So this past Tuesday night was fun. Helped out at the annual Disneyland Minnie's Moonlit Madness event. Now usually there is a sort of underline theme to it all. Last year was about technology or cyber. One time it was about musical or Broadway. This year ... I have no idea what the theme was or if they even had one. Everything I saw was just Minnie and in her usually detective style outfit like she has every year. Which is fine but I like how they generally develop a theme for it. Kind of gives it a uniqueness to the year. Another thing I noticed, not a lot of coordinated dressed up teams. Previous years I would see dozens of teams in some kind of team costumes. This year, only saw maybe 2 or 3. Not sure why many decided not to do it this year but that felt like a big part of the fun.

They continue to sing at the top as "Bad Boys for Life" holds #1 for a third week in a row. Earning another 17.7 million, just shy of 150 mil cume and will definitely fall short of 200. Holding to #2 is "1917" with an extra 9.7 mil as it continues it's academy run for a few more days. Still in the top 5 is "Dolittle" at #3 with 7.7 mil as this one quickly loses holding and may not be around too much longer. New at #4 is Gretel and Hansel with 6.1 mil to open and below expectations but not by much. Very little awareness out there and this genre film at this time isn't a great combo. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Gentlemen" with 6 mil and also will soon fade out.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one as The Rhythm Section comes in at #10 with only 2.8 mil to open. Close to expectations too which is also sad to see.
Quote of the Day:
"The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness." - Dalai Lama
Facts & Tips:
Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.

"You've got to let go, I'm getting married here. Now if you can't respect that then please, as a friend, go, now." - Andrew Shue as Billy Campbell in the TV series "Melrose Place."
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