It is getting hot again but at the same time I do not notice it because I am indoors with AC all day long. That is both good and bad, because I am indoors so I am out of the heat but bad because that means it is hot outside and I am pretty sure I left a piece of chocolate on my back seat. Yep, I did but it was in a pretty tightly sealed foil so I now have a special piece of chocolate in a different shape than I originally got it in. It is funny because this piece was shaped like a miniature gold bar and now I would say it is more like a gold square. It was some kind of special chocolate from .... Vegas. Who knew Vegas had special chocolate but my aunt received it as a gift, this whole box of them looking like gold bars and she gave me one. And I left it in the car during the heat.
Weekly Update:
This week was nothing special again but I find myself falling asleep a lot more while trying to catch up on my recorded shows on the couch. So many hours this past week of working and then I start to watching something while laying down ... next thing I know it the show is over. I guess at least I am laying down, I am pretty sure it will feel weird if I fell asleep while sitting up. The funny thing is when I wake and then try to make my way up the stairs to go to bed, I am sort of walking side-to-side. Is this how drunk people feel? Could be, all in a slight haze, not sure where I am going but know the direction and eventually making it to bed after semi-successful brushing of the teeth. What is funny is after all that, you sort of get a second wind and I start to fall asleep again while watching TV but before I knock-out I'm able to at least turn it off this time. Sleep, you perplex me so.
At the movies:
Good numbers are rebounding the box office in the season of Spring Break as Divergent Series: Insurgent takes the #1 spot with a strong 54 million. Below expectations but not by much and still a solid number. Drop to #2 is "Cinderella" but still with a strong 34.5 million and pushing well past the 100 mil cume mark. Holding at #3 is "Run All Night" with an extra 5.1 mil as it quickly fizzles out fast. New at #4 is The Gunman with only 5 mil and lower than expected numbers. Rounding off the top 5 is "Kingsman: The Secret Service" with another 4.6 mil as it continues its run into the 100 mil mark, should cap out soon around 125-ish.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week in the semi-wide release category. In at #6 is Do You Believe? with only 4 mil and about right with expectations.
Quote of the week:
"There is no love sincerer than the love of food." - George Bernard Shaw
Facts & Tips:
100% recyclable, old newspapers are great for washing windows.
"I'm very discreet... but I will haunt your dreams." - Jane Lynch as Paula in "The 40-Year-Old Virgin."
Did you remember to set your clocks ahead an hour? I did, I wish I didn't but I did. As always, we lost an hour of sleep or day time by setting our clocks ahead one hour so now we will get more daylight in the evening or something. Who knows, I just thing we need to keep going back an hour every 6 months so eventually we will have dinner at noon and breakfast at 7PM. Eventually it will go full circle but it would mix things up!
Weekly Update:
It is so hot, why? WHY?! I mean it was not Summer hot but it was still warm for being end of Winter and the beginning of Spring. The weather here simply does not make sense anymore and it feels like it is a on-going problem. I know we have no means to control the weather but we can still control our consumption. I am not a big fan of the desert motif for a garden but I think grass is more resilient than we are made to believe and we can water less perhaps. My gardner had the water going off every night and that seemed like such a waste so he finally adjusted it and I think it goes off every other night and maybe even 1 every 3 nights which would be great. I do not have much to water in the backyard so it should be OK.
At the movies:
Adjusted for Daylight Saving Time yet? Does not look like the box office did. New at #1 is the sci-fi drama of
Chappie with only 13.3 million to open. Well below expectations despite positive reviews. Slight drop to #2 is "Focus" with another 10 mil and struggling along. New at #3 is
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel with 8.6 mil. A little below expectations but still a good number for this semi-wide release. Holding on to #4 is "Kingsman: The Secret Service" with an extra 8.3 mil as it closes in on the 100 mil mark and should get it in a day or two. Rounding off the top 5 is "The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water" with yet another 7 mil as it continues the climb and should hit 150 mil cume sometime tomorrow.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week in a surprise box office upset. In at #10 is
Unfinished Business with only 4.8 mil, well below all expectations and did not even leave the starting gate. I guess now is not the time for R-Rated comedy films.
Quote of the week:
people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a
restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music
and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." - Henny Youngman
Facts & Tips:
U.S. paper currency isn't made of paper - it's actually a blend of cotton and linen.
"I am serious... and don't call me Shirley." - Leslie Nielsen as Dr. Rumack in "Airplane."

RAIN ... OK, maybe not. The promise of rain was upon us and then it was quickly taken away. Do we not have the technology to more accurately predict weather? We had a forecast of 3 days of rain coming up and as it got closer, it went down to 2 days and when the first day arrived, just clouds. Then between the first and second day, it rained at night for about 20 minutes and then that was it. Why?! LIES! LIES!!! We desperately need the rain and I know the weather people obviously can not control it but I thought they would give us better accuracy on this!!
Weekly Update:
Start of a new month and I guess schools will be starting their spring breaks soon. Hopefully traffic will lighten up for a week or two ... hopefully. So what do spring breakers do these days anyway? I noticed an increase in attendance and sell outs for Disney World ... that is a destination for Spring Break? I guess for families but I would thank places like Vegas, any lake, any beaches and of course the city of Miami perhaps? Who knows but those would be places I would avoid simply because it will be packed. Unless you love huge crowds and coeds flowing rampant ... then yeah, that would be the perfect place to go! I honestly do not think I ever went to a typical spring break hot spot or participated in one ... I am boring and sheltered, I know.
At the movies:
Taking the #1 spot and new this weekend is the thriller Focus with a decent 19.1 million and close to the mark. Holding ground at #2 is "Kingsman: The Secret Service" with another 11.8 mil as it approaches the 100 mil mark. It should get that by the end of this coming weekend. Holding at #3 is "SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water" with an extra 11.2 mil and heading to 200 mil but will fall short of that. Big drop to #4 is "Fifty Shades of Grey" with another 10.9 mil as it continues its run. New at #5 if The Lazarus Effect with 10.6 mil and a little below expectations.
Quote of the week:
"There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." - Henry A. Kissinger
Facts & Tips:

A hummingbird's heart beats 1,400 times a minute.
"Okay everybody, I'm leaving, I've got to get back to New York before my plants die." - Geri Jewell as Geri Tyler in the TV series "The Facts of Life."