The heat is ON!

Someone turned up the heat again! After that very weak hurricane we received, became just a very weak storm for us, it was getting progressively hotter and hotter each day after. The day before and the day of the storm hitting the temps dropped and were normal like in the 70's again and it was so nice. But then, Tuesday high 70's, Wed/Thur 80's, Fri 90 and then Sat/Sun about 93 to 95! Dang, we need more hurricanes or more often if that is going to be the case! But hurricane Hilary wasn't a hurricane at all when it reached us which I figured it wouldn't be. With our colder water here plus our hill and mountain topography, as soon as it hit land it would quickly die out or down hence why we got some rain but no where near as much as they predicted, unfortunately. When I drove out the next day I passed over some of our reservoirs and they were nearly empty, I could see the dirt and vegetation still with no flowing water. We needed those heavy rains that never happened.
Weekly Update:
The roads are busy again and I do not want to go out there. Traffic has returned and feels a bit early, usually it starts up the week after Labor Day Weekend but I guess everything returns early now with schools and end of Summer vacation over. But the roads and freeways out there were crazy and gas prices aren't that low again but are lower then they were a few months ago. I still argue for $10 a gallon gas if that means less people willing to drive and take public transportation! I'm happy to pay that gas price but I guess I don't drive that often any more unless I have to but when I have to, it would be great to have almost no traffic and get there quickly because that in itself is saving gas. That stop-and-go traffic burns up more fuel then if I was driving 70 MPH not to mention the savings on my time and energy! But oh well, with prices going back down ore recovering, don't see that happening any time soon.
At the movies:
Racing to #1 this weekend is Gran Turismo: Based on a True Story for a modest 17.3 million which isn't too bad for a back-to-school time frame. Unfortunately this film won't go the distance but at least it got #1 for what will probably be the only time. Holding at #2 is Barbie with another 17.1 mil as it's inches away from 600 mil cume, should get there in another day. Drop down to #3 is Blue Beetle with 12.8 mil and pretty much to be expected as it quickly fades away. Down to #4 is Oppenheimer with 9 mil as it is now at the 300 mil mark. Still solid numbers for the limited number of shows it can have in a day. Rounding up the top 5 is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem with 6.1 mil extra and this one will likely be out of the top 5 after this week, it will have at least crossed the 100 mil mark sometime this week for domestic box office.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
A couple this week. At #8 is Retribution with 3.3 mil to open and on a semi-wide release of almost 1800 screens. This one will be a quick burn out. Up next at #9 is The Hill with 2.5 mil with 1500 screens, also another quick burn out.
Quote of the week:
"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best." - Oscar Wilde
Facts & Tips:
You cannot taste food until mixed with saliva.
"Mopery is exposing yourself to a blind person. I am sorry about your window, fellas, but that's out of our jurisdiction. This sounds more like a fraternity prank. But there's only one organization that can handle such matters." - F. William Parker as Sergeant in Revenge of the Nerds.

Hurricane Edition
According to the news the last time Southern California was hit with a hurricane was around 87 years ago but was it really a hurricane and just not another storm? The one that came over the weekend was a hurricane but when it hits land it reduces in strength drastically so we will just have a storm or what they call a "tropical storm," I'm not sure what the difference is because to me a storm is just a storm. Both have wind and rain with clouds so... why call it differently? But this one is named Hilary and they said we should get a lot of rain equal to a whole year... which isn't a lot to be fair. Some flooding maybe but I think it will just be a nice way to clean our streets and air for a few days. Maybe windy so I'll move anything loose in the backyard into the garage. But above all, we need that rain!
Weekly Update:
I am not sure if I wrote about this before but Costco again. So, since Costco switched from American Express to Visa, I stopped showing my card or membership when I enter. No one asks me for it but I see people ALL the time show their card. Why? You have to show your a member if you want to buy something so why show it at the entrance to begin with? Sure if they ask me for it I'll show it but I don't see why you need to show it yet people do instinctively and I see the worker just node their head and click their clicker. But also when people take the time to look for their card to show, they block a good part of the entrance with their body and cart. So keep the flow going!
At the movies:
A new #1 this weekend as Blue Beetle earns top honors with a modest 25.4 million to open. Not a great number for the superhero genre and may lead to a very quick burn out. Slight drop to #2 is Barbie with 21.5 mil extra and now past 550 mil cume for domestic, still on a solid track for 600 mil. Holding at #3 is Oppenheimer with 10.9 mil more as it's very close to 300 mil cume and should get there with no problems. Dip down to #4 is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem with 8.4 mil and should get to 100 mil total but will struggle a bit. Rounding off the top 5 (and new) is Strays with 8.3 mil and I have to say the ad campaign for it felt pretty weak.
Quote of the week:
"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck." - Emma Goldman
Facts & Tips:
There is a pink lake in Australia named Lake Hillier.
"Mastodon!" - Walter Jones as Zack Taylor, aka The Black Ranger in the TV series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
You can enter but never leave

I finally saw Roger's the Musical at Disney's California Adventure that wasn't a test show. Still a great show and would definitely see it again. The two major changes though I noticed from when I saw the previews to now... first one was they did away with the streamers exploding out into the audience during one segment. However they could have ended that later on as I'm sure it's cost saving method. Then the other big difference is there is a couple of scenes where they were projecting images of time on the background. Previews they were so hard to see and couldn't even tell you what they were but they looked like the shape of people. Now, you could see very clearly who they were supposed to see. So very glad they fixed that up and made it much more clearer! Go see it before it's gone!
Weekly Update:
There is this smaller neighborhood by me that I drive by almost every day and one thing I noticed about it that I find odd. So it has a small gate that is just the arm that goes up and down but the odd part, it's only for when you exit the neighborhood... if you want to enter just drive on in! Usually you may see an arm or barricade to stop you from coming in and then you can leave whenever with those spikes on the ground so you can't back up or go in that way but nope, this one only has the one arm for leaving but nothing for entering... is this just odd or is it just me?? This is like the song Hotel California of neighborhoods, you can always check in but you can never check out (or basically just leave).
At the movies:
She keeps rolling and rolling deep! Holding on to #1 for a 4th week in a row is Barbie with 33.7 million more and now well into 500 mil domestic cume! Definitely on track to hit 600 but will take some time. Back up to #2 is Oppenheimer with 18.8 mil and in range for 300 mil which is a very good number. Up a notch to #3 is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem with 15.8 mil extra and really close to 100 mil. Could hit that in the next 2 weeks. Drop down to #4 is Meg 2: The Trench with 12.7 mil more and steadily dropping. New and rounding off the top 5 is The Last Voyage of the Demeter with 6.5 mil and possibly the last time we see it!
Quote of the week:
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."- Robert Louis Stevenson
Facts & Tips:
Antarctica is home to the largest desert in the world.
"Well, I'm a regular visitor here, but Milwaukee has certainly had its share of visitors. The French missionaries and explorers were coming here as early as the late 1600s to trade with the Native Americans." - Alice Cooper as himself in Wayne's World.
Humidity, it was here and it went

It is really amazing how humidity can really affect the weather. The humidity finally broke this week and even though it was still in the 90's... it felt like in the 80's! It is interesting how it not only adds 10+ more degrees to the existing temps but feel even cooler? Yeah this is why I don't like humidity one bit and it doesn't matter time of day or in the shade or not, it still sticks to you! But I'm glad we are back to our dry, yet cooler heat if that sounds odd but it's true. Now if the rest of the Summer can just maintain this level till we get to Fall season and into Winter, I will be very happy (and also comfortable!). I'm sure we are still due for some temps just over 100, but again, no humidity and I will be just fine. I can run my regular fans instead of the AC!
Weekly Update:
So not sure if I shared this trick or not and it wasn't my idea but a friend. You know when you go to a store like Costco and they have 3rd party vendors who are trying to sell you something or sign up for something? Hey do you want to remodel your kitchen? Want to redo your backyard? Have you thought about solar? They are pretty annoying and paying a membership to those places, one would hope your shopping would be hassle free but nope. But a great trick someone shared with me is tell them two simple words and they leave you alone... "I rent." It has worked since my friend told me that and if I have to walk by them again, they don't bother me! It's great!
At the movies:
We are still in her world as Barbie holds on to #1 with a commanding lead! Earning another 53 million, this film is very close to 500 mil domestic and will get there in no problem and in no time! New At #2 is Meg 2: The Trench with 30 mil for it's debut. Solid opening but not a whole lot of buzz on this film compared to it's predecessor. Slight drop to #3 is Oppenheimer with 28.7 mil and now over 200 mil cume and continues to grow. Won't reach Barbie numbers but considering the limited number of shows, great number. New at #4 is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem with 28 mil for the weekend but did a 5-day total of 43.1 mil. Overall good number and unsure how this film will carry at the moment. Rounding off the top 5 is Haunted Mansion with 8.9 mil extra and this film won't hit any milestones.
Quote of the week:
"Ideologies separate us. Dreams and anguish bring us together." - Eugene Ionesco
Facts & Tips:
The ostrich produces a booming noise, often confused with a lion roar.
"Well I hate to break it to you, but your forty-eight minutes are up." - Morena Baccarin as Vanessa Carlysle in Deadpool.