Just one day for Earth

Rain... where are you? You only visited for an hour or two in the wee hours of the night and then left us. We had a night of rain, barely enough to cover the ground and it went away. I thought there was this thing called "April Showers"?!? It's a lie!!! No May flowers for us, more like May dried up grass and continued draught. More proof of global warming and if you think that means it's always warm, you are so dumb. I once heard a man say it was nice and warm outside so this global warming thing is nice. If you are that dumb you are 100% part of this problem and the spaceship we call Earth is not only dying but is on borrowed time. You can live in the now but then you are just as selfish as the ones who do not listen. Earth Day was this month but shouldn't Earth Day be every day we live on this planet?
Weekly Update:
This week was full of errands and I learned something about my garbage pick-up, I can schedule for large item pick-up and electronics but it won't occur for about 2 weeks. But the nice thing is I only have set it up once and can leave up to 20 large items and 10 electronics so I don't really need to specify how many or call each time I want to add as long as I am under those numbers. So that is a pretty nice service and as far as I know, it doesn't cost anything extra! For California we can't dispose of anything with a plug in the regular trash and it has to be recycled through a special location or event... or you can just schedule it. I like that!
At the movies:
New at #1 is The Bad Guys with 24 million to open. Overall not a bad number considering all the Spring Break/time-off from schools is over already. Holding ground at #2 is "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" with 15.2 mil extra as it continues to speed along. Drop down to #3 is "Fantastic Beast: The Secrets of Dumbledore" earning another 14 mil as it continues to struggle and will fall short of 100 mil cume (more than likely). New at #4 is The Northman with 12 mil and may start to head south after this weekend. Rounding off the top 5 (and new) is The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent with 7.2 mil. Had a massive ad campaign for this film yet it didn't seem to pay off.
Quote of the week:
"Try to be like the turtle - at ease in your own shell." - Bill Copeland
Facts & Tips:
Jellyfish can clone themselves.
"I can't just do whatever I want. There are rules." - Kathryn McCormick as Emily in "Step Up Revolution."

Easter Edition
I'm not really an Easter person but any holiday that has a food gathering, I'm in. Not that I had an Easter meal to go to but growing up I remember there being one with friends and family. Mostly Chinese pot luck style when everyone brings some kind of dish and all laid out on the counter tops as you get what you want, buffet-family style. But for me it was really about the food (even though 90% of it was Chinese food and majority of that vegetables!). But not being a religious person that much, the food brings me in!
Weekly Update:
I know I've mentioned this before but how people in parking lots or in the street how they block the way or don't know how to drive and they take up more than they should... what about people in grocery stores who block a whole section with their cart and body? So I don't mean how one blocks an aisle but a whole shelving section with their card and instead of standing in front of it they stand across it so when they bend to get something the length of their upper body blocks that entire section. I get if they don't want to shine their butt out to someone in the aisle but you can just move a step to the side and you won't offend anyone. Amazes me how much people are in their own little world or basically the world evolves around them. Known your surroundings and just have an ounce of consideration, we will all be better off and a bit nicer maybe.
At the movies:
New at #1 is Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore earning a fair 43 million. Not a great number but still decent. Word-of-mouth is fairly weak on this so it could struggle to get to 100 mil. Drop down to #2 is "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" with another 30 mil as it passes the 100 mil mark with ease. This one still has some legs to carry it further. Holding ground at #3 is "The Lost City" with 6.5 mil as it tries to hit 100 mil but will fall short. Slight increase and climb to #4 is "Everything Everywhere All at Once" with 1.2 mil for it's 4th week in release and receiving critic acclaim. Rounding off the top 5 is "Father Stu" with 6.2 mil and really nothing new but other films suffered big drops out of the top 5.
Quote of the week:
"Home is any four walls that enclose the right person." - Helen Rowland
Facts & Tips:
Jellyfish don't have brains.
"Mind your own gay business gay Blaine." - Lauren Potter as Becky Jackson in the TV series "Glee."
How hot?!?

We had another heat wave and it was not a pretty one. At least 2-days hit about 100 degrees (or at least 99 degrees) and it felt like it! AC had to be turned on and during one night. On Thursday morning at about 8AM it was already in the 80's and was getting worse. The funny thing come Sunday it was 60 degrees, maybe the high at 62! So where did this heat come from?? It kind of went from 70 to high 80 to 99 in just 3-days which makes no sense, weather makes no sense! Fortunately no fires came with that heat because it did get a little windy and was a very dry heat. Usually that spurs up the arsonist or something else to cause a fire. And the wind was a warm wind so it wasn't even pleasant or able to cool off with it! Aren't we supposed to be getting April showers or is that just an old myth? We need some cloud sprinklers to occur.
Weekly Update:
You know what bugs me, socks with holes. I just can't keep them or wear them and if they are patched up, I can feel the patch and that bugs me especially if they are on the bottom. Growing up my mom used to patch up my socks and I would wear them but growing up I guess I didn't care or noticed. Now I feel every thing part of the patch and it irritates me for some reason. I tried to make the socks last and live with the hole on the bottom till it's just simply too big but if there is a hole on the toe, that has to go right away. If my toe sticks out of the sock, what's the point of wearing a sock after that? Isn't the sock there to protect or cushion the whole foot and not just parts of it? I wish you can recycle socks some how with all that material but... I don't know.
At the movies:
Zooming into first is Sonic the Hedgehog 2 earning 71 million for its debut. Very solid number for the Spring Break season and word-of-mouth is generally good, could carry for a bit. Big drop to #2 is "Morbius" with 10.2 mil, very substantial drop and will likely continue to plummet. Slight drop to #3 is "The Lost City" with 9.2 mil and remains steady. New at #4 is Ambulance with only 8.7 mil for it's debut and not going much further. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Batman" with another 6.5 mil as it starts to wind down.
Quote of the week:
"Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age." - Booth Tarkington
Facts & Tips:
The word utopia - an ideal place - ironically comes from a Greek word meaning "no place."
"Do you think if you get General Aidid, we will simply put down our weapons and adopt American democracy? That the killing will stop? We know this. Without victory, there will be no peace. There will always be killing, see? This is how things are in our world." - Treva Etienne as Abdullah 'Firimbi' Hassan in "Black Hawk Down."
Good weather? Finally...

Though there was maybe a droplet of rain a day, overall this week's weather has been very Winter-like but dry. Been chilling in the 60's during most of the day, some clouds that I thought would bring us rain but nothing. Nights weren't super cold but very chilly, 50's but not breezy so it was comfortable. The heater did trigger a few times but easy to adjust and turn off. I wish the cold temps did include some rain though, that would have been really nice. My car needs a wash mother nature!! I mean it isn't bad but could use a rinse of rain.
Weekly Update:
What happened at the 99 Cent Store? I may have touched on this before but I was just there recently (great place for the drink packets for water bottles) and there are so many things that are NOT 99 cents! $1.99, $2.99, $6.99? Or things that are 2 for $4.99 or 2 for $3.99 but so much less is actually 99 cents! I think they need to change the name of the stores to "Starting at .99 cent Stores" which would be more accurate because you can have one item in the store that is .99 and everything is up. Then you could sell fresher produce, more named brand items, things that do not have defects on package and... wait-a-minute, this sounds like a regular store now?!? I know inflation is happening and things are getting a bit more expensive but depending on what you buy, certain things are not that much or haven't changed. I used to go here to get my Lays Stax chips because they were always 99 cents (flavors may not be that much in terms of variety) but now, it's $1.29... 30 cents more but sort of the same price I pay at a regular grocery store like Ralph's or Stater Bros. if they are on sale (which most of the time they are).
At the movies:
Some interesting (and late) numbers from this weekend. New at #1 is Morbius with 39.1 million to open. A good number but word-of-mouth is fair to poor on the movie so it could suffer a big 2nd weekend drop. Down to #2 is "The Lost City" with 14.8 mil as it passes 50 mil cume. Holding ground at #3 is "The Batman" with another 10.8 mil as it continues to climb but may be running out of steam. Hanging on to #4 is "Uncharted" with 3.6 mil and performed very well overall. Rounding off the top 5 is "Jujutsu Kaisen O: The Movie" with another 1.9 mil and continues to drop and likely will drop out.
Quote of the week:
"We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice." - Albert Pike
Facts & Tips:
The only one-syllabled U.S. state is Maine.
I'm so freakin' sorry Kurt, I'm just so sorry for what I did to you." - Max Adler as Dave Karofsky in the TV series "Glee."