Weekly Update:
This is interesting, last Wednesday night I went to the JTN Vision Award and got to meet some cool people:
Rita Rudner- Very funny lady and MC of the night.
Mandy Patinkin- Awesome guy and also a nice signing voice!
Boyz II Men- well only 3 of the 4 members and they sounded great as they sung 3 songs that evening.
Thursday was another interesting night, I ended up going to two different parties but didn't plan on it. Fox Publicity had their holiday party, dead and boring. Good to see the peeps but it was "not happening" there. Then went to the Searchlight party and wow, that was awesome!! Great food, company and dancing (not that I did any but it as fun to see it going on). I'm pooped!
At the movies:

Mel Gibson takes the box office lead with this newest film Apocalypto with a winter season low of 14.2 mil. The number itself is ok but consider the season its in, it should have been higher but still taking #1. At #2 is the "chick flick" The Holiday with only 13.5 mil. Word-of-mouth is good on the film so hopefully it will carry it longer. Holding good ground at #3 is "Happy Feet" with an additional 12.7 mil and a cume of over 137 mil. Also holding right behind it since they both opened is "Casino Royale" with another 8.8 mil, a bigger drop than the penguins but now a total cume of over 128 mil. New at #5 is the drama Blood Diamond with only 8.5 mil.
New movies that did not make the top 5 is Unaccompanied Minors with only 6.2 mil but enough to take #6.
Comment Response:
The life span of that fly is till it gets zapped, swated or gas'd!
Other News:

"To the mooon Alice!" Nasa announced plans to making additional trips to the moon in hopes of establishing an international base. That is very cool and I am sure the first thought on everyone's mind is "how much?" Well the cost is "WHO CARES!" because we need to start exploring as the world gets smaller. We could start much later than not but why? If you have the means to develop and improve, then get started. If man didn't land on the moon in the 1960's and waited till now, we would now be over 40 years behind and I'm sure that would cause ripple type effects on the advancement delays. I say aim high to the stars, we are in space, the moon next!

About 18% of animal owners share their beds with their pets.
"I don't know what beef is between you, but you'd better grill it up and eat it, because it is my ass that is on the line."- Orlando Jones as Dr. Lee in "Drumline"
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