Weekly Update:
Other than traveling around, some in the rain, it has been a pretty slow but at the same time hectic week. The slowness of the days and giving about 50 presentations from Tuesday through Thursday was BORING. Driving home in the rain from SF was interesting, times I couldn't see more than 10 feet in front of me. Passing trucks was fun, couldn't see anything at all from the mist being kicked up from the trucks. Good times, good times.
At the movies:

Eddie Murphy and Eddie Murphy take the box office crown with Norbit earning a whopping 33.7 million at the box office. That is a great number considering all the Oscar-buzz films and time of year. A BIG surprise at #2 is MGM's Hannibal Rising with 13.4 mil at the box office. This is more of the typical number for this time of year but even more surprising is that MGM had a decent hit finally. Almost took them a full year since they re-opened! Holding in at #3 is "Because I Said So" with 9 mil more. In at #4 is "The Messengers with an extra 7.2 mil and on its way out. Holding strong at #5 is "Night at The Museum" with an extra 5.6 mil and a cume of over 232 mil now in its 8th week of release.
Comment Response:
I thought David H. was always cheese-factor. I am also not a huge sports fan but I do like going to certain games and I do keep track of the playoffs ... otherwise nada.
Other News:
One of the big news stories is the bizarre death of Anna Nicole Smith last Thursday while she was back in Florida for several different legal battles. Sad how a story like this over-shadowed a US Helicopter killing 7 soldiers was shot down in Iraq and several suicide bombings killing over 50 Iraqi civilans throughout Baghdad. How many deaths does it take to equal the death of Anna Nicole? Well, apparently more than 57.

February is Black History Month.
"My ancestors sent a little lizard to help me?"- Ming-Na as the voice of Mulan in "Mulan"
Anna Nicole: sad, crazy life and even crazier death. All that money and still no brains!
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