Monday, June 30, 2014

Now it feels like Summer!!  The days are starting to heat up, hit the high 80's with very little wind but at least the nights dropped down which was very nice.  I am not sure what the forecast will be but I hope this is the height of the highs, now that would be amazingly nice!  One can dream but it is unlikely.  I've said it before and I will keep saying it, our weather is completely messed up.  I may have grown up in a house were we ran the AC but I also grew up in a time and place were we run outside to play with our friends.  Put on shows, play in the mud we just made, build forts, freeze-tag on someones lawn and all that good stuff.  I remember it being warm but not painfully hot that we never played outside because of heat.  We did sometimes not play outside because it was raining or too cold but heat?  I don't recall.  The weather, it has changed!

Weekly Update:
Water ... it is my enemy and my friend but right now my enemy.  In general the week has been fair, still bored out of my mind.  But I discovered some water under the sink and not sure what it is from yet.  Then, on the side of the house I found a little drain pipe that is dripping out hot water and I am not sure from where yet.  Of course I discover
ed all of this on Friday night and Saturday morning so to avoid any emergency cost, I have to wait till Monday to address them.  Under the sink doesn't seem too bad and could be nothing to something minor.  So for the one on the side of the house, I thought, why not put a hose to it and let the water drain into the pool?  It always needs water and I can not waste it as much if it did that!  So after some figuring out and adjusting, it worked!  No leak at the start of the hose and it is draining into the pool till I can get it figured out and fixed.  But still, annoying and having to deal with it in general just sucks.

At the movies:
No surprises at the box office this weekend as only one film opened but it was a BIG one!  Dominating the weekend with a solid 100 million is Transformers: Age of Extinction as it will make its way to the next 100 mil over the course of the next 2 to 3 weeks.  Word-of-Mouth is not great on this film but it doesn't seem to matter too much when it comes to most of the big budget, high action, all special effect driven film franchises. Holding ground at #2 is "22 Jump Street" with another 15.4 mil and continues to push toward 200 mil cume but likely will fall just shy of it.  Hanging on to #3 is "How to Train your Dragon 2" with another 13.1 mil as it passes the 100 mil cume mark earlier in the week.  Big drop to #4 is "Think Like a Man Too" with another 10.4 mil as it struggles along.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Maleficent" earning another 8.2 mil and it now hit the 200 mil cume mark!  Steam is running out on this film but after 5 weeks into the summer season, it is no surprise.

Quote of the week:
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can keep your country from doing." - Jon Stewart

Facts & Tips:
The nothingness of a black hole generates a sound in the key of B flat.

"Whoa, I don't know, man. I got a business to run. This is like my office as well as my home. Plus, the lion comes in a couple days." - Peter Dante as Dante in "Grandma's Boy."

Monday, June 23, 2014

And the weather continues to be great!  I totally feels like one of those lazy moments where you sit on a pier in shorts and start into the sunset.  It needs to stay like this ALL summer please!!!  I know it won't be great each day but if it can stay like this in general, I will be semi-happy and thankful for just one thing!  Now I want to go to a beach and hangout on a pier or lifeguard station while watching the sunset go down ... I mean I have never done that before but why not for a first time?  I should go do that next week or shortly after the month is over.

Weekly Update:
Kind of a busier week this week but it was all good.  Still getting very little sleep, I don't think that will change anytime soon but what can you do.  But the big thing was Sunday with the 3rd Annual German Shepherd Safe Haven Appreciation Picnic ... ok, that could use a shorter title I think.  But this event has grown so much and there was close to 40 dogs from what I could tell and so many more families.  The food was awesome, love me some mac-n-cheese, garlic mashed potatoes and tri-tip.  I stayed away from the chicken this time because last time I thought it was borderline under-cooked.  Catered chicken that is just cooked quickly always worry me.  If it was fried, I may have given it a second glance but there was still a ton of other food to be eaten!  But the day was pretty perfect, not hot and nice cool breezes going on.  A few incidents with animals not agreeing but they were well contained, I think I only saw one dog get the nose of another but no major harm seemed noticeable.  Lot of licking and petting, but what can you do with all the cuddly dogs.  It was a nice Sunday.

At the movies:
Hitting the screens this weekend and taking the box office crown is "Think Like a Man Too" opening to a solid 30 million.  Very close to estimations and word-of-mouth is fair on this so it could hit 100 mil but may be a long struggle.  Very small bump to #2 is "22 Jump Street" earning an extra 29 mil and has now surpassed the 100 mil mark!  Also a small drop to #3 is "How to Train Your Dragon 2" with another 25.3 mil as it is inches away from the 100 mil mark and should hit that with no problem within the next day or two.  New at #4 is "Jersey Boys" as it sings in the basement with only 13.5 mil to open, close to expectations as well.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Maleficent" gaining another 13 mil as it quickly approaches the 200 mil cume mark and should get it by end of this week.

Quote of the week:
"Art is a lie which makes us realize the truth." - Pablo Picasso

Facts & Tips:
The average Koala sleeps 22 hours each day.

"I just was scared that you didn't love me. And I didn't think you could because of how ugly I am. I should've known better. That's not who you are. You took one look at me and still said you'd seen worse. And somehow, when I'm around you, I don't feel ugly at all." - Alex Pettyfer as Kyle Kingson in "Beastly."

Monday, June 16, 2014

Weather lately has been remarkably great!!  We are close to the start of Summer (as seasons go, not by school schedule) and it has remained in the high to mid 70's.  I know we must be due for some scorchers this year but thus so far, awesome!  Been keeping the windows open for nice breezes and fresh year ... what is going on here??  It is a little confusing because by now we would be hitting the 90's at least, running AC to just remain any resemblance of non-melting state.  I really do hope it remains this way because that would just be cool ... literally!

Weekly Update:
Not much of a week lately, been kind of lazy and very sleepy.  I still have this problem of going to bed between 2 and 4AM and still waking up at 8AM regardless.  So what tends to happen, I get tired during the day but can't really take a nap for more than a minute.  Then, one day out of a week to two weeks, I just crash for like 4 hours and I fall asleep when its daylight and then wake up and its dark.  That tends to throw my entire day and time off.  But aside from that happening lately, ended up going to LA for various things and I was really surprised at the low amount of traffic.  I left LA to get back to the OC as early as I could but I knew I was hitting that start of rush hour traffic at 4PM.  But was pretty shocked when it only took me an hour and half to get back when it should have taken me 3 hours!  But now  thinking about it, school's are done so there is less college traffic that may have helped?  But either way, was happy to get back sooner than anticipated.

At the movies:
Big weekend at the box office despite more graduation events going on but the sequels take the lead.  Leaping into first is "22 Jump Street" with a solid 60 million, higher than previous expectations but later tracking showed it to be about on point.  No doubt a third sequel was green lit after those Friday numbers came in.  Distant but solid second place is "How to Train Your Dragon 2" with a debut of 50 mil.  This is up almost 15% from it's predecessor 5 years ago.  Average drop to #3 is "Maleficent" in its third week earning an extra 19 mil as it steams it way along to hit the 200 mil mark soon.  Slight drop to #4 is "Edge of Tomorrow" with another 16.2 mil as it will struggle to even crack that 100 mil mark.  Big drop to #5 is "Fault in our Stars" with 15.7 mil but it can still easily break 100 mil mark within the next 2 weeks at this pace.

Quote of the week:
"We are monkeys with money and guns." - Tom Waits

Facts & Tips:
A chameleon shoots out its tongue to catch prey at speeds faster than a fighter jet.

"You can never escape me. Nothing harms me. But I know pain. I know pain. Sometimes I share it with someone like you." - Ben McKenzie as Batman/Bruce Wayne in "Batman: Year One."

Monday, June 09, 2014

Another great week of good weather, what is going on?!  One thing I did notice later in the week ... June Bugs!  They are starting to pop up, ah that one time of year these little brown rascals show up and just make a mess and when they land on you, they kind of stick with their prickly legs (but don't hurt) and it just feels gross.  But I have only seen one so far but where there is one, there will be others.  So many others and then within 30 days, they die and disappear till next year.  What a strange and cruel joke Mother Nature has played on these little insects.  Some people have written on how to cook these critters up for some food ... why?  I mean I guess people eat all sorts of things and other bugs like grasshoppers, ants and crickets ... why not June bugs I guess but that is OK, I will pass on these.  They bother me enough that I don't need to eat them for revenge of bothering me.

Weekly Update:
What in the world did I do last week?  Just some meetings and conference calls I think ... wow, did I really not do anything except that?  How boring is that?!  That is both depressing and ... well ... more depressing. I hate meetings to, so many people schedule them and half of the time they are just busy-work kind of stuff and pull you away from real work (most of the time).  Well, that is dumb.

At the movies:
Big surprise at the box office as The Fault in Our Stars opens big to take the crown with a hefty 48.2 million for its debut.  With most schools out, never underestimate the tween crowds especially the female audiences.  Word-of-mouth is strong on this film and should easily hit 100 mil in no time.  Average drop to #2 is "Maleficent" with another 33.5 mil as it surpasses the 100 mil mark with ease.  New at #3 is the sci-fi big budget film of Edge of Tomorrow earning 29.1 mil which is right at expectations.  Reviews are just fair for this film and should drop-off significantly.  Losing more ground is "X-Men: Days of Future Past" with another 14.7 mil but it should still break the 200 mil mark.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Million Ways to Die in the West" with another 7.2 mil as it struggles along for an R-Rated Summer comedy.

Quote of the week:
"I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - Lily Tomlin

Facts & Tips:
A male firefly's light is twice as bright as a female's.

"'Nuff talk, it's smashin' time." - Tress MacNeille as Agnes Skinner in the TV series "The Simpsons."

Monday, June 02, 2014

Lately the weather has been pretty dang nice.  Not too hot and great breezes coming in, this is what Spring (and Summer) should be but I have a feeling it won't last too long.  After the last Winter we didn't have, I suspect a really bad Summer but we shall see.  I thought there was suppose to be some rain coming but nada on that front.  They tease with it but then it never happens ... bummer.  Well, I just hope it maintains this way for a long long time.  It just actually feels like what it is suppose to feel like and that isn't too much to ask for, is it?  Winter is Winter, Spring is Spring and Summer is Summer ... oh and Fall is Fall of course.  Not Summer is Fall, Winter and Spring while Hades the Underworld is Summer.

Weekly Update:
Well it was an interesting end to a long week.  During the week itself was the same old stuff, just boring things and errands.  I am so bored ... but on Sunday I attended the first ever in Hollywood the Huading Awards.  It is what they call the "Chinese" Oscars but the votes are by the people so in reality it is more of a People's Choice Award because the Oscars is suppose to be from the peers or industry related folks.  But it was the 12th Annual of these awards but the first time they held them in Hollywood ... actually I think the U.S. in general but not 100% sure.  But while there I got to run into a couple of old friends and new ones as well:

*Don Mischer - produced the show and has also done many Academy Awards and other shows of the like, super guy.
*Jessika Van - mostly some TV appearance and shorts, but nice.
*Jordana Brewster - Mostly from the "Fast and Furious" franchise and really cool.
*Charlie Hunnam - from "Pacific Rim" and "Sons of Anarchy" and just an overall great guy.

At the movies:
Disney scores big again with the live-action film of Maleficent earning a hefty 70 mil at the box office this weekend exceeding all expectations for a non-holiday time frame.  The week should be good for it as well and could hit 100 mil in no time.  Big drop to #2 is "X-Men: Days of Future Past" with another 32.6 mil as it races for the 200 mil mark and should get there in time.  Debuting at #3 is A Million Ways to Die in the West with 17.1 mil, well below expectations, but I guess we already saw the one big R-Rated comedy for the summer earlier with "Neighbors" (currently #6 this week).  Still falling with above-average drops is "Godzilla" earning another 12.2 mil but looks like will fall just shy of 200 mil when it is all said and done.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Blended" which had a below-average drop earning 8.4 mil.

Quote of the week:
"We teach what we need to learn the most." - Robin Fisher

Facts & Tips:
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star was composed by Mozart when he was five years old.

"And I've learned something, too. I've learned that a flawless profile, a perfect body, the right clothes, and a great car can get you far in America - almost to the top - but it can't get you everything." - Rob Lowe as Benjamin Oliver in "Wayne's World."