And the heat is back and with a vengeance! It felt like triple digits but I know it wasn't. With no breeze, being upstairs and AC broken with a touch of humidity ... it was at least in the 90's for me and the nights have not been as cool as they were before. Or if they were, no breeze, we have lost our breeze. I put a fan by the window in hopes it will stuck the cool air from outside and shoot it inside but so far, doesn't really work unless there is a slight breeze. I guess those fans aren't designed to suck air but just blow around what is caught inside of them ... I don't remember it being this warm or maybe it was but I had a working AC at the time.
Weekly Update:
This was kind of funny ... I was at Downtown Disney the other night and walking around. It is interesting the smells that come out of some of the stores. I walked by one store and got a huge hit of perfume and then cologne ... it was Sephora. The first set of doors was so much perfume and the 2nd set was a wave of cologne. Then I got a scent of fruits ... Jamba Juice! Then a hit of coffee ... Starbucks. I was beginning to wonder if this was intentional now. When I use to work at the movie theatre, the vents from the popcorn popper behind the concession stand would actually filter into the theatre lobby (a little bit, not a lot) and spread the smell of popcorn to hopefully entice people to be "oh I need to get my popcorn for the movie!" I just reminded me of that and ... kind of made sense!
At the movies:
A new #1 at the box office as Angel Has Fallen earns 21.3 million for it's debut. Close to expectations for this one as well. Slight drop to #2 is "Good Boys" with another 11.8 mil as Summer is about over. New at #3 is Overcomer with 8.2 mil and slightly above expectations but just barely. Holding on to #4 is "The Lion King" with 8.2 mil as it passes the 500 mil cume threshold and probably the last roar out of this, maybe one more week. Rounding off the top 5 is "Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw" with 8.1 mil more and likely the last we will see of this one.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
What should have been a limited releases, Ready or Not open wider than expected on 2800 runs and comes in at #6 with only 7.6 mil to open.
Quote of the week:
"I don't think of all the misery but of the beauty that still remains." - Anne Frank

Facts & Tips:
Of the 92 counties in Indiana, only 5 observe daylight saving time.
"I would slay all who wold lay attempt to wrest you from my arms." - Dan Feuerriegel as Agron in the TV series "Spartacus"
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