Weekly Update:
Attended another collector's show (Geek-fest) and it was pretty lack-luster this time around. I mean its no HUGE event but the energy level was very low and just wasn't as exciting as it has or could have been. Did get a few snaps, much lower than my normal average but oh well:
*Henry Winkler- cool guy, seemed king of lowkey but hey, its The Fonz!
*Cathy Silvers- nice and did not know she was the daughter to Phil Silvers.
*Scott Schwartz- Pretty cool guy.
*William Forsythe- VERY cool guy!
*Erik Estrada- PONCH from the show CHiPs, cool guy.
At the movies:

For an amazing 3rd week in a row, "Disturbia" takes the #1 spot at the box office with an additional 9.1 million. Enjoy it while it can because next week, all bets are off except for Spider-Man. New at #2 is another suspense thriller The Invisible with only 7.6 mil, another myspace home page. New at #3 Next with 7.2 mil and I think not only was this the title of the movie but what people were thinking ... NEXT! Someone at Paramount also needs to come up with better poster art ... "Next" or is it "Paycheck" or wait, maybe its "The Next Paycheck for MI:III, Star Trek The Next Generation: Nemisis". Holding in at #4 is "Fracture" with a little 7.1 mil which is a very low drop. Rounding off the top 5 on solid ice is "Blades of Glory" with another 5.2 mil and well over the 100 mil mark cume.
New movies that did not make the top 5: There use to be a time when all new major release movies would be the top 5 pics or within the top 5. Just goes to show you that more and more movies shouldn't be made such as ... In at #9 is the action film The Condemned with only 4 mil. At #11 is the comedy Kickin' It Old School with only 2.8 mil. When has Jamie Kennedy EVER had a big box office opening? OH yeah, "Mask 2" (cough, sarcasm, cough).
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Other News:
This past week saw two amazing world figures pass away. The first is closer to me than the 2nd but film lobbyist Jack Valenti passed away last Wednesday at the age of 85. He sure can talk and I have sat in many seminars and dinners listening to him. He fought or the film industry on many fronts including rating systems and piracy issues. He was a great value and credit to this industry and will be greatly missed. Although he did retire a couple of years ago, he never stopped fighting.
Last monday, former Russian President Boris Yeltsin passed away at the age of 76. He was the first democratically elected President of Russia. Russians apparently either loved him or hated him, some blame him for the overall demise of Russia but nonetheless he changed Russian history forever.

The year that read the same upside down was 1961. That won't happen again until 6009.
" I got pulled over this morning for having all the mirrors in the Mercedes turned so I could see myself."- Delta Burke as Suzanne Sugarbaker in the TV series "Designing Women"