Weekly Update:

*Tommy Walker - from Netflix's "Daredevil" and an incredibly awesome guy!
*Dawn Marie - been in a few small things but very sweet.

Scaring up a big win this weekend is The Invisible Man earning 29 million for it's debut. Above all expectations and word-of-mouth is good on the film. Right now estimated to fall short of 100 mil but next week's drop will tell us more. Drop down to #2 is "Sonic the Hedgehog" with 16 mil as it passes 100 mil easily. Hanging on to #3 is "The Call of the Wild" with 13.2 mil as it's calling won't last long. New at #4 is My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising with 9.6 mil and a bit above expectations but shy of breaking double digits. Rounding off the top 5 is "Bad Boys for Life" with 4.3 mil more as it is inches away from 200 mil cume and could get that by week's end.
Quote of the week:
"The richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time." - Lawrence Durrell
Facts & Tips:
The koala is the longest-sleeping animal, sleeping an average of 22 hours per day
"Even if those two pages were in there, the book still would have sucked." - Michael Lerner as Fulton in "Elf."
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