And the heat is back and with a vengeance! It felt like triple digits but I know it wasn't. With no breeze, being upstairs and AC broken with a touch of humidity ... it was at least in the 90's for me and the nights have not been as cool as they were before. Or if they were, no breeze, we have lost our breeze. I put a fan by the window in hopes it will stuck the cool air from outside and shoot it inside but so far, doesn't really work unless there is a slight breeze. I guess those fans aren't designed to suck air but just blow around what is caught inside of them ... I don't remember it being this warm or maybe it was but I had a working AC at the time.
Weekly Update:
This was kind of funny ... I was at Downtown Disney the other night and walking around. It is interesting the smells that come out of some of the stores. I walked by one store and got a huge hit of perfume and then cologne ... it was Sephora. The first set of doors was so much perfume and the 2nd set was a wave of cologne. Then I got a scent of fruits ... Jamba Juice! Then a hit of coffee ... Starbucks. I was beginning to wonder if this was intentional now. When I use to work at the movie theatre, the vents from the popcorn popper behind the concession stand would actually filter into the theatre lobby (a little bit, not a lot) and spread the smell of popcorn to hopefully entice people to be "oh I need to get my popcorn for the movie!" I just reminded me of that and ... kind of made sense!
At the movies:
A new #1 at the box office as Angel Has Fallen earns 21.3 million for it's debut. Close to expectations for this one as well. Slight drop to #2 is "Good Boys" with another 11.8 mil as Summer is about over. New at #3 is Overcomer with 8.2 mil and slightly above expectations but just barely. Holding on to #4 is "The Lion King" with 8.2 mil as it passes the 500 mil cume threshold and probably the last roar out of this, maybe one more week. Rounding off the top 5 is "Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw" with 8.1 mil more and likely the last we will see of this one.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
What should have been a limited releases, Ready or Not open wider than expected on 2800 runs and comes in at #6 with only 7.6 mil to open.
Quote of the week:
"I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains." - Anne Frank

Facts & Tips:
Of the 92 counties in Indiana, only 5 observe daylight saving time.
"I would slay all who wold lay attempt to wrest you from my arms." - Dan Feuerriegel as Agron in the TV series "Spartacus"
Some serious overcast fog this week and it was really nice. It does bring a nice cold weather in the morning and just really neat to see. It only occurred twice this week and it was a welcome change to the heat. I wish the coolness stayed the whole day but most of the day it was cooler than it has been so win-win! I like driving in the fog too (picture is not from me or nearby), visibility wasn't bad at all but just fun to not see all the way down the road. I guess London, UK is used to this.
Weekly Update:
So after a couple of weeks being back from Florida ... still not feeling the same. Man, vacation is not my thing but at the same time it was kind of a fast-paced trip that I didn't really get to rest. I think I need a trip where I just do nothing, relax ... stay indoors and veg out ... I mean isn't that what vacations are supposed to be about? Doing nothing and relaxing? I must be vacationing wrong then ... I did have to wake up early almost each day and was kept up late each night. Not that I minded that at all but it's what I do now almost at home while working. Go figure ... Maybe there is a place you take a vacation and it's like working?? Ok, that is lame but then if I could start and stop on my own time, take breaks and lunch when I want and for as long as I want ... that may actually be a vacation for someone like me!
At the movies:
A new #1 at the box office with a big surprise! Coming in with 21 million to open, above expectation, is Good Boys and has good word-of-mouth. May carry on a bit longer. Drop down to #2 is "Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw" with another 14.1 mil as it slowly slows down. Holding on to #3 is "The Lion King" with 11.9 mil as it is now just shy of 500 mil!! Should get that in the next day or two. New at #4 is The Angry Birds Movie 2 with 10.5 mil (16.2 with a Wed opening) and pretty much on target. Rounding off the top 5 is "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark" with another 10.1 mil and holding well so far.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Several this week! In at #6 is 47 Meters Down: Uncaged with only 9 ml to open and slightly below expectations. New at #9 is Blinded by the Light with 4.5 mil and as expected. Last up at #11 is Where'd You Go Bernadette with only 3.5 mil and also right as expected.
Quote of the week:
Honor is not the exclusive property of any political party." - Herbert Hoover
Facts & Tips:
The largest bill ever issued by the U.S. was a $100,000 bill in 1934.
"There's a reason we're called loopers. When we sign up for this job, taking out the future's garbage, we also agree to a very specific proviso. Time travel in the future is so illegal, that when our employers want to close our contracts, they'll also want to erase any trace of their relationship with us ever existing. So if we're still alive 30 years from now, they'll find our older self, zap him back to us, and we'll kill him like any other job. This is called closing your loop. Eh, you get a golden payday, you get a handshake, and you get released from your contract. Enjoy the next 30 years. This job doesn't tend to attract the most forward-thinking people." - Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Joe in "Looper"
Wow I left the heat and humidity of Florida to come back to the heat of California. It was pretty hot here, low 90's to high 80's with no wind. BUT, the big difference here is our nights cooled down! We were getting as cool as 60 at night which was sooooo nice! Had the windows opened and put a fan by one to suck in the cold air to the room. I guess the heat during the day is bearable if the nights are able to cool us back down and we can capture that for most of the day! I wish we can store it like we can with solar energy and then release it at certain times ... there must be a way!!! Why isn't our technology this advance yet!? We can put a man on the moon yet can't capture a jar of cold air and keep it cool to use for later ... that would be an invention to save all of mankind ... ok maybe not but for sure me on a very hot day.
Weekly Update:
I have to say, no matter if you take a short or long vacation, it is kind of hard to get back into a grove you had before. I mean the routine is disrupted and even sleep is different for awhile. But usually with time changes, that can very on the recovery. Going from a couple of hours time change to 7 or 9, those bigger gaps are much harder to re-adjust. Those are the trips you take an extra day off when you return to just get your sleep back to normal! Then get the rest of yourself back in the life and work groove again. Mine trip was short but I guess since I haven't taken one in years, it was a pretty big shock to the system and taking longer for recovery.
At the movies:
Holding ground at #1 is "Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw" for another 25.4 million and now hitting the 100 mil cume mark. This is running out of gas quickly but it sure did a nice benchmark. New at #2 is Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark with 20.8 mil and a little above expectations but not by much. Drop down to #3 is "The Lion King" with 20 mil as it slowly approaches 500 mil cume and may get that in the coming weeks left of Summer. New at #4 is Dora and the Lost City of Gold with 17 mil and just below expectations. Rounding off the top 5 is "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" with 11.6 mil extra as it also hits the 100 mil cume (barely) and should be out very soon.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
In at #6 is The Art of Racing in the Rain with 8.1 mil and as expected. A nice film but just not great for box office numbers. New at #7 is The Kitchen with 5.5 mil and well below expectations but not surprising either. A late comer to the box office at #12 is Brian Banks on 1200 runs and doing 2.2 mil ... considering no one knew about it, that number is actually higher than expected.
Quote of the week:
"The most I can do for my friend is simply be his friend." - Henry David Thoreau
Facts & Tips:
In the U.S., there is an official rock, paper, scissors league
"Don't nobody go into the bathroom for about 35, 45 minutes. Somebody open up a window." - John Witherspoon as Mr. Jones in "Friday."