It's not over.

Almost back to normal? On Sunday night I met up with some friends for dinner at Cheesecake Factory. I haven't really met up with anyone in almost a year or so, at least not like in a family environment. Overall the night out was fun and relaxing but it also felt like nothing had ever happened and less than half the people were wearing masks or keeping distant from one another. I continued to wear my mask even though I'm vaccinated but I don't want to be one who helps spreads this virus that still does exist. It's great people are enjoying their lives but I miss the ones who did enjoy their lives but got sick by those who didn't care (mostly). It is sad to think I won't see these friends again, I don't want to increase those number of friends I won't see again.
Weekly Update:
It is interesting how hot a room can get when there is no breeze, I now realize the function or the importance of a fan! It did get fairly room this past week, I would say average high temp mid to high-80's. Now that isn't bad but with no breeze it jumps 5 to 10 degrees more! And if you work in the 2nd floor of your home, maybe add another few degrees on top of that. I can see why single-story homes in Arizona cost more than 2-story homes. So I had windows open on both ends of the house but without the slightest breeze, what should be maybe 80-degrees actually feels about 90-95 degrees. I have some ceiling fans on but they are just circulating the room itself but not out of the room necessarily. I need to break out the stand fans and start using those more... but how much electricity do those use compared to the AC unit for the house? I know those space heaters take up a LOT of energy and not really worth it... so are regular fans just as bad in the power department? I have no idea.
At the movies:
Zooming it's way to the #1 spot this weekend is F9: The Fast Saga with an 70 million opening and very close to expectations and predictions. Unsure how much fuel this movie will have as we head into the holiday weekend. Holding ground at #2 is "A Quiet Place: Part II" with another 6.2 mil and not a lot to shout about here. Big drop to #3 is "The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard" with 4.9 mil and a sizeable drop from #1 last week. Slight drop to #4 is "Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway" with 4.9 mil extra and quickly losing it's bounce. Rounding off the top 5 and holding ground is "Cruella" with only 3.7 mil extra and still struggling along.
Quote of the week:
"We aim above the mark to hit the mark." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Facts & Tips:
Astronauts actually get taller when in space.
"Hell to the naw. Look, I'm not down with this background singing nonsense. I'm Beyoncé, I ain't now Kelly Rowland." - Amber Riley as Mercedes Jones in the TV series "Glee."
And 100!

Tuesday we saw the hottest day in a long long time. It was so hot, it made the rest of the days in the high 80's seem like a chilly day (almost, but not really). On Tuesday it was projected to be around 107 degrees but I think it only got about 102 which is still pretty dang out! I can not image with the desert areas were like the inland empire (aka Riverside) as that is where all the heat goes to get trapped between the mountains and just stews there, literally. Had to run the AC a bunch of times but tried to endure as much as I could but the poor dogs were panting a lot. So did what I could to keep them as cool as possible, even the nights were warm but mainly due to having next to zero breezes. One thing to be thankful for, no fires as we quickly go into fire-season.
Weekly Update:
So with 4th of July coming up soon, I am trying to figure out how to keep my younger dog calm and not shake and be scared all night during the 4th of July fireworks (and weekend for that matter). I close all the windows, turn music or a loud movie on (by the way a loud movie with big explosions does not bother him at all!!), a thunder-shirt and trying to cuddle with him. But he still gets freaked out and trembles all night long, paces, pants and whines. A friend of mine has the same problem with her dog (which is maybe a third the size of mine) and suggested calming treats. For their dog he only requires one or two but I guess for mine at least 3 or more. During Memorial Day weekend and Father's Day weekend there have been some light fireworks but nothing major. I did try a couple on Memorial Day weekend and the results are inconclusive right now. The fireworks were very scarce and stopped pretty early, like by 10PM. So I hope these treats will do the trick, otherwise I am going to have a very restless 4th of July weekend.
At the movies:
New at #1 this week is The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard with 11.7 million to open. A very low number but possibly not many decided to take Dad to the movies for Father's Day. Drop down to #2 again is "A Quiet Place: Part II" with 9.4 mil extra and continues to soar into the 100 mil world at 125 mil cume. Drop down to #3 is "Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway" with 6.1 mil and will continue it's hop down the charts. Holding ground at #4 is "The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It" with 5.2 mil as it passes the 50 mil mark. Rounding off the top 5 and holding is "Cruella" with 5.1 mil as it continues the climb to 100 mil but unlikely will achieve it.
Quote of the week:
"We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men." - Herman Melville
Facts & Tips:
Human eyes have over two million working parts.
"Peggy, my oven is on the blink. Can I use yours to warm my giblets?" - Amanda Bearse as Marcy D'Arcy in the TV series "Married with Children."
Hot hot and hot

Things are starting to heat up! The start of the week was fine but then towards the end we were hitting the 80's during the day. Now that isn't terribly hot but it appears to be gradually getting hot. Next week we are looking at the 90's and 102 range for some days (if it stays accurate but who knows). I know it's June and the Summer time but ouch. I did say with the warm and dry Winter we had this past season, did it mean a hot and dry Summer too? I was hoping not but I guess we will see very soon as the weeks roll by. I am also starting to notice more ants, which seems on par with heat as they are trying to find water sources, I think I better start replacing my bait traps just in case. I used to have the ant problem under control but then mid-last year started happening again, not sure what changed.
Weekly Update:
So I got a nice surprised over the weekend. My dear friend Samantha Win, who plays the character Chambers on the new movie on Netflix (and in theatres) "Army of the Dead." It is an amazing hard cover book with spectacular photos and a section just on her character as well! Great coffee table book and discussion piece, if I ever invite anyone over to the house (barring Covid but just flat out a mess and will take me years to organize!!). But can not thank her enough for this amazing gift and friendship, I can't wait for her next big film and/or project and hopefully can be a part of it in some little way. By the way if you haven't seen the movie yet, go see it. Yes, it is very gruesome (lot of blood and zombies) but it's also pretty action packed. Not a horror film really, just a violent action one.
At the movies:
Jumping back up to #1 is "A Quiet Place: Part II" with another 11.7 million and now past 100 mil cume! Given the current climate of the business and limitations, this is amazing how fast it got to that mark. Singing it's way to #2 is In The Heights with 11.4 million. Fair number but hopes for a bigger box office just didn't come true. New at #2 is Peter Rabbit 2: The Runaway with 10.4 mil, below expectations but still a good number. Sizeable drop to #4 is "The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It" with 10 mil and just shy of 50 mil right now, should get it in another week or so. Rounding off the top 5 is "Cruella" with 6.7 extra and just passes the 50 mil cume mark.
Quote of the week:
"Formula for success: rise early, work hard, strike oil." - J. Paul Getty
Facts &Tips:
An electric eel can release a charge powerful enough to start 50 cars.
"Well, when I came home from school my head started to get really hot. So I drank some cold water, but it didn't do nothing. So I laid in the bathtub for a while, but then I realized that it was my hair that was making my head hot. So I went into my kitchen and I shaved it all off. I don't want anyone to see." - Efren Ramirez as Pedro in "Napoleon Dynamite."
coins coins coins

It's interesting how there is a change shortage or metals into making the coins I guess. Honestly I'm glad there is a shortage because having physical cash can be such a hassle a lot of times. Not only do you not know where it's been or who handled it but it can be easily lost, it gains no interest in your pocket or stuffed in your mattress, and if stolen, you are out of luck. I prefer everything plastic or a credit card as long as you can control yourself (I know, some will say people can't but is it the same with cash in your pocket? I have cash, I can buy it). But at least if I lose my card or gets stolen, the financial institution will replace, cease the old card and 9 out of 10 times (almost 100% actually) not hold me accountable for any purchases that I claim I didn't make. Plus keeping my money in the bank, it gains interest. Although it may be very small but at least it's something. And also when I spend on the card, I get cash back for spending (since I pay the card off each time and don't incur interest for payment). So it really is a win-win in my opinion.
Weekly Update:
I've been seeing images and hearing about mochi donuts but... why do they look like a thick beaded wrist-band? I may go try one next week to see what the big deal is but first it was the cro-nut and now mochi? I love mochi in general, it's just rice flour usually made into a dough so a doughnut does make sense, no? As long as they are the same price of a regular donut, cool because they do seem to be a touch smaller. I may do this on Monday on my day off, question is do most donut places sell them or like those fancy unique ones... I guess I will find out soon! I just hope they taste good or even have a similar texture of mochi since these will be deep fried or baked (I would imagine). You know what is interesting is that in the US mochi is looked at like a desert when in Japan (from where it originates from) it accents food like soup or salad. Usually of little flavor but a texture thing like a crouton (unseasoned I guess). Oh America, we get it wrong so many times.
At the movies:
A new #1 this week as The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It earns a decent 24 million post-holiday weekend. Pretty much expected and on par for this franchise. BIG drop down to #2 is "A Quiet Place: Part II" with 19.5 mil but now just shy of 90 mil total and on a solid path for 100+ mil domestic. Also dropping down to #3, but not by much is "Cruella" with 11.2 mil as it makes it's way to the 50 mil mark and should get there by the end of this weekend. New at #4 is Spirit: Untamed with 6.2 mil and below expectations. Rounding off the top 5 and still hanging in there is "Raya and the Last Dragon" with 1.3 mil more as it slowly winds down.
Quote of the week:
"Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers." - Robert Green Ingersoll
Facts & Tips:
A Galapagos tortoise can take up to three weeks to digest a meal.
"Kimmy says if you love someone you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just... (Passes you by.) Passes you by. Yeah." - Dermot Mulroney as Michael O'Neill in "My Best Friend's Wedding."