Weekly Update:
What an interesting week it has been for me. Started off kind of sucky and then it had some cool moments. On Thursday I was invited to another The Simpsons table read for the TV Show, very funny as always and caught some more photos for the collection:
*Dan Castellaneta- Homer Simpsons and a pretty quiet, lowkey kind of guy.
*Tress MacNeille- most known for Agnes Skinner, Jimbo Jones, and many other side characters.
*Marcia Wallace- Edna Krabappel and was on the original The Bob Newhart Show. She was VERY cool and the strange thing about this was she wanted to meet me??

At the movies:

This is pretty amazing as "Disturbia" takes the #1 spot for the 2nd week in a row. What makes it amazing is that typically films of this nature get the one week pop and then fizzle. The film did earn an extra 13.5 million with only a small 39% dip from the previous week. In at #2 is the suspense drama Fracture with only 11.2 mil. I am sure New Line thought they had a major hit chance after "Disturbia's" surprise numbers, not the case. Holding on to bronze now at #3 is "Blades of Glory" with an extra 7.8 mil and a cume now of over 100 mil! Also new at #4 is the thriller Vacancy with only 7.6 mil. Not a good number at all as I am sure they were hoping at least 10. And rounding off the top 5 is "Meet the Robinsons" with 7.1 mil more.
New movies that did not make the top 5: In at #6 is the comedic action movie Hot Fuzz with only 5.8 mil. This may sound like a low number and it is but its due to also a release pattern of less than 900 screens. So with that in mind, "Hot Fuzz" did OK but can this British humor carry? I enjoyed the film and thought it was fun and funny, not great but fun. In at #8 is the romantic film In the Land of Women with only 4.9 mil which is a terrible number. Unlike "Hot Fuzz" this film had a standard release pattern of over 2100 screens. This also supports more of theory that when movies use Myspace as their official website, you know its going to tank.
Comment Response:
How about planets? Jupiter, FL! Its out of this world! They should use that for their city motto ... Jupiter, FL "Its out of this world!"

Sometimes one gets overlooked but not forgotten. On April 11th a really great actor passed away and a great voice talent. Roscoe Lee Browne who has been in numerous TV shows and has had his strong and powerful voice in many movies passed, away at the age of 81 from a fight with cancer. Normally I don't point out folks in this fashion but there was always something about this man that impressed me. His commanding and dignified voice is probably what stood out the most ... and will be very missed.
In obversation of the 32 people killed in last weeks Virginia Tech shooting, I felt we need to remember the loss life and not the loser:
*Ross Alameddine- Saugus, Ma
*Jamie Bishop- Pine Mountain, GA
*Brian Bluhm- Richmond, VA
*Ryan Clark- Martinez, GA
*Austin Cloyd- Blacksburg, VA
*Jocelyne Couture-Nowak- Nova Scotia, CAN
*Kevin Granata- Toledo, OH
*Matt Gwaltney- Chester, VA
*Caitlin Hammaren- Westtown, NY
*Jeremy Herbstritt- Bellefonte, PA
*Rachael Hill- Glen Allen, VA
*Emily Hilscher- Woodville, VA
*Jarrett Lane- Narrows, VA
*Matthew La Porte- Dumont, NJ
*Henry Lee- Roanoake, VA
*Liviu Librescu- Romania
*G.V. Loganathan- Tamil Nadu, India
*Partahi Lumbantoruan- Indonesia
*Lauren McCain- Hampton, VA
*Daniel O'Neil- Lincoln, RI
*Juan Ramon Ortiz- Bayamon, Puerto Rico
*Minal Panchal- Mumbai, India
*Daniel Perez Cueva- Peru
*Erin Peterson- Chantilly, VA
*Michael Pohle- Flemington, NJ
*Julia Pryde- Middletown, NJ
*Mary Read- Annandale, VA
*Reema Samaha- Centerville, VA
*Waleed Shaalan- Zagazig, Egypt
*Leslie Sherman- Springfield, VA
*Maxine Turner- Vienna, VA
*Nicole White- Smithfield, VA
Facts & Tips:

Fish have eyelids.
"But at least the truth, is NOT among the hostages because I, Richard Thornburg, just happen to be here. To put his life and TALENT on the line for humanity and country... "- William Atherton as Richard Thornburg in "Die Hard 2"
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