Monday, March 09, 2020

So the world is in turmoil over a flu strand.  The Coronavirus started at least back in 2002 and has had many incarnations of itself including SARS.  This new strand has originated from bats and suspect to have come in contact with chickens which were then sold in an open market in China.  Now called Covid-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019), has managed to spread around the world.  Now it is not to say it only originated in China as it could have happened in other pockets of the world as well and just simply continued to grow.  But this is just another flu and I guess folks were simply not taking it serious enough.

Weekly Update:
A little bit of a hectic week with some major sleep loss but oh well, hopefully I can make that up sooner than later.  I had bunch of little random things going on but it all ended yesterday with a quick meeting at a hotel in Los Angeles and then running into someone that I wasn't expecting to.  So Sunday late afternoon I went to the InterContinental Hotel for a meeting in there lobby.  The lobby is on the 70th floor! So you can imagine the incredible views it must have and it sure did.  But, while hanging out in the lobby, ran into someone and got a quick pic with them:

*Donnie Yen - Best known for the "IP Man" franchise and will be coming up in the new "Mulan" movie.  Nice guy.

At the movies:
Overall not a great weekend but we are sort of pre-Spring Break at the moment.  New at #1 is Onward with only 40 million to open.  Below expectations and while word-of-mouth is good (not great), this may not hit to far past 100 mil.  Drop down to #2 is "The Invisible Man" with 15.2 mil more and doing OK in general.  New at #3 is The Way Back with 8.5 mil and slightly below expectations.  Also dropping down to #4 is "Sonic The Hedgehog" with 8 mil as it now quickly slows down.  Rounding off the top 5 is "The Call of the Wild" with 7 mil more and probably won't hear much from this after the weekend.

Quote of the week:
"Respect is what we owe; love, what we give." - Philip James Bailey

Facts & Tips:
Walruses are true party animals; they can go without sleep for 84 hours.

"Sometimes it makes me sad, though .. Andy being gone.  I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged.  Their feathers are just too bright.  And when they fly, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up DOES rejoice.  But still, the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone.  I guess I just miss my friend.' - Morgan Freeman as Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding in "The Shawshank Redemption."


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