Weekly Update:
Not much of a week to report on since I was gone for almost half of it. Work was work, still making simple things more complicated which never will make sense to me. I understand if something doesn't work or work very well, change it or do something different. But if something is working great and is both effective and efficient ... oh well, what do I know.

Not in a long while but a suspense thriller takes the box office crown with Disturbia and a nice 23 million opening. Holding strong to silver this week at #2 is "Blades of Glory" with an extra 14 mil and now over 90 mil cume. Family values still good at #3 with "Meet the Robinsons" taking in 12.1 mil more. New at #4 is another suspense thriller Perfect Stranger with only 11.5 mil. It should have been better as spring break crowds are still out there but I guess this one missed the memo. Rounding off the top 5 is "Are We Done Yet?" with an additional 9.2 mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5: Starting off this list at the #6 slot is the Viking tale of Pathfinder with only 4.8 mil, I guess they were looking for gold and not paper money. Anyone could tell from day 1 this film should have been either limited released or shelved. In at #11 is the high action race movie "The Fast and the ... " oh wait, I mean Redline with only 4.1 mil, just enough to give it half a tank a gas and drive off to no where. Seriously though when you use myspace are your official website, you have some issues going and all materials for this film made me think it was a video game. At #13 is Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie with 3.1 mil ... why? Although the per screen average was OK but ... why? And finally at #20 is Slow Burn with a VERY sad .8 mil which is like a dozen tickets per theatre. Problem with this film is ... what is it?
Comment Response:
Amuse- Thanks for the Easter 411, good to know!
Other News:

Huge storms hit the northeast US, car bomb kills 50 in a Baghdad business district, Iraqi's agree that life under Saddam was better than it is now, call for more fighting against US soldiers in Iraq by Iraqi's, US president sleeps and baseball season is in full swing ... all this and more on the next Oprah! So much is going on in the world as US resentment increases abroad, its everyday living or business as usual in the US. Also recently more troops had their tours of service extended by at least another 3 to 4 months after they spent 2 years plus in Iraq. I think the usual rotation was under 6 months. The times, they are sad.

For every human being in the world there is approximately one chicken.
"I know it's a good thing, raising the money and that, 'cause we need it. But, I can't take them calling me a hero. All I did was try not to get shot. Some of the things I saw done, things I did, they weren't things to be proud of, you know? Mike... Mike was a hero. You ever meet him?"- Adam Beach as Ira Hayes in "Flags of Our Fathers"
Dublin, CA. I love those American towns with famous European correlatives. I know we have a Paris, Texas and I think an Athens, TX as well. It cracks me up.
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