How much do you charge family?

Did someone turn off all the air sprinklers (aka rain)? I mean we had one day of rain recently and since then it has been bone dry again AND started to get windy again which means potential fires. Wouldn't that be something, in the middle of Winter and you get a fire. I've started to notice lately patches of dead grass around town because of the lack of water and having it bitter cold is just as bad as having a dry heat. Both are basically without moisture and things will dry up. I have a feeling our Summer (and Spring for that matter) are both going to be extremely dry this year and potentially record-breaking heat.
Weekly Update:
The other day I was discussing Olive Garden with someone and they were saying how they could go for their breadsticks and someone else said they loved their (insert dish name here). All I could think about was their slogan. Their original slogan was "Good Times, Great Salad, Olive Garden" and then it later changed to "When you're here, you're family". Now it appears they changed it again to "We're all family here." I have no problem with the original slogan, short, easy to remember and straight to the point. But the last two... here is my problem, when I have family over to dinner or if I go to their homes for a meal, I don't expect to charge them or be charged. You are family and family will take care of you in their home (or even outside of their home). Would it be super awkward that after I fed them, I slip them a piece of paper that said "This isn't Olive Garden, you owe = $100.00 with tax included" ?? Anyone know by chance because if Olive Garden thinks I am family, why are they charging me?
At the movies:
After several weeks at the box office, "The Croods: A New Age" takes the #1 spot again with 1.7 million. This is traditionally a slower time for films as we would normally be half-way through award season so not much of a surprise. Drop down to #2 is "The Little Things" with 1.2 mil and didn't suffer a big drop which is good. Drop down to #3 is "Judas and the Black Messiah" with 905k and likely to burn out soon. Up to the #4 spot is "Wonder Woman 1984" with 805k more and still trying to reach that 50 mil mark but not sure if it will make it. Rounding off the top 5 this week is "The Marksman" with 775K.
Quote of the week:
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." - Bertrand Russell
Facts & Tips:
The number of times a cricket chirps in 15 seconds, plus 37, will give you the current air temperature.
"They rubbed our face in the dung and you just took it." - Chi Muoi Lo as Wago Chang in the TV series "Vanishing Son."
A very dry Winter.

Is this a normal week? I can't even tell anymore! We did get rain!!! On one day for about 2 hours but it was downpouring! It was nice and I could see fresh snow capped mountains again but then the rest of the week was very dry! It was nice and cold, like when Winter first starts and there is a crisp in the air. But where is the rain?! This Winter, I know I've said it before, has been so very dry... but our temperatures have been super cold. It's great to finally wear my jackets but my car needs a wash Mother Nature! And looking at the weather forecast, nothing is coming our way any time soon.
Weekly Update:
I've been selling a bunch of stuff on E-Bay over the past few years to try and massively declutter. Sometimes thing sit for sale for years, other times a week. But eventually, they seem to sell and I do have the space to hold them so it's not like I need to get rid of them fast. I do want to get rid of things and as they say, my junk is someone else's treasure. So the advantage of that is I usually get the asking price I put them up for. Last week I sold some old action figures I got for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, from the originally TV show. I wasn't a fan of it because that is when they gave everyone different colored masks to tell them apart. The comic, they all wore red and you knew them by the weapons they commonly used. One I send something out via E-Bay, I like to draw a little something on the package and generally it relates to the item being sold. I rarely get a comment about it, not a big deal but it's nice when they do acknowledge it. This last package they said their son loved the art and that felt kind of nice. I'm glad he liked it and hopefully it made his package that little bit more special.
At the movies:
Holding ground at #1 is "The Little Things" with another 2.4 million and now just hit 10 mil mark. It could get closer to 20 at this rate but it will be a long journey. Still at #2 is "The Croods: A New Age" with 2 mil and so close to 50 mil. This film is clearly a reflection of a 300 mil or close to that film based on it's trends. New at #2 is Judas and the Black Messiah with 2 mil to open. Not too much on this film, almost feels a bit of a throw-away to clear the slate for WB a little. Holding at #4 is "The Marksman" with 1.1 mil and also now hitting that 10 mil benchmark. Rounding off the top 5 is "Wonder Woman 1984" with 1.1 mil extra and just past 40 mil cume.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
One new movie opened wide this past weekend. In at #6, Land earns 940k and not far off from what was expected for this film.
Quote of the week:
"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you." - A.A. Milne
Facts & Tips:
The biggest pig in recorded history weighed almost one ton.
"I'm not sure she is a newborn. She's so... tame." - Kellen Lutz as Emmett Cullen in "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2."
Yeah! Sports Team won!
Super Bowl Sunday Edition!
Sunday afternoon was the Super Bowl but it was very different this year. A stadium that was nearly empty but millions of people gathered and watched from their homes. Now, after today will we see another surge of covid cases? Maybe not as high like post-Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's but no doubt we will. With vaccines being given out since those other holidays, not everyone has gotten them yet. So, though it was a time of gathering, just not one for this year. I hope everyone took precautions and we don't see a surge again. But congrats pro-team that won the sporting event!

Weekly Update:
One-way means you can only go one-way on that street, right? Or did I miss something? There is this parking lot in a shopping area I go to sometimes and they have in the corner a 3 row parking area that each row is one-way. They have arrows painted on the ground, signs that say "One Way" and of course other signs that say "Do Not Enter." But what happens? Yep, people ignore all three things and go down the lane the wrong way. Now the lanes of the parking lot are barely wide enough to fit two cars side-by-side but you can also tell it's only way one because all the parking spots are angled in the way you would drive the down the road. Just amazes me how people ignore 3 marked/posted signs, the angle of cars and why the car coming in the opposite direction is in the middle of the lane, because they are going in the right direction!
At the movies:
Holding the #1 spot for a 2nd week is "The Little Things" with 2.1 million extra and now shy of 10 mil cume but likely will get there in a week or two. Still at #2 is "The Croods: A New Age" with another 1.8 mil and slowly gaining on the 50 mil mark. Up a notch to #3 is "The Marksman" with 1 mil and also just shy of 10 mil. Drop down to #4 is "Wonder Woman 1984" with 905k and just now past 40 mil, unlikely to go too much further. Rounding off the top 5 is "News of the World" with 400k and slowly dropping off.
Quote of the week:
"The sole meaning of life is to server humanity." - Leo Tolstoy
Facts & Tips:
"Typewriter" and "perpetuity" are the longest words that can be typed on a single line of a QWERTY keyboard.
"You stole the lightning bolt!" - Maria Olsen as Fury in "Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief."

So did something different this week... I went up to Lake Arrowhead and spent a night in the snow! I borrowed a friend's cabin and took the dogs with me who have never experienced snow before. I think they were very confused in general and didn't know what to think or do! But overall, I think if I stayed longer they would have adapted. However, while up there neither went poop once (and they are regular poopers) so glad I didn't stay longer as it might have stuffed them up. I would be curious though how they would do if I stayed longer. One dog did get sick but I think it was more due to the drive up the mountain as it was a little curvy and he has been prone to getting car sick on long rides. Also, had to use snow chains which may have added to the not so smooth ride as well. NOTE: the photo is of both my dogs, Shadow and Orion (mom and son). Shadow is in the back which means Orion is in the front!
Weekly Update:
RAIN! So on top of the snow fun time, we got some heavy rain this past week too locally!! It was only about a day of rain but almost a FULL day!! And it was some serious heavy rain which (and I know I always say this) we desperately need! Of course the next day it was sunny and dry but some more is due later this week. I mean, these one-off days is not enough!! We need weeks of rain please, WEEKS!!! But, any drops we can get, I'll take! I also need to wash my car so I hope the next rain is heavy and I leave my car outside.
At the movies:
Another new #1 this week! With a decent 4.8 million, The Little Things takes top honors and potentially could do some solid numbers overall. Holding ground at #2 is "The Croods: A New Age" with another 1.8 mil and making it's way to 50 mil. Holding at #3 is "Wonder Woman 1984" with 1.3 mil and about to break the 40 mil threshold soon! Drop down to #4 is "The Marksman" with 1.3 mil and unsure how this will do overall. Rounding off the top 5 is "Monster Hunter" with 740k and may not go too much further.
Quote of the week:
"Neither blame or praise yourself." - Plutarch
Facts & Tips:
"Unprosperousness" is the longest word in which no letter occurs only once.
"Okay, computers and a really bad cut. You have anything more to link the two?" - Roger Cross as Detective Donovan McAvoy in the TV series "Coroner."