Monday, March 23, 2020

Been hearing of more cases popping up in the US and I guess we have surpassed all reported cases than any where else in the world.  What is more troubling with this statistic is WE KNEW ABOUT IT months ago and did nothing. Now it will become more of a damage control and trying to prevent it.  We can certainly work on preventing more cases but there is so much turmoil in our government it is truly shameful.  Unwilling to supply states requesting help and the being told to buy their own and then getting outbid by the government (only to resell them at a higher margin).  This has become a making money business but the sad part is the gains of those sales will not be used for anything important or at all.

Weekly Update:
So with so many people self-quarantined
and isolated, there are way less cars on the road and the skies have been so clear and clean!  I mean this is kind of nice but I know once this is all over it will go back to smog city.  But really nice with no traffic, people walking around and getting out without having to drive.  I just stay him and go out for errands if needed and I try to consolidate them and do them all at once if I can manage that.  But sometimes you just have to go out and take care of something too.

At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.

Quote of the week:
"Anyone who has ever made a mistake has never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein

Facts & Tips:
Red kangaroos can hop up to 44 mph.

"That's all right but I detect a distinct South-Eastern influence in that particular rendition.  Back home in Oakland we have our own refinements." Ted Lange as Issac Washington in the TV series "The Love Boat,."


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