So I got my electric bill for last month and was quiet shocked by it. I had run the AC way more than I intended but my office is on the 2nd story of the house, so heat rises. But, after all that time running it, it was pretty low! At least lower then I expected it to be. I don't recall having any kind of rebate or being on a program (any longer at least). I was on a program where it regulated my AC during certain times of the day and would switch to the fan mode but that didn't happen and the unit is still on my AC. So, not sure.
Weekly Update:
What a very sad week for Hollywood and the entertainment community this past week We saw three greats pass ... first was Regis Philbin, iconic TV personality that took both morning and prime time audiences with his charm and light humor. Then shortly after, we lost John Saxon (pictured) ... not an immediate name one might remember but he played in many TV and movies alongside such greats as Bruce Lee and Debbie Reynolds. And finally, Hollywood royalty, Olivia de Havilland. Best known for "Gone with the Wind," her film pedigree included other classics like "Charge of the Light Brigade" and "The Adventures of Robin Hood." She lived to an amazing age of 104.
At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.
The Dedham Community Theatre in Dedham, MA. Originally opened in 1927 in the heart of Dedham Square. It is unclear if this originally opened as an movie theatre but up till the recent closures, it was a movie house showing films 365-days a year with fresh hot buttered popcorn. It has been used for special and community events.
Quote of the week:
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'nice doggie' until you can find a rock." - Will Rogers
Facts & Tips:
You don't have to be a lawyer to be a Supreme Court Justice.
"As appealing as that sounds, I'm a doctor, not a dragonslayer." - Robert Picardo as The Doctor in the TV series "Star Trek: Voyager."
Another week of warmer temps but the nights still remain chilly which is great. I guess the warm weather during the day doesn't bother me as much as long as the night is cool or even cold (which it has been). But what makes it an ideal cool night? Well, for me it's a night where I can keep my window open and bundle up in the covers to stay warm. When in the morning, you feel the crisp air and you don't want to get out of bed and be a human burrito in your covers. There doesn't have to be a breeze as long as it remains just simply cold and that would be around the high 50's to low 60's temp range for me.
Weekly Update:
This has been a crazy week ... crazy month or even crazy Spring and Summer. It is very simple, stay home when you don't need to go any where. And if you do go out, wear a mask. I remember when seat belts weren't required and I don't recall it being that big of a deal. I remember when cyclist had to wear a helmet, that was a bigger deal but, not it isn't. I remember pre-9/11 and not have TSA, now we have to remove our shoes, belt and everything in our pockets, it has become the norm. No shoes, no shirt (now no mask) no service ... it is their business, not mine. How simple can it be??
At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.
The Lake Theatre in Oak Park, Ill. Another location owned by Classic Cinemas and was designed by famous theatre architect Thomas Lamb. Built in 1936, it featured Hollywood films since it first opened it's doors. Currently closed due to the pandemic, it should re-open once things have return to a normal or safer level.
Quote of the week:
"History is a vast early warning system." - Norman Cousins
Facts & Tips:
President Herbert Hoover invted "Hoveraball" (a cross between vollyeball and tennis using a medicine ball), which he played with his cabinet members.
"All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you always. I love you." - Sonya Walger as "Penelope 'Penny' Widmore in the TV series "Lost."
The Summer is here!! Wow, we had several days in the 90's but overall it was high 70's to mid-80's. Nights did manage to be cool in the 60's to 70's but it did heat up. I wonder if this is the Summer that was delayed? I just hate using the AC because it cost so much using anything electric in California. Yet ... we push electric transportation? I just realized that, we are pushing electric vehicles and even buses ... yet it is one of the most expensive forms of energy here! Makes you wonder why one would actually get an electric car since they tend to be 10 to 20% more expensive than gas powered and they think electricity is cheaper than gas ... by volume probably is but not lately.
Weekly Update:
I've noticed all these "amazing" deals for places to eat during this pandemic but if you think about it ... the offers aren't anything at all. They have been free delivery ... ok, that isn't a deal! I never get delivery to begin with because for me to drive to pick something up is a total of maybe 7 to 15 minutes depending on how far it is. And the time and fuel really is just pennies. So the fact they are offering free delivery, is something I wouldn't use in the first place because of the customary tip. Most delivery charges range from $3 to $10 plus tip so by not using delivery on my own, I will not spend an extra $5 to $12 (including the tip) ... NOT SAVE! So these places need to offer food deals like 2-for-1 or get % off if you purchase x amount. Seriously, food delivery is not a savings, it's a luxury if someone wants to use that service.
At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.
The Classic Cinemas Ogden 6 Theatres in Naperville, Ill. Not as old as some other historic theatres, originally built in 1976 and Classic has owned it since 1996. Currently closed and on the shopping block with a potential Costco being build in it's place. It was originally opened as a movie theatre and until the recent lock down, stayed as one. It's fate is undecided.
Quote of the week:
"The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has come to see." - Gilbert K. Chesterton
Facts & Tips:
Calvin Coolidge loved to wear a cowboy hat and ride his mechanical horse.
"Alright you primitive screw-heads, listen up! You see this? This is my BOOMSTICK! The 12-gauge, double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. That's right, shop smart, shop S-Mart. You got that?" - Bruce Campbell as Ash in "Army of Darkness."
4th of July Edition
So Saturday was the 4th of July or as I call it around here, Saturday. The fireworks were much louder, longer and I thought my dog was going to have a heart attack. Each night it's already a challenge trying to keep him calm and I know these fireworks will continue till whenever till real and more arrests are made. I did not get any sleep that night and the fireworks continued well into at least 2 or 3 AM but by that time, he was already riled up and anxious till about 8AM. This has been going on way too long (since Memorial Day) and why are we even celebrating the 4th during this time of turmoil? We are no longer independent but under a quasi-wanna-be-dictator and I warned people this 4 years ago, this will not end peacefully.

Weekly Update:
Did I mention I got to a donut place or have been going to one for like the last couple of months once a week? I always get a cruller because I like the airy-ness of them. I am not a fan of the frostings because the are super sweet (to me) but if they have a plain one, I get that. BUT, the cruller is pretty popular apparently and my options when I go are very limited. I usually go before lunch time and this place is open 24-hours. My go to back-up is the old fashioned and they always have plenty of those. I mean they are good as well, way denser but also bigger ... in terms of value the old fashion is a better value but an entirely different donut. But hey, if I get lucky and get the cruller, awesome. If not, I have my back-up!
At the movies:
Due to theatres being closed for the time being, no new updates for movies at this time.
Highway 18 Outdoor Theatre in Jefferson, WI. Not all classic theatres are indoors, there still remains the classic drive-ins and during this current time, they are thriving! This single-screen drive-in features a 90' foot screen and often holds double-features. With regular theatres now closed currently, this location along with the remaining drive-ins are showing retrospective films (previously released) and selling out! Way to go drive-ins! Your time to shine.
Quote of the week:
"Courage is knowing what not to fear." - Plato
Facts & Tips:
Calvin Coolidge was so shy, he was nicknamed "Silent Cal."
"I married you because I made a deal with the devil. I wish to God I hadn't!" - Pamela Sue Martin as Fallon Carrington Colby in the TV series "Dynasty."