Firebuds Let's Roll...

This was an odd week in weather to say the least. It did go from extreme warm (not hot) to very cold with a touch of rain. It was like we had 3 seasons in one week or something! So the beginning there was a touch of rain but only came at late in the evening. Then a day or two later, the day got warm, maybe mid-80's but no breeze and we know what that makes it feel like here. Then at night it would drop to the 60's, later in the week maybe 50's. So we really did get a full gambit of weather this week, what was missing was maybe a bit more rain and heat to give us all the extremes. Just glad we didn't get the heat at least and I hope it is gone for the rest of this year too! But with how weather has been last year and most of this year... I don't know what a season is anymore!!
Weekly Update:
Overall a very busy week but ended on a small note of fun. Visited the Disney Studio Lot for a special event for Disney Jr's Firebuds which including seeing 2 episodes. They had the whole primary cast there along with a nice breakfast reception (I ate way too much) along with the screening itself and then trick-or-treating around the lot. I didn't do that but they did give us a nice t-shirt and a first aid kit which will come in handy and it is fully packed! But I did grab a couple of mini-candies and they gave me about 3 lunch size packets of Pirate Booty (??) puffed corn snacks. I am not sure if this is a popcorn product or like a cheeto-like puff snack. But the weather was good and the small red carpet was professionally organized which is what I appreciate. Been to many of events this year where the carpet is short of a disaster!
At the movies:
Holding on to the #1 spot for a 2nd week is Black Adam with another 27.7 million more and now a 10-day cume of 111.1 mil. Fairly average drop but on the current path, will not reach 200 mil when it is said and done. Also holding onto #2 is Ticket to Paradise with 10 mil extra with a fairly small drop from week 1 to 2. New at #3 is Prey for the Devil with 7 mil and not a bad number but also not great considering the competition that is heating up. Dropping down a peg to #4 is Smile with 5.1 mil as it gets closer and closer to the 100 mil mark and should get it.. Rounding off the top 5 is Halloween Ends with 3.8 mil and now a cume of just over 50 (60.3 to be exact) and week-by-week it drops fairly steep.
Quote of the week:
"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart." - Anne Frank
Facts & Tips:
A human being could swim through the blood vessels of a blue whale.
"Junior!" - Marcus T. Paulk as Boo in Roll Bounce.
Another heat wave??

I am not sure what happened this past week but it heated up! Now it was in the 100's like last month but several days did hit 90+ with zero breeze so that 90 felt like 95 or more. So I know with humidity it feels like 10 degrees hotter than what it really is but for us, even though humidity is rare, when there is no breeze it feels slightly hotter. But that is when you are inside in a potential oven because it doesn't circulate, it just sits there and gets warmer... what a greenhouse does. So we need breezes (cool ones) to circulate that hot air and make it cooler! But if you are outside and it's 90, it will feel close to 90 even in the sun because you aren't in an enclosed space, at least outside the air is just around even if no breeze, not as hot. So where are my dang breezes!!? I just hope this Summer will officially end and we get back down to normal temps, high 70's during the day and low 60's, into the 50's at night.
Weekly Update:
I have to say, America's Tire company is amazing. So, I had a flat tire all last weekend and because I have run flats, it was ok and I wasn't driving any place far and just local errands. I made an appointment at America's Tire and I have been there before. They immediately found the problem, a screw or nail was in my tire, great. So I asked can it be patched and they said they would take care of it and be about 45 minutes. I went across the street to Starbucks and then came back almost 45 minutes on the dot. As I was walking in, one of the service guys was walking out and shouted my name! I was, "right here!" and my car was ready. They pulled it up to me and I said, "Oh I haven't paid yet?" and he said no charge! I was surprised, they worked on my car; fixed the patch, rotated the tires and checked the other 3 at no charge?! I am definitely coming back when I need new tires plus dealing with the dealership will always be more.
At the movies:
Taking the box office crown this week is Black Adam for it's debut. A hefty 67 million to open but not a strong number compared to other super hero films of this magnitude. No major word-of-mouth being bad or great so the 2nd weekend will be very telling for this film. Currently Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is on track to make over 125 mil for it's debut with pre-sales if that is any comparison. At a distant #2 and also new is Ticket to Paradise with 16.3 million and probably won't last too long there. Slight drop to #3 is Smile with 8.4 mil as it gets closer to 100 mil domestic and it should get there eventually. BIG drop to #4 is Halloween Ends with 8 mil more which is a massive 80% drop! This film is truly ending. Hanging on to #5 is Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile with 4.2 mil more and another one that will drop off soon.
Quote of the week:
"There is nothing permanent except change." - Heraclitus
Facts & Tips:
Birds can sleep with one eye open.
"I am not a toy, I was made for soups, salads, maybe chili, and then the trash. Freedom!" - Tony Hale as the voice of Forky in Toy Story 4.

Wow in an interesting twist of weather, we got some rain late in the week! The temperatures were up in the 90's at the start and the toward the end of the week, dropped down to 60 degrees and got some rain and thunder! It actually feels like Winter for SoCali but the forecast for next week shows some 90 degree temps again. I hope that changes a bit and drops to cooler weather but this rain is sure needed! All the lawns in my neighborhood got replaced or cut down to nothing, re-seeded and boom, rain! They also did my backyard even though I have a very small lawn, boom, rain. I wonder if that is the trick then? Re-seed the lawn, it summons the rain to come water it! I mean if that is all it takes, bring me more lawn seeds please!!!
Weekly Update:
I am so tired... I am just drained. I keep wanting to sleep but can't, like a big tease. I take short 10 minute naps and then I can't sleep anymore sometimes. My week was pretty busy with work and appointments after work. A lot of driving around too and it appears the same for next week too and some for the following week. So that might explain why I am so tired but I also can't sleep at night. I think my brain just won't turn off and when it does or wants to, it's in the middle of the day while I am working! I think I need a vacation or even staycation but I can't be in my house or otherwise I will work on something. But, I also hate going on vacations now so it's a very catch-22 situation. Oh well, I guess I will be forever tired!
At the movies:
An end of an era or just a ploy for a bigger box office? New at #1 is Halloween Ends earning a hefty 41.3 million for its debut. Solid word-of-mouth and on track to potentially reach 100 mil. Drop down to #2 is Smile with 12.4 mil as it gets closer to 100 but it may fall short in the end. Also dropping down to #3 is Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile with 7.4 mil and will continue the downward spiral but in the fast lane. Holding at #4 is The Woman King with 3.7 mil and will quickly end it's reign soon. Rounding off the top 5 and dropping down a big chunk is Amsterdam with 2.9 mil and will be out of sight very soon.
Quote of the week:
"I know not age, nor weariness nor defeat." - Rose Kennedy
Facts & Tips:
Kangaroos cannot jump without their tails touching the ground.
"Mirror, mirror from the mall, who's the awesomest of them all? If you say Jessie, I'll brain you!" - Tiffani Thiessen as Kelly Kapowski in the TV series Saved By The Bell.
Bills, bills, bills

I got my credit statement for last month and woah was it a BIG one. The biggest I've ever had but so many things hit at once including having to get a new refrigerator, catering bill for my mom's services, fees associated with all of that as well, some costs with her medical the month prior, and on top of that all my normal monthly things. I hope I never see a month like that again! Fortunately I was able to cover it all but dang, what a hit that will AND the past month my electric bill was the highest I have ever had also! September was just a really crappy month I guess and one of the hottest we have had all Summer which is kind of odd as it's usually coming out of Summer. But instead it was basically Summer extended... thanks global warming! I just hope October gets cooler and better with no surprise costs... please!
Weekly Update:
What happened this week... lots of stuff and more appointments with more to come! Why is my life one big appointment after another, why?? A lot of bank appointments, finance ones (not associated with a bank), lawyers, life insurance companies... but everyone has been very helpful which is nice. But I do have a lot of paperwork to fill out and figure where to allocate funds to and split here and there. So much for one person to do but guess taking care of it one at a time. Hopefully there is a light at the end of this long tunnel and life can get back to normal... can 2022 just be over with please? I do really hate 2022... it has been the worst year for me to-date...
At the movies:
Big smiles at #1 for a 2nd week, Smile earns another 17.6 million and now just shy of 50 mil. Good hold-over and could potentially see 100 mil for it's entire run. New at #2 is Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile with 11.5 mil and likely a quick burn on this one. Also new at #3 is Amsterdam earning 6.5 mil, award season is upon us! Small drop to #4 is The Woman King with 5.3 mil and her reign is coming to an end. Rounding off the top 5 is Don't Worry Darling with an extra 3.5 mil and also coming to its end at the top 5.
Quote of the week:
"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Facts & Tips:
Heavy raindrops are shaped like hamburger buns.
"It sounds awesome, Is that just an Indian thing, or can I get a piece of that?" - Brian Posehn as Bert Kibbler in the TV series The Big Bang Theory
Weather all over the place

Florida got hit with hurricane Ian last week and it mostly did damage in Tampa and surrounding areas and flooded the rest of central Florida. Did not seem as bad as previous ones that I am aware of but still scary as it went into Florida as a category 4 (out of 5) and then as it made its way inland it went to a Cat 1 fast. Once it reached the other side of the state it gained strength again and headed North. Hurricanes are crazy things and I will never understand them. Meanwhile in SoCali it remained consistent in the low 80's with breezes! That is what we needed are the breezes! Without them it feels so much hotter than it should be! So hopefully that means the end of our Summer as we go into Fall (we don't follow the traditional season and time frames here anymore). In fact it wasn't Summer but Fire Season and no we are heading into Summer and then Rain Season. Just hope we get rain this coming year and into next as we can sure use it!
Weekly Update:
Funny how things pile up and you get further and further behind. Just when you find yourself with time to catch-up, OTHER projects or new tasks show up that are either more important or get pushed back behind the things you need to do and then you never get to them. I guess maybe this is where the expression is there is never enough time in the day... there truly isn't. And because during the week you may be so busy, that when you lay your head down for minute to relax, you end up taking a 2-hour nap and not realize it. How does so much time slip away like that. I guess I understand what it is to wish more of me, more time to do stuff or just finding away to work more efficiently but... I feel I am as efficient as I can be.
At the movies:
As we move into October, a new #1 takes the crown as Smile earns a decent 22 million for its debut. With the slate coming this month, hard to say if it will last in the top 5. Drop down to #2 is Don't Worry Darling with an extra 7.3 mil as it slowly drops down. Also dropping down to the #3 spot is The Woman King with 7 mil and though it's doing an average box office, it could still get some award buzz later. New at #4 is Bros with 4.8 mil and I guess not all the bros came out to see it. Rounding off the top 5 and still making money is Avatar with 4.7 mil as it comes close to 20 mil total. That is 20 mil extra from a movie that came out 13-years ago.
New movies did not make the top 5:
Just one this week at #6 is Ponniyin Selvan: Part 1, it was only on about 500 screens and made 4.1 mil so the per screen was only 8200 and this will drop out in no time.
Quote of the week:
"Just because something doesn't do what yo planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless." - Thomas A. Edison
Facts & Tips:
The water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
"Thanks for the f-shack, love Dirty Mike and the boys." - Rob Huebel as Officer Watts in The Other Guys.