Start of a new month and I guess schools will be starting their spring breaks soon. Hopefully traffic will lighten up for a week or two ... hopefully. So what do spring breakers do these days anyway? I noticed an increase in attendance and sell outs for Disney World ... that is a destination for Spring Break? I guess for families but I would thank places like Vegas, any lake, any beaches and of course the city of Miami perhaps? Who knows but those would be places I would avoid simply because it will be packed. Unless you love huge crowds and coeds flowing rampant ... then yeah, that would be the perfect place to go! I honestly do not think I ever went to a typical spring break hot spot or participated in one ... I am boring and sheltered, I know.

Taking the #1 spot and new this weekend is the thriller Focus with a decent 19.1 million and close to the mark. Holding ground at #2 is "Kingsman: The Secret Service" with another 11.8 mil as it approaches the 100 mil mark. It should get that by the end of this coming weekend. Holding at #3 is "SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water" with an extra 11.2 mil and heading to 200 mil but will fall short of that. Big drop to #4 is "Fifty Shades of Grey" with another 10.9 mil as it continues its run. New at #5 if The Lazarus Effect with 10.6 mil and a little below expectations.
Quote of the week:
"There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full." - Henry A. Kissinger
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