Monday- lunch meeting with a dinner meeting.

Tuesday- wow, JUST a lunch meeting!
Wednesday night- Fox lot holiday party, FIVE In-n-Out trucks!!
Thursday- Variety "Heart of Show Business" Award Luncheon and a Team Fox holiday dinner party
Friday- Morning meetings through lunch and then more meetings right after
Saturday- Early morning went to the Variety Boys & Girls Club to hand out holiday gifts to 1031 kids ... great time
Its been a really fun and full week, I'm tired.
Weekly Update:
I thought I would do a "Tony's 2006 Best of ..." of some various and even odd things. This may be beyond 2006 but thought it would be a good annual list. I might continue this list before the year is over but this is what I have so far:
*Best Pastrami "dip"- The Hat in Southern California: hands down the best pastrami sandwhich I ever had.
*Best Burrito- Gordo's Taqueria in San Francisco: Be hungry, these suckers are huge and oh so good!
*Best Quesadilla- Gordo's Taqueria in San Francisco: This beats their burrito and its just as big, I highly recommend the Carne Asada.
*Best Cupcakes- Sprinkles Cupcakes in Beverly Hills: Incredible however expensive but I will gladly take them as a gift.
*Best Napoleon pastry- Dianda's Italian American Pastry Co. in San Francisco: Getting them early is the best but they last for days in the fridge.
*Best BBQ Ribs- Blue's City Cafe in Memphis: Fall off the bone ribs, AWESOME!!!
*Best Lettuce Wraps- PF Chang's: This can be the main course for me!
*Best Customer Service- Lexus of Mission Viejo: Amazed for a car dealership.

Drama at the box office, seriously! Will Smith earns the box office crown this weekend with his heart-warming film The Pursuit of Happyness with 27 million. A little low for this time of year but enough to take the box office #1 spot. Right behind it is the new action adventure film Eragon with only 23.5 mil, enough for #2 and a so-so number. Will that number be enough for the film's sequel to be made? Time will tell ... In at #3 is the children's classic re-telling of Charlotte's Web with a VERY disappointing 12 mil. With the number of screens out there and the huge cast involved, this should have easily hit 30 but I guess something about it didn't take. Checking in at #4 is the dancing toons with another 8.5 mil for "Happy Feet" and a cume of 149 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Holiday" with another 8.2 mil for the weekend.
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Other news:

Sad news from last Tueday when legendary actor Peter Boyle passed away at the age of 71 from multiple myeloma and heart disease. He was best known for the crabby father in "Everybody Loves Raymond" but my favorite was playing the monster in Young Frankenstein with the song and dance routine. Hollywood has lost a great one and he will be missed.

Elephants are capable of swimming 20 miles a day
"This is the earth. And this is Pinky. You can tell the difference quite easily. One is a lump of inert matter hurtling blindly through the void. The other... is the earth."- Maurice LaMarche as The Brain from the TV Series "Pinky and the Brain"
I need to make a special trip to LA just for your best of food list. Yum!
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