Monday, April 06, 2020

RAIN!  and I mean real rain!  Not a few drops and then gone but like overnight.  It was moments of just down pouring and was so loud it was awesome!  Now there are more moments of no rain compared to having rain but so far this has been some solid good rain and so desperately needed.  I am not sure how much more we are due for but I hope many days plus with all the streets so empty, good time for a world scrubbing!  Just hope end up with more rain and lots of it.  It would help us recover a fraction of the drought and every little bit we can do means better foods and survival nowadays.

Weekly Update:
I completely forgot I have a face mask!  However, it is extremely hot wearing it ... why? It's a ski mask type mask and hoodie.  It is all one piece but the face part covers up to the bridge of the nose and it is extremely thick (not heavy) and very warm!  I guess technically it isn't a ski mask but a balaclava.  The eye area is completely open I guess so one can put ski goggles over it maybe but it is fleece like material (picture to the left is very close to what it looks like).  It does have an extra piece on the mouth part that extends past the nose and ... yeah definitely made for winter and will do the trick on keeping your overall face and ears VERY warm!

At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.

This week's image features the Crest Theatre in Los Angeles, California.  Features mostly art-house style films.

Quote of the week:
"Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children." - Sitting Bull

Facts & Tips:
Until the nineteenth century, solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia.

"Well, you led the Russians right to us and endangered my entire crew." - Eric Dane as CO CDR Tom Chandler in the TV series "The Last Ship."


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