to bring cooler temperatures with it!  Then that will suite me just fine because then I know I can sleep a little bit easier instead of trying to get cooled down to fall asleep and not run the AC.  Running the AC in California is $$$.  I don't know how other states do it when I hear how they run theirs for 24/7 and only play like $150 a month ... that is like one week for me!

Weekly Update:

I love Costco.  I love going and walking around, it's actually a nice 30+ minute work-out if you think about while you shop.  I'm sure most grocery stores are like that but when your have a cart with a bag of dog food, case of water and other things to weigh it down, you are doing more than walking at that point.  So I still go, about every other week and sometimes I go just to get one or two things.  I also go for my neighbors in case they need stuff as well.  Costco has been doing a pretty good job with their social distancing and wiping down the cart handles and such.  But the people who go ... that is a different story!  My big pet peeve right now when going is  people going down the middle of the aisle and block it with their cart.  They were doing this before all of the social distancing but I would think now, they would be maybe a little more considerate?  Wishful thinking I guess.

At the movies:

Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.

This week's image is the Riviera in North Tonawanda, NY that once featured main stream movies but now features special concert type events and a screening here and there for specialty films and events.

Quote of the week:

"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body." - Joseph Addison

Facts & Tips:

In 1916, Jeannette Rankin of Montana became the first woman elected to Congress.

"Beezball been berry berry good to me!" - Garrett Morris as Minnie Minoso on the TV series "Saturday Night Live."

Monday, April 20, 2020

Going to get hot!  So this past week was very nice weather wise, had a lot of cloudy days as if it felt like it could rain but nothing.  However, it remained very chilly to cold.  Our high was about 75 and low was just under 60 at night.  Great snuggle weather but now, this coming week we are expecting our first heat wave of close to 90 degree weather during the day.  I will say we should have gotten warmer earlier but I prefer the cooler weather!  I guess we are overdue for it but it was nice while it lasted.  I wonder what the following week will be like and if this is just a pocket of a heatwave or the start of it ...

Weekly Update:
I went to Costco on Sunday to get some stuff for myself and my neighbors to save them the effort of having to go.  I got gas which was quick, no line at all and that was awesome especially for a Sunday!  Then went to the warehouse and Costco was only allowing 2 people per membership in which I thought was a great idea.  Helps limit the amount of people there yet allows more to go in if that makes sense.  The downside was due to health precautions, the check-out was a bit slower and lines to get out were long and slower.  Fortunately I didn't have a lot of things and someone pulled me out of the line to go to a special register in the back to be checked out.  A+ Costco!

At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.

This week's image is the Oaks in Berkeley, Ca that once featured main stream movies but is rented out for film festivals or specialty movie and events.

Quote of the week:
"Perfection is the child of time" - Joseph Hall

Facts & Tips:
Bill Clinton's face is so symmetrical that he ranked in facial symmetry alongside male models.

"I found that if you have a goal, that you might not reach it.  But if you don't have one, then you are never disappointed.  And I gotta tell ya, it feels phenomenal!" - Vince Vaughn as Peter La Fleur in "Dodgeball."

Monday, April 13, 2020

This week has been nothing but a tease for more rain!  It has been extremely cloudy and I think I heard one night of rain coming down but we were supposed to have more ... yet nothing.  I did wake up one morning with the ground wet so I know it did come down but then stopped.  The forecast had said more days of rain but then, nothing.  I thought our equipment was way more accurate these days, what happened?  Can't we make our own rain yet?

Weekly Update:
My friend's father passed away last week due to Covid-19 complications.  From what I was told, his parents were in a assisted living home and at some point, someone was visiting their family at the home.  From that visit, many of the residents contracted the virus including my friend's parents.  They later moved their parent's to an isolated home and during the 2nd week of the virus, his heart stopped.  It was reported he was so miserable from the virus and just wanted to die.  But during the 2nd week he was slowly getting better but his body I guess just couldn't hold up any longer.  The mother is recovering nicely, thank goodness, but the virus has claimed someone very close and personal to me.  Stay at home people, it is that simple.

At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.

This week's image is the Music Box in Chicago, Ill that once featured main stream movies but now shows more art house fare.

Quote of the week:
The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax." - Albert Einstein

Facts & Tips:
Jimmy Carter filed a report for a UFO sighting in 1973, calling it "the dardnest thing I've ever seen."

"Now there's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday." - Dean Cain as Clark Kent in the TV series "Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman

Monday, April 06, 2020

RAIN!  and I mean real rain!  Not a few drops and then gone but like overnight.  It was moments of just down pouring and was so loud it was awesome!  Now there are more moments of no rain compared to having rain but so far this has been some solid good rain and so desperately needed.  I am not sure how much more we are due for but I hope many days plus with all the streets so empty, good time for a world scrubbing!  Just hope end up with more rain and lots of it.  It would help us recover a fraction of the drought and every little bit we can do means better foods and survival nowadays.

Weekly Update:
I completely forgot I have a face mask!  However, it is extremely hot wearing it ... why? It's a ski mask type mask and hoodie.  It is all one piece but the face part covers up to the bridge of the nose and it is extremely thick (not heavy) and very warm!  I guess technically it isn't a ski mask but a balaclava.  The eye area is completely open I guess so one can put ski goggles over it maybe but it is fleece like material (picture to the left is very close to what it looks like).  It does have an extra piece on the mouth part that extends past the nose and ... yeah definitely made for winter and will do the trick on keeping your overall face and ears VERY warm!

At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.

This week's image features the Crest Theatre in Los Angeles, California.  Features mostly art-house style films.

Quote of the week:
"Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children." - Sitting Bull

Facts & Tips:
Until the nineteenth century, solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia.

"Well, you led the Russians right to us and endangered my entire crew." - Eric Dane as CO CDR Tom Chandler in the TV series "The Last Ship."