Monday, August 28, 2023

The heat is ON!

Someone turned up the heat again!  After that very weak hurricane we received, became just a very weak storm for us, it was getting progressively hotter and hotter each day after.  The day before and the day of the storm hitting the temps dropped and were normal like in the 70's again and it was so nice.  But then, Tuesday high 70's, Wed/Thur 80's, Fri 90 and then Sat/Sun about 93 to 95!  Dang, we need more hurricanes or more often if that is going to be the case!  But hurricane Hilary wasn't a hurricane at all when it reached us which I figured it wouldn't be.  With our colder water here plus our hill and mountain topography, as soon as it hit land it would quickly die out or down hence why we got some rain but no where near as much as they predicted, unfortunately.  When I drove out the next day I passed over some of our reservoirs and they were nearly empty, I could see the dirt and vegetation still with no flowing water.  We needed those heavy rains that never happened.

Weekly Update:

The roads are busy again and I do not want to go out there.  Traffic has returned and feels a bit early, usually it starts up the week after Labor Day Weekend but I guess everything returns early now with schools and end of Summer vacation over.  But the roads and freeways out there were crazy and gas prices aren't that low again but are lower then they were a few months ago.  I still argue for $10 a gallon gas if that means less people willing to drive and take public transportation!  I'm happy to pay that gas price but I guess I don't drive that often any more unless I have to but when I have to, it would be great to have almost no traffic and get there quickly because that in itself is saving gas.  That stop-and-go traffic burns up more fuel then if I was driving 70 MPH not to mention the savings on my time and energy!  But oh well, with prices going back down ore recovering, don't see that happening any time soon.

At the movies:

Racing to #1 this weekend is Gran Turismo: Based on a True Story for a modest 17.3 million which isn't too bad for a back-to-school time frame.  Unfortunately this film won't go the distance but at least it got #1 for what will probably be the only time.  Holding at #2 is Barbie with another 17.1 mil as it's inches away from 600 mil cume, should get there in another day.  Drop down to #3 is Blue Beetle with 12.8 mil and pretty much to be expected as it quickly fades away.  Down to #4 is Oppenheimer with 9 mil as it is now at the 300 mil mark.  Still solid numbers for the limited number of shows it can have in a day.  Rounding up the top 5 is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem with 6.1 mil extra and this one will likely be out of the top 5 after this week, it will have at least crossed the 100 mil mark sometime this week for domestic box office.

New movies that did not make the top 5:

A couple this week.  At #8 is Retribution with 3.3 mil to open and on a semi-wide release of almost 1800 screens.  This one will be a quick burn out.  Up next at #9 is The Hill with 2.5 mil with 1500 screens, also another quick burn out.

Quote of the week:

"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best." - Oscar Wilde

Facts & Tips:

You cannot taste food until mixed with saliva.

"Mopery is exposing yourself to a blind person.  I am sorry about your window, fellas, but that's out of our jurisdiction.  This sounds more like a fraternity prank.  But there's only one organization that can handle such matters." - F. William Parker as Sergeant in Revenge of the Nerds.


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