Monday, March 30, 2020

The struggle is real ...

So a couple of weeks I had the urge for cookies and I wanted to try to make them on my own from scratch since that is something I've never done and thought I could or at least try it.  What do I need first?  Flour!  Ok I had some but not enough, no problem I will go to the store and look for some.  I did not realize this would be more difficult than finding toilet paper.  I have been to multiple stores and all their shelves have been empty for over a week now of all flour except those with no gluten or like rice flour.  I've never worked with other flours except the regular all-purpose and also those other flours are about 10x more!  Not a time to either experiment or trial and error with.  I did find some flour at one place, lots in fact but the problem was, they were in 50 pound bags!  It was a store for like restaurant supplies and their small 2 to 5 lbs bags were all gone.  I still have a craving for cookies but bought some packaged one for now.

Weekly Update:
Not sure if this bugs anyone else but it sure bugs me ... so I do drink bottled water for the most part and I prefer Arrowhead.  There is a taste difference as most have an after taste, Arrowhead (to me) doesn't.  But that isn't what bugs me, what bugs me is I sometimes get those little togo packets you put in one of those bottles.  99% of them are sugar-free so it's great!  They have great flavor and things like cherry and grape are usually the best.  Maybe pineapple or a general fruit punch.  But what bugs me is when you pour them in, there are usually some clumps and they either take forever to break-up or never dissolve and just seems like a waste.  For something that is made for liquid, I would think they would figure out how to make them dissolve both faster and better.

At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.

Quote of the week:
"O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?" - Percy Bysshe Shelley

Facts & Tips:
New York was the first state to require cars to have license plates.

"There weren't any other guards on patrol down here." - Ron Canada
as Guard Woodruff in "National Treasure."


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