It did cool down some which was nice but they say this coming week is suppose to heat up again. Well, at least we got a little weather break and I didn't have to crank up the AC till just yesterday when it got a little toasty ... mmmm, toast.

Last Tuesday night I attended the 34th Annual Saturn Awards for my 3rd year straight. It was another night of total geekness with a hint of nerdism. This year was pretty cool in general since our table was in front of the stage, one row back instead of in the corner in the back or way off to the side. I had all kinds of interesting people surrounding us and then with the after party being at the same hotel made it way better. As always, managed to get a few snap shots with some folks:
*Garret Wang- pretty cool guy, probably best know as Harry Kim in the "Star Trek: Voyager" series.
*Dolph Lundgren- That's right, Captain Ivan Drago from "Rocky IV" and he was pretty cool too.
*Jon Polito- been in so many features and shows, he is a very cool guy!
*Malcolm David Kelley- of "Lost" TV fame, bright kid.
*Lindsey Wagner- she was very pleasant.
*Ben Browder- at first he threw me off but he turned out to be a really cool guy.
*Claudia Black- pretty hot and I am sure a geek's fantasy girl.
*John Saxon- a classic and total pro character actor.
*Camden Toy- really cool and nice guy and what is funny is I was hanging out with him the Saturday before at the same birthday party I met Grand Bush and Al White.
At the movies:

The little robot that could as Wall*E takes the box office #1 spot with a decent 62.5 million opener. Action in at #2 as Wanted heats up the big screens with 51.1 mil. Holding in at #3 is "Get Smart" with an extra 20 mil. Holding in pretty good at #4 is "Kung Fu Panda" with another 11.7 mil and over the 175 mil cume mark. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Incredible Hulk" with another 9.2 mil and a size-able drop from last week but enough for it to break the 100 mil cume.
Quote of the Week:
"I think it's the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately."- George Carlin

No matter if its Southern California or Northern California, fire is fire! NorCal is being hit now with a slew of fires causing dangerous health conditions throughout the bay area. With nearly 1,300 homes threatened, the fire has destroyed over 35,000 acres and 16 homes in it's path. Apparently statewide there is over 1,420 active fires burning ... I wonder if you have two small bushes burning if that counts as 2? With that many fires going at once, the clouds must be simply black and the ash everywhere.
Facts & Tips:

One in six doctors in America was trained in Philadelphia.
"The White House reception committee greeted the Prime Ribroast Minister and... I do the cha-cha like a sissy girl. I lik-a do da cha-cha. I'm sorry we seem to be having some technical difficulties. In other news..."- Steve Carell as Evan Baxter in "Bruce Almighty."