She won't tell you a thing...

Shadow is such a stoic dog, she never let's you know if or when she is in pain but she does let you know when she is hungry or wants attention. I am going to miss this girl so much... She is still doing very well, jumping up on the kitchen counter when it's meal time and doesn't wait for the food to be placed as she wants to eat now! She loves her treats and even her meds which is interesting. In the past I would need to hide them in different things but these particular ones she loves to eat them as treats! Or maybe she just wants more food, however she still does not like lettuce. She continues to pant a lot but like most German Shepherds, she has a very thick coat plus we are in a massive heat wave. I have the AC going but with the energy efficient system it keeps altering my temperatures which is annoying. My AC bill has been high and will be high but, to make this girl as comfortable as I can till her last days :(
Weekly Update:
I'm not sure if I shared this before but I've been trying to declutter. Mostly recycle old papers and putting a lot of knick-knacks up on e-bay. The slow part is the selling on ebay but at least things are selling. I would say on average 2 to 4 things a month. That may sound like nothing (and it is!) but that 2 to 4 things can equal $1oo to $300 so not really that bad. Just makes the declutter process slower. For example, once I sold a comic book, something that takes up the least amount of space for one comic book! So selling that is nothing in the declutter process... but that book did sell for $300 (before shipping and fees) so it was a pretty penny. I have the space to hold things, I just want more of that space back. At least I am not actively purchasing new things except for necessities like food, replacing furniture or things like sheets and clothing. I wonder about a garage sale but I don't think my neighborhood allows it plus it would probably take me 3 dedicated days to prepare for it by itself. Oh well, I guess I will stay with the process at hand (image not mine, I feel like it's close but it's not).
At the movies:
New at #1 this weekend is Candyman with 22.4 million to open. Pretty fair number as we close out Summer but I suspect this will have a quick decline. Drop down to #2 is "Free Guy" earning an extra 13.6 mil and now just shy of 80 mil cume. Still on a solid track to make over 100+ mil for domestic box office. Drop down to #3 is "PAW Patrol: The Movie" with 6.6 mil as it hits 20 mil now. Cruising down a bit to #4 is "Jungle Cruise" with 5 mil extra as it now hits 100 mil almost on the nose! Rounding off the top 5 is "Don't Breathe 2" with 2.8 mil as it quickly runs out of air.
Quote of the week:
"I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best." - Oscar Wilde
Facts & Tips:
"Donut towns" are towns that are completely surrounded by other towns.
"Best thing we can do is just be ourselves, carry on in our typical, usual, distracting..." - James Van Der Beek as Dawson Leery in the TV series "Dawson's Creek."
Shadow girl :(

My girl has cancer... Shadow went to the vet this week and they discovered several tumors that are cancer. They estimate she has 1 to 2 months left based on their size and location but she shows no signs of having problems other than her back legs. The problem is she is a very stoic dog and never lets you know if any pain or problems, just if she is hungry or if she wants the attention on her instead of Orion. She was originally a rescue (pregnant) and immediately let you pet her for attention. What started off as a foster quickly turned to adopting (literally within weeks) and her original name of Onyx became Shadow because she would follow you every where. She loved any human, especially those who gave her attention but hated all animals. She only tolerated Orion but would occasionally pick on him. Great alarm dog for those near the house but terrible security dog if one should enter, she would just expect pets. One of the few dogs I know that didn't mind you staring her in the face, same with Orion but if it got uncomfortable for him he would just lick you to distract and get away. Well, Shadow is still here and will try and enjoy every minute I can with her, thinking of her gone and seeing all the fur around the house, it will be one I will never forget, ever.
Weekly Update:
What a weird week of weather! It rained again mid-week which was really nice but not a lot. Mostly in the early AM hours but I could hear it when I was going to sleep and it was a glorious sound. It was just for two days, one earlier in the week and then later but the later one was during the day. However, a very light mist and drizzle but enough for me to use my wipers while out doing errands. What is also great about this rain is the cold air, it breaks up the heat and also feels nice. It wasn't exactly cold enough for a jacket (yet) but it was very comfortable. What is also nice about the rain, my neighbors are smokers (or at least one person is) and although I don't really smell the smoke that often or rarely, I just know when it's raining they are back indoors and not outside smoking where I could potentially smell/inhale it.
At the movies:
Holding ground at #1 for a 2nd week is "Free Guy" earning a nice 18.8 million and now a cume of close to 60! Should hit that number sometime tomorrow as it starts the climb to 100 mil. New at a distant #2 is PAW Patrol: The Movie with 13 mil and right at expectations if not more. Holding on to #3 is "Jungle Cruise" with 6.2 mil extra as it closes that gap to the 100 mil mark and could have it by end of next weekend. Drop down to #4 is "Don't Breathe 2" with 5 mil more as it exhales out. Rounding off the top 5 is "Respect" with 3.8 mil and could do well for the award season but will fade out soon at the box office.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Three this week that opened to less than stellar numbers. In at #7 is The Protege with 2.9 mil to open and well below expectations. Could also just be a throw-away film to clear up the back-logged films from last year. At #8 is The Night House with 2.9 mil as well and this one is actually closer to expectations. Showing up at #9 is Reminiscence with 2 mil to open and may just live on HBOMax instead.
Quote of the week:
"It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter." - Marlene Dietrich
Facts & Tips:
Banana trees are actually herbs.
"You must find out who made the glist and suspend them before they post another one or I'm holding the entire glee club responsible!" - Iqbal Theba as Principal Figgins on the TV series "Glee."
We don't need sidewalks!

I was leaving the parking lot for Downtown Disney over the weekend and just going down the road when there was two ladies that went from the sidewalk into the street. I slowed down and thought oh they must be crossing the street or something (it was at a part where it was starting to curve to the left). But after of about 20-30 feet, they just simply walked down the middle of the street. There was a completely empty sidewalk and mostly shaded too (it was in the high 80's that day). What was wrong with these two?? So I eventually went in the oncoming lane and passed them and as I looked in my rear-view mirror, they were still walking in the street with other cars doing the same thing. Wow, some people.
Weekly Update:
Shopping online is dangerous... Amazon is dangerous!! It is so easy to find things you want (not need but just want) and at kind of affordable prices for the most part. With a lot of free shipping if you buy over a certain amount, why wouldn't you find more things to get all that free shipping? Having a wish list is also dangerous because it's a constant reminder of things you want (and some you need). And once you think it's a good price, buy buy buy!! With just a few clicks of the mouse, you spent X amount of dollars without realizing it. Just have to remember, do you need it and if so, do you need it now? I've had items in my list that did go down in price and also way up so if you wait, you know what it can eventually get back down to (if not less) and possibly save a few bucks with some patience.
At the movies:
Friday the 13th scared up some pretty decent numbers this weekend. New at #1 is Free Guy opening to 28.4 million, a very solid number for end of Summer time frame. No real word-of-mouth, just looks fun. Also new at #2 is Don't Breathe 2 with 10.6 mil and below expectations after the success of the first one. Drop down to #3 is "Jungle Cruise" with 9 mil extra as it quickly closes in on 100 mil cume for domestic. It might get that within the next 2 to 3 weeks. New at #4 is Respect with 8.8 mil and not bad for this bio-pic. Rounding off the top 5 and suffering a massive drop (71%) is "The Suicide Squad" with 7.5 mil but it did well during the week and is nearly at 50 mil cume, could get that within the next 10-days.
Quote of the day:
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Facts & Tips:
Mangos are related to cashews and pistachios.
"I think it was at Fruit Loop's place." - Gael Garcia Bernal as Julio Zapata in "Y Tu Mama Tambien."
Suck it up!

This past week was another heat wave. Overall not bad but because no winds or breezes, felt so much hotter then it was. I think the high was maybe 90 one day, although that is still very hot but when you are indoors, on the 2nd floor and no breeze, it does feel like 100 (just totally guessing and probably over-exaggerating that too). But when I stare at a computer screen all-day for everything (not just work), and the heat of the machines (2 computers, it's not like they are blowing cold air out), the heat sort of piles up. Once I was by the pool and had my phone out doing something, don't remember what... and it wasn't hot at all but the sun was beating on the back of my phone (which is black by the way). I could feel it getting pretty warm and the phone shut itself off so it wouldn't overheat! I thought that was a neat feature and glad it was there otherwise I wouldn't have noticed or known what is too hot to do harm to the phone itself.
Weekly Update:
Debating on getting another vacuum... what?? Ok not the most exciting thing in the world and I do already have two; one for upstairs and one for downstairs. But in my defense, one was a gift and it was so cool I bought a smaller version of it for upstairs because of the space. This way I don't have to bring the one up and down all the time. So anyway, was looking a these vacuums that you don't move. Basically they sit in one place and you sweep stuff to it to suck up. Is it lazy not using a dustpan? Maybe but I am discovering that 99% of the stuff I am sweeping is dog fur and sometimes when I scoop it or sweep into something to pick it up, it sometimes flies out because it's so light (it's just fur/hair). So I found this neat stand-up stationary vacuum that I could just sweep it towards it and it sucks it right up. Still researching it but I thought it would be cool.
At the movies:
The squad didn't quiet hit the mark as The Suicide Squad earns a below expectations of 26.5 million for it's debut. Word-of-mouth is fair to good on the film though so not sure where the miss was. Drop down to #2 is "Jungle Cruise" with another 15.7 mil which is a significant drop from last week. Also dropping down is "Old" earning another 4.1 mil and quickly getting old and out. Steadily declining to #4 is "Black Widow" earning 4 mil amidst some internal studio turmoil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Stillwater" with 2.9 mil as is flows out of the theatres.
Quote of the week:
"When one must, one can." - Charlotte Witton
Facts & Tips:
Ants won't cross a chalk line.
"My English is less terrible than your terrible English." - Matthew Loy as Han Lee in the TV series "2 Broke Girls."
Old lady...

My poor Shadow... Shadow is a rescue German Shepherd and have had her nearly 12+ years. Unsure how old she was when first rescued but overall she is thought to be around 14 to 15 years now. On Tuesday had a big scare, she couldn't get up or move, her back legs were immobile. I had to carry her downstairs and also outside to go to the bathroom and she fell a lot. I've been increasing some of her hip/joint supplements and over the rest of the week she continued to get better and better. The poor girl, she's getting up there but still very food motivated and just wants to each all day.
Weekly Update:
I can't remember if I ever mentioned this before, maybe I have. But have you noticed most people when they are crossing the street in a crosswalk, they tend to walk normal to fast from start to through the middle but then at the end, slow? I was noticed that several times over the weekend while doing some errands and as I watched, as they got toward the next curb/corner they started to slow down. And what is funny is if there are any cars who have to wait for someone to complete the journey, are those in the turn lane at that very corner just waiting. I also saw this several times and it's almost the walker knows they have to wait and makes them wait. Just a random observation and I'm sure it's not every person but yeah, just noticed a lot of folks doing it. Funny thing is when I am crossing the street and coming to the end I tend to speed up for some odd reason.
At the movies:
Cruising into the #1 spot is Jungle Cruise with a sizeable 34.2 million. A very decent number considering we are coming into the tail-ends of Summer. Word-of-mouth is fair for the film so the coming weeks will be very telling. New at #2 is The Green Knight with a very far distant 6.8 mil. It was also only about 1/2 the screen count but an average count at that. Big drop down to #3 is "Old" with 6.8 mil as well, probably will continue to drop fast. Continuing to drop is "Black Widow" at #4 with another 6.4 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is Stillwater with 5.1 mil for it's debut, this could be more of an award film but not a Summer blockbuster.
Quote of the week:
"A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows." - Francis of Assisi
Facts & Tips:
The Snapple name combines the words Snappy and Apple.
"If I were hitting on you, you'd know it 'cause you'd feel uncomfortable and a little sad for me." - Kunal Nayyar as Raj Koothrappali in the TV series "The Big Bang Theory."