Memorial Day

Mist and coolness, a nice Memorial Day weekend!
This week remained very cool and nice! I love cool to cold so to me it was nice and hope it continues this way but we had mist to light rain a couple of times! This weather is great because it does save me a lot of money! The coolness means no AC, the moisture or rain means no sprinklers and I also find I use less things like doing laundry which means less water and energy. And I my gas bill doesn't go up too much as I just bundle up or close windows to capture whatever heat I can. So yes, colder weather is more economical than hot! When it's hot the AC goes on (working on the 2nd floor of my home) and you use a LOT more water for your grass and garden to stay alive and green!
Weekly Update:
The past week has been very blah and bleh for me. Just out of it for some reason and felt more tired than usual. Not sure why but maybe just working too much and little sleep (as usual). But Sunday I did something that was out of the ordinary and cost a bit... bought an RC car! However, I didn't buy it to race or run around the street. I need it for the chassis of my MSE (Mouse) Droid I am trying to put together. Definitely the most expensive part of my first droid build but also the main part of it since it's the chassis, wheel-base, motor, and basically the heart of the droid! This particular model was recommended as it had the correct wheelbase needed for the MSE droid. It was on sale so why not, almost saved $50 (before tax) and why not take advantage of that. Hopefully more to come on the build but likely later than sooner.
At the movies:
A new #1 hits the box office! Top Gun: Maverick flies high with a soaring 124 million! Word-of-mouth is very strong and this film should hit 200 mil in no time. Naturally dropping down to #2 is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with 16.4 mil as it still makes it's way to 400 mil and still on track to eventually get there. New at #3 is The Bob's Burgers Movie with 12.6 mil for it's debut and not a lot on this one. Could taper off quickly. Drop down to 4 is Downtown Abbey: A New Era with 5.9 mil more. Also dropping down to #5 and rounding things up is The Bad Guys with another 4.6 mil and getting close to 100 mil but in the end, may not make the mark.
Quote of the week:
"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." - Henry Ward Beecher
Facts & Tips:
In Switzerland, it is illegal to own only one guinea pig because they are prone to loneliness.
"I haven't got long left... let me do this." Andre Royo as Rob in "Aftermath."
Everything GOLD

Talk about some nice weather this week! It was cool but not cold. Chill but not chilly and some very cool breezes... it was almost perfect! Had some mist a night or two but it never went above 80 degrees, in fact not sure if it went past 75! The nights were cold but didn't feel freezing as no breezes really blew through. We need more weeks like this because it kind of saves money. You require less electricity for things like AC or fans. Less water for greenery and if you need to be warm, gas is cheaper plus you can just put on thicker clothes or another layer. More of this please!
Weekly Update:
On Saturday I had to attend an event in Los Angeles that was WAY crowded but kind of fun at the same time. It was the Gold House Gala and something fancy. Lot of influencers, talent, film and TV makers all dressed to the 9's! The weather was great too, not hot or cold so everything really worked out. The venue was really nice but didn't get to stay for the event itself as the person I was looking after had to leave and catch a flight to Thailand out of LAX. But they were wearing some fancy outfits from Dolce and Gabbana that was well over $2,000 and not something I would ever wear. I don't think I would want to for an event even but I had to wear a suit myself which wasn't the most comfortable. But, nice having events coming back but still felt a bit uncomfortable with the amount of people jammed in there.
At the movies:
Still spinning at #1 is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with 31.6 mil more and now almost mid-way into 300 mil cume. This pace it should hit 400 but probably not for weeks to come. New at #1 is Downtown Abbey: A New Era with 16 mil to open, solid number coming from a series to film. Drop down to #3 is The Bad Guys with 6.1 mil extra and will fall short of 100 mil total. Also dipping down to #4 is Sonic the Hedgehog 2 with 3.9 mil and very close to potentially hitting 200 mil! Rounding off the top 5 is Men with 3.3 mil and not too much on this new title.
Quote of the week:
"Challenging the meaning of life is the truest expression of the state of being human." - Victor E. Frankl
Facts & Tips:
When grazing or resting, cows tend to align their bodies with the magnetic north and south poles.
"No, my name is John Carter. I'm from Virginia." - Taylor Kitsch as John Carter in John Carter
Hot and hot! This weather is being funky again as we hit temps in the very high 90's then they nearly drop 20 degrees the next day. Telling you this is earthquake weather but I don't get why it shifts SO much! No gradual change, it is like someone is flipping a light switch up and down some place and it affects the weather here. But at least all the evenings have been nice and cool. Some days with a nice breeze and other nights none which then makes it feel a lot warmer than it actually is. This past Winter was very dry, hardly any rain and thought it was very cool to cold, with no water it means this Summer will be extremely dry (probably) because we didn't have a balanced Winter. We need to fix this!

Weekly Update:
When cooking fish, cook it right away. Saturday I was so sick, pretty sure it was food poisoning but it was my own fault. I rarely cook seafood and usually when I do it's pre-made stuff like fish sticks or something fish filets that you just microwave or put in the oven. So, a couple of months ago I decided to get some fresh catfish because it was massively on sale and froze it as soon as I got home. Then a few days ago I put in the fridge to defrost and maybe left it in there 4 days? I guess that is not a good idea and I only ate 2 pieces and then 30 minutes later I was dying. I was sweating so much and couldn't move, I am just glad it was my day off and I did all my errands in the morning. I was quite proud of the batter I made, first time and everything tasted great. The fish smelled fine so I thought it would be safe to eat... learned my lesson and if I ever see fish on sale again I am cooking it same day.
At the movies:
Holding strong at the #1 spot is "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" earning another 61 mill and now inches away from the 300 mil mark. Likely will hit that in just another 2 or 3 days. Holding ground at #2 is "The Bad Guys" with 6.9 mill and continues to try and reach 100 mil but may fall short. Also holding at #3 "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" with 4.6 and quickly slowing down. New at #4 is Firestarter with 3.8 mil and just a flicker of a light. Rounding off the top 5 is "Everything Everywhere All at Once" with 3.3 mil and may be coming to an end.
Top movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Family Camp comes in at #9 with 1.4 mil and this will be breaking camp soon.
Quote of the week:
"Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy." - Saadi
Facts & Tips:
It is illegal to play annoying games in the street in the UK.
"Does it shock you that 80 percent of my encounters with women have been without their knowledge?" - Scott Krinsky as Jeff Barnes in the TV series "Chuck."
Guessing game.

It's hot and it's cold...
This week's weather makes no sense whatsoever. So it didn't get super hot but it did touch on 90 degrees once or twice but then the days where it wasn't hot, big drop down to about 70... a 20-degree difference and in most cases just from one day to the next. These types of weather patterns always worry me because when we go from hot to cold or vice versa, we tend to get earthquakes here and there. And this coming week is supposed to be on the cold size which is great and looking forward to it! But, where is the rain, lot of clouds and the cool to cold weather is ideal, but where is the moisture! The water, we needs the water!
Weekly Update:
Last week I applied to be a clue creator for Disney's Minnie's Moonlight Madness event. In the past few years I was always a volunteer but they had applications to apply and thought I am a fairly creative person. I submitted my application with samples and was selected the very next day! I've already had my first meeting and can't wait to start working on these clues and getting them tested! Not sure of when it will take place yet and how it will exactly work as things may change since the closure. But it should still be a lot of fun and it does raise a lot of money for a great cause. I am not sure who will be the benefactor yet of this event yet but it's always something good (one year it was the Boys and Girls Club of Anaheim).
At the movies:
Something strange in the water this weekend with a new #1 at the box office! With a hefty 185 million to open, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness takes the crown and good word-of-mouth on the film. Should get to 200 in probably a day and start making it's way to 300 quickly. Drop down to #2 is "The Bad Guys" with 9.7 mil extra and just over 50 mil cume. Also sliding down to #3 is "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" with 6.2 mil as it slowly tries to reach 200 mil. Falling to #4 is "Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore" with 4 mil and continues to struggle to 100 mil. Rounding off the top 5 and still hanging on is "Everything Everywhere All at Once" with 3.3 mil.
Quote of the week:
"Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children." - William Makepeace Thackeray
Facts & Tips:
The aphid insect is born pregnant.
"I don't hang out with him! I work with him and that's it! I tried to introduce him to a few nice peope, he made a fool of himself. I don't mess with him, baby. That's not me." - Romany Malco as Jay in "The 40-Year-Old Virgin."
For the birds (not the Pixar short)

So last year there was this crazy bird that kept running into my living room top window and I think it's back again. I can't see it but I can hear it hit the glass repeatedly and I am not sure if it's because it thinks there is another bird, it wants to come inside or it's trying to land on the little ledge of the window and completely sucks at landing? I wonder if it went away for the winter and now it's back since its Spring time perhaps? But why would you keep hitting it week-after-week, month-after-month and not come to the conclusion, maybe you should find a different spot to hang out! I guess there is something to saying "bird brain" meaning their brains are so small they can't comprehend but then wouldn't one assume the brain is relative to the size of the creature? If a bird is super smart, their brain wouldn't be their entire body size and some kind of super-villain looking creature. (stock image, not of actual bird... but it is a gorgeous looking bird!)
Weekly Update:
Building things is hard... so I am trying to put together an Mouse Droid, or MSE-6 series repair droid that was first seen in the movie "Star Wars: A New Hope." This little guy is cute and was hoping be an easy build but getting the needed parts has been a challenge. I have the shell and the tires, and a controller but there is so much more needed. The bits on the outside, the frame inside, gears, motors, and other odds and ends. Hopefully the end goal is to have this little sucker so I can race it around and just have fun with it. Maybe I can graduate to a bigger droid in the future but just doing this one is already taken up enough time and effort! We'll have to wait and see.
At the movies:
Holding ground at #1, "The Bad Guys" with an extra 16.1 mill as it closes in at the 50 mil mark and should get there in a few days. Also holding at #2 is "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" earning another 11.4 mil as it continues to make way to 200 mil cume, could eventually get there but after a long crawl. At #3 is "Fantastic Beast: The Secrets of Dumbledore" catching another 8.3 mil but still short of 100 mil. Looks like it will get there but will be awhile. Holding at #4 is "The Northman" with 6.3 mil extra and didn't suffer a big drop. Bumping up to #5 is "Everything Everywhere All at Once" with 5.5 mil and should be wrapping up soon.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week, coming in at #8 is Memory earning only 3.1 mil with a substantial wide release. This one will disappear quickly.
Quote of the week:
"People change and forget to tell each other." - Lillian Hellman
Facts & Tips:
The state of Alabama once financed the construction of a bridge by holding a rooster auction.
"Change? No I'm sorry, I don't." - Connie Sawyer as Elderly Lady in "Dumb and Dumber."