What the holy hot...

Talk about the weather doing an 180! It jumped to the 90's this past week and on top of that... HUMID?!?! This is not our typical weather here! One night it was cool but a thunder storm rolled in with some rain for a bit. Now that is unusual and then during the day it got warmer and warmer and this is funny, the peak was around 3 to 4PM which is very odd! And then it would drop 20+ degrees by 8PM. I don't get this weather, this is not normal for us!! I had to be outside on Thursday and oh man, I did a LOT of walking and in the heat, I was so tired and had to take another shower when I got back. I think next week is more of the same in terms of temperature but not sure on the humidity. That is the unusual part of this weather we are having. The heat is one thing but that extra lair of stickiness... gross.
Weekly Update:
Normally I try to stay from politics in general but this week there was a big one. Have the say the last 10-ish years we have seen politics like nothing ever before and for the most part, all bad. SCOTUS (Supreme Court Of The United States) reversed the ruling on Roe Vs Wade. What this essentially means is that abortions laws are now not protected on a federal level but states can now have laws to enforce that ruling and make them illegal in their own states. Of course other states can keep them legal and then there are ones who have a criteria of what is termed a life or what stage of a pregnancy is deemed legal or not. Essentially, women now have no rights over their own body. Now personally I am neither for or against one having an abortion but I am for women having a choice in the matter since it is their body and there are many cases which they need one such as a medical problem or in situations of being forced. Everyone has a choice except women? What is next, inter-racial marriages being outlawed again and prohibition coming back?
At the movies:
Singing it's way to the top, a new #1 takes the crown as Elvis earns 30.5 million for it's debut. Not a great Summer number but a lot of award buzz around this film. Rebounding to #2 is Top Gun: Maverick with another 30.5 mil as it crosses the 500 mil threshold! Dipping down to two-spots to #3 is Jurassic World Dominion with 26.4 mil, a decent drop but just now passing the 300 mil mark. New at #4 is The Black Phone with 23.4 mil and fair number for this film around this time. Rounding off the top 5 and dropping down a few spots is Lightyear with an extra 17.7 mil as it struggles to hit 100 mil but should get it in another week to 10-days.
Quote of the week:
"Education is the movement from darkness to light." - Allan Bloom
Facts & Tips:
The collective name for a group of unicorns is called a blessing.
"Well, you could just say 'thank you.'" - Julianne Hough as Katie Feldman in Safe Haven.

Oh snap! It got cold... and just like someone flipped the switch and our temps dropped. Although it did feel warm but there was simply no breeze. However, it maintained in the mid to high 70's during the day and it felt fine. No breeze just made it feel a little warmer but the nights dropped down to the 60's and it was great! I only had to turn on the fan for the house and left the AC off all week! It was great and both an energy and time-saver. How did it save time... I didn't have to take the time to adjust anything for the thermostat. It was almost perfect weather to be honest and it being mid-Summer, it is usually super warm to hot! PLEASE let it stay this way for the rest of the Summer!! PLEASE... meh, probably won't but enjoying the energy savings as much as I can!
Weekly Update:
Saturday evening had an encounter that was not good or bad but...communicated. I need to be a better listener and also watch what I saw or the way it is said. I thought I was already careful with that and try to be as neutral as I can unless it's something exciting, celebratory or positive! Then you spew elations and happiness. But other things, sometimes you just have to be careful of the ear that is listening and many times there could be a strong language barrier. What is a common expression here, could mean nothing someplace else and then the words will mean what they mean and not the saying or expression they are used for. I think we could all benefit from that kind of understanding and of course we could all be better listeners which what I will strive to do to be a better person/partner to someone.
At the movies:
Holding ground at #1 for a 2nd week is Jurassic World Dominion earning an extra 58.6 million and now about to hit the 250 mil mark! Average size drop from week 1 to 2 given the new contenders that were released. New at #2 is Lightyear with a fairly disappointing 51 million for it's debut. Word-of-mouth is a bit scarce on this film... it may struggle and burn out quickly. Drop down to #3 is Top Gun: Maverick with 44 mil and on its way to 500 mil which should get there in a week or two. Suffered a VERY minor drop! Hanging in at #4 is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with 4.2 mil as it just now passes 400 mil cume domestic. Rounding off the top 5 and holding on as well is The Bob's Burgers Movie with 1.1 and sure it will drop off after this week.
Quote of the week:
"I have a Father's Day every day." - Dennis Banks
Facts & Tips:
An AA battery with no charge remaining will not bounce when dropped.
"Hello there." - Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan Kenobi in Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith.
It got all hot in here...

Well that didn't last long or as long as I had hoped. The heat is back or starting up... now mind you it's not HOT but very warm and with no wind or breeze it feels like 10 degrees warmer than it should be. So it averaged around mid-80's during the week but two factors that made it seem much warmer (or hotter) are 1) I work upstairs so all the heat rises and 2) as mentioned, no breeze or wind to circulate the air. So I did have to run my fan and the AC a few times but just hate using that energy and the $$$ that comes with it for Southern California. The nights are cooler in the 60's but still sleep with the window open and the ceiling fan on to generate that wind needed.
Weekly Update:
This past week has been kind of rough and filled with some major and emotional challenges for me which I am not either accustomed to nor was prepared for! My mind is kind of toast right now as I write this because of a lot of work I've been doing along with being hit or kind of blindsided with some personal yet emotional news. Needless to say, this week has not been good at all and I am just drained mentally and physically from it. I am not sure how long it will take me to recover, if I recover at all to be honest but I'm still here and floating by. All I can say is I need a break from it all... just a break, not sure how long I would need but any amount of time would be great of not having a care in the world and something to worry about. But there is always something and likely will always be something. I wish all of this would go away but it won't. Things that just stick with you forever I suppose or will stick with you till the end and all you can do is replay all the incidents and what you could have done differently to avoided or have made it better... the good finish last, the trying die alone... is that a saying? I mean I know the first part is but man that is a pretty good saying I think!
At the movies:
A new roar at the box office as Jurassic World: Dominion takes the crown for its debut earning a hefty 143.4 million. Should get to 200 mil in no time and onward to more! Drop down to #2 is Top Gun: Maverick with another 50 mil even and just shy of 400 mil. Expect that in another day. Also dipping down to #3 is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with 4.9 mil as it is also just shy of 400 mil! Appears everything shifted one down as The Bob's Burgers Movie claims #4 this week earning another 2.3 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is The Bad Guys with 2.3 mil as it crawls closer to 100 mil cume.
Quote of the week:
"You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist." - Indira Gandhi
Facts & Tips:
Mistletoe is evergren - even after a tree's leaves have fallen, it stays green.
"I mean, I know it's really hard to meet guys right now, with the apocalypse and stuff. Trust me. And like I know that you miss Perry. But Julie, this is just weird. Like, I wish the internet was still working so I could just look up what whatever it is that's wrong with you." - Lio Tipton as Nora in "Warm Bodies."
Sleepless in Fullerton

This past week has been very odd and strange for me... I have gotten very little sleep and been restless for days (or nights that is). I can't seem to turn off my brain and it just things random things like it's rambling. I'm not one for sleep aids unless I'm sick, maybe this is going to cause me to be sick? Lately I would say on average I sleep for an hour, wake up for a few, sleep maybe another 30 mins, wake up, sleep in 10 minute pockets here and there and then get up for work. In total the average is maybe 2 1/2 hours a night. I then have my morning caffeinated diet soda (don't drink coffee) and some how manage to function through my day. Not sure if I am functioning correctly or what I am doing or saying is making sense to anyone but no one has said, "what did you say?" or "um, Tony, that didn't make sense." So I must be a functioning zombie perhaps? Is this what a zombie feels like? Who knows... hope it doesn't last much longer though.
Weekly Updates:
Have you ever noticed how so many song's, basically from the 50's to now, are about love? I know, I know, so what but what is interesting is when you have lost a loved one... either by passing or by maybe breaking up, ALL the songs you hear (or notice) are about love? I guess in reality they have always played but you hear them so often you may not think about it or listen then when your mind is so super focused, that is all you hear. I wonder if it works in reverse like after you are married (just married) do you hear those same love songs? Or what if your wife ran off with the plumber in your brand new Bronco and ruined by running into a tree... oh and your dog died? Do all the country Western songs cover those? Huh, it's an interesting and yet probably ever day phenomenon I suppose.
At the movies:
Holding it's pattern at #1 is Top Gun: Maverick with an extra 86 million and now a huge 291 mil cume! The drop-off was well below the norm and this film should hit 300 in just another day probably! Also holding it's place is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness with 9.3 mil and closer now to 400! Eating away at #3 is The Bob's Burgers Movie earning another 4.5 mil. Bumping up a spot is The Bad Guys with 3.3 mil and getting close to 100 mil, it could make it! And dropping down a spot is Downtown Abbey: A New Era finding another 3 mil and doing fairly good for this type of film.
Quote of the week:
"A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same." - Elbert Hubbard
Facts & Tips:
Labor Day is the unofficial end of hot dog season.
"All right, which one of you wanted the clean menu?" - Faye Dewitt as Grace in "How to Frame a Figg."