It's cold... but dry again. I hope this isn't the start of another dry year because around this time last year we had some rain going on and more of it. But I think since the start of January or the New Year, maybe received 4 to 5 days of some rain and not constant or consistent. It has gotten windy a lot more though! And this wind lately has been causing a lot of debris and blown down tree branches all over the place. I find it funny they just cleaned my roof of the house and then the next day HUGE winds. It happens a lot too when they clean the pool, next day or two big winds again. I would not mind wind WITH some rain! Now that would be kind of cool and awesome. Also with these very cold temps, some frost would be great to add along with this too! Where oh where...
Weekly Update:
Girl Scout Cookies? Yes please! So a friend of mine posted about her daughter selling them and they are doing delivery now (probably because of Covid and such). So to help support her, I ordered a few but they have a new cookie! They are called Adventurefuls and it's like a combo cookie and brownie with caramel and salt (maybe sea salt). They are pretty good! Not overly sweet which is good, I wasn't sure if I would like them and be too sweet but wanted to at least try them out. Could use a big cold glass of milk with them though but a solid good cookie overall.
At the movies:
Continuing it's re-hold of #1 is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with another 11 million and closing in at 750 mil. It has been #1 for 6 of it's 7 weeks in release so far! Holding #2 is "Scream" with another 7.4 mil and passing the 50 mil mark, still a distance to 100 mil and unlikely it will reach it. Singing strong at #3 is "Sing 2" with an extra 4.8 mil and still hanging in there. No change at #4 is "Redeeming Love" with 1.9 mil and should reach 10 mil eventually. Rounding off the top 5 is "The King's Man" with 1.8 mil and struggling along and barely hanging into the top 5.
Quote of the week:
"We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Facts & Tips:
Mountain lions can whistle.
"Hey, Hong Kong Fooey. Watch the fists of fury." - Matthew Lillard as Shaggy in "Scooby-Doo."
The Queen is home

Earlier this week Shadow was returned after her cremation and it really hit hard again just like the day she left. She was put inside a very beautiful box, might be made of cedar, not really familiar with woods but had that type of smell. Also a nice little lock and tag in the shape of a heart that simply said Shadow. She's back and will be cherished... I am not sure how I will be able to handle Orion when it becomes his time. I just hope it will not be for a VERY VERY long time! He's such a good boy, a prince to the queen and also quite the opposite of her. He actually listens! Not a cuddle dog like Shadow was though (until she had enough of you and move away) but he's also not as furry and soft so that could be why. Miss you Shadow girl now and forever. She will always be on my phone so I can see her every time I use it and in today's day, that is a lot!
Weekly Update:
Ok, what is the deal with Kraft Parmesan Cheese? I love cheese (most of them) and I love having grated parmesan on my various food. But the Kraft in the classic green can shaker, it always clumps! It can be brand new or 1-year old, it clumps the same! Why does this happen?? It's dry and already grated finely and it clumps. I always have to shake it side-to-side hard to get it to break up and that helps some but then when I pour it on something, more clumps and plugs up the holes. I just do not understand or get it... they need a new or better formula I think.
At the movies:
Reclaiming the #1 spot is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with 14.1 million and continues it's climb to a potential 800 mil domestic cume. Drop down to #2 is "Scream" with 12.4 mil and now past 50 mil which is good for an horror film in general. Holding ground at #3 is "Sing" with 5.7 mil and continues to hold a note. New at #4 is Redeeming Love with 3.7 mil and probably all it will redeem for the cost to make the film. Rounding off the top 5 and holding on is "The King's Man" with another 1.8 mil and surprises all by hanging in there.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Another one this week as The King's Daughter comes in at #8 with 750k and already on it's way out.
Quote of the week:
"If you fell down yesterday, stand up today." - H.G. Wells
Facts & Tips:
The only continent without reptiles or snakes is Antarctica.
"This car. Goeth would have bought this car. Why did I keep the car? Ten people right there. Ten people. Ten more people. This pin. Two people. This is gold. Two more people. He would have given me two for it, at least one. One more person. A person, Stern. For this. I could have gotten one more person... and I didn't! And I... I didn't!" - Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler in "Schindler's List."

Tsunami Warning? Apparently an underwater volcano erupted off the coast of Tonga this week and caused a tsunami warning for all of the west coast of the US... what about like Japan, and all those tiny islands in the Pacific? Hawaii even along with Fiji, Indonesia... how are they all going to be impacted?? I would imagine by the time it got to the west coast of the US it would be very weakened but to get a warning that far out, all these other places may be even worse! But from what I could tell, we ended up having cloudier weather and it drizzled a little bit and when I say a little bit, I probably could count the number of drops that hit the ground. Unless there is more coming? I don't know how long the warning was in effect for and how long things take to move across the water to get here. But still, more concerned with all those islands and even Australia which is closer to the volcano!
Weekly Update:
This week has been a kind of blah week... weather was consistent, not freezing and not hot which is great. Need more rain of course but that will never change. It was also a week of just nothing. No big news or bad, no fun or sad, no excitement or boredom. Feels very weird and odd because I managed to get some sleep but not oversleep. Or got more sleep but didn't struggle due to lack of sleep... do weeks like this exist often?? After having a week like this, I am not sure if I like it or hate it (another middle of the road situation). Because I wasn't swamped but at the same time borderline boredom. Also is it me or does January just drag on and on? Literally feels like the slowest month of all down to the minutes watching them tick by.
At the movies:
A new king of the box office this week as Scream takes the crown with a nice 30.6 million to open. Word-of-mouth is strong on the film and should carry well. Drop down to #2 is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with 20.8 mil and now just shy of 700 mil domestic! Should get it tomorrow probably being an holiday. Dipping down to #3 is "Sing 2" with 8.3 mil and holding a note as long as it can. Stepping down one to #4 is "The 355" with 2.3 mil and will continue drifting away. Rounding off the top 5 is "The King's Man" with an extra 2.3 mil and may be gone by next week.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week, in at #6 is Belle with 1.6 mil for it's debut and that is about it.
Quote of the day:
"People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing- that's why we recommend it daily." - Zig Ziglar
Facts & Tips:
The humming bird is the only bird that can fly backwards.
"Yee-Haw!" - Marisa Miller as Roy's avatar in "RIPD."
Stubborn but a great girl... goodnight Shadow

Shadow went to sleep... On Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 in the morning my stubborn girl Shadow, finally passed. Back in the start of August she had a bad collapse and found out she had massive tumors on her stomach and chest area. At that time she was only given about a month to live and in her own fashion, she lasted nearly 5 more months. Shadow was stubborn in that fact she rarely listened to you except when it was time for food or maybe the occasional car ride. She was the type of dog that loved anyone she met but didn't like other animals. She tolerated her son, Orion but even that was on occasion. She would bark at you if you knocked at the door but once she saw you, she would expect a pet or some kind of recognition. She would let you stare down her nose and not move unless she was bored and walk away. If you were ever afraid of dogs, she would be the one to change your mind. She did look intimidating but she was the traditional black and brown German Shepherd with the pointy ears. When she was rescued they estimated her to be about 3-years old and had her almost 13 years, sad the average life-span is only around 15-years for this size and breed of dogs... it is never long enough. She was definitely the Queen of the house, did not hesitate to let you know. Shadow, you will be dearly missed and never forgotten. Sleep and snore as loud as you like...
Weekly Updates:
No more rain?! Well, I guess our Winter is more-or-less over as the current forecast shows no rain for the next 2-weeks (not sure past that as it doesn't go out that far right now). The temps do look good though, will stay in the low 70's and nights in the low 60's but was hoping for some moisture to help get us out of the massive dry spell we have been stuck in for years (if not decades) now. It is nice seeing the nearby mountain tops with snow but how long will that last? I hope towards the end of the month we get some rain like last year but more than just one or 2-days of it. How about a week or two... or three? What happened to April Showers and all that stuff? I've been lied too... those dang climate change and nursery rhymes!
At the movies:
Continuing to hold it's spot at #1 is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with another 33 million as it quickly approaches 700 mil domestic. If it has another good weekend it should get that by end of next week. Also holding its spot at #2 is "Sing 2" with 11.9 mil extra as it just passes the 100 mil mark. New at #3 is The 355 with 4.8 mil and not much on this film, could be a quick burn. Drop down to #4, "The King's Man" with 3.3 mil as it struggles along and for a prequel, it is not living up to it's predecessors. Rounding off the top 5 and hanging in there is "American Underdog" with 2.4 mil and should be ending it's run soon.
Quote of the week:
"Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day." - Thornton Wilder
Facts & Tips:
Ripening bananas glow an intense blue under black light.
"Are you crazy? This is radioactive material! One wrong move, and it's ka-frickin'-boom!" - Ken Davitian as Shtarker in "Get Smart."
New Year's Edition

So we said goodbye to 2021, another turbulent year but honestly, not as crazy as the past four before that were. Still not great but not as terrible as it MASSIVELY could have been. But from my perspective things have levelled off instead of going down and that is a good thing. Overall prices of goods have increased but not as bad last year than the previous 3. Traffic is back, that is a bummer and this current Winter feels like Winter! I mean that is just a thing of nature but just throwing that in there because last year really sucked. We have rain again, and it's cold! I normally do not mind the cold but I haven't been able to use my heater for one reason or another but I want to!! Well, 2022 what do you got?
Weekly Update:
The legendary Betty White passed this pass Friday. She was going to be 100-years old on January 17th and everyone was announcing and planning her big day. A bit of a shame she didn't make it and from all I heard she was in fine health but at 99, that is a legacy no doubt and what a big one she had. From film and TV acting to a lot of charity work, especially with animals (primarily dogs). She was often jokingly said to be older than sliced bread (invented around 1928) and outlived all her co-stars from the TV show "Golden Girls," not to mention probably many more. She will be remembered a lot, beloved by so many and be entertainment royalty that kept us smiling. Good night Betty, rest well.
At the movies:
Another holiday weekend and another win for Spidey! Hanging on to #1 is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with another 52.7 million and now just over 600 mil for domestic cume. Holding a note at #2 is "Sing 2" with 19.6 mil extra and getting very close to the 100 mil mark, should get it within the week. Moving up to #3 is "The King's Man" with 4.5 mil and not the numbers they were hoping for. Also moving up to #4 is "American Underdog" with 4.1 mil more and will slowly drop. Big drop to #5 is "The Matrix Resurrections" with 3.8 mil and may not even hit 50 mil cume at this rate.
Quote of the week:
"Sincerity is the way to heaven." - Mencius
Facts & Tips:
Mercury and Venus are the only planets in our solar system with no moon.
"Look something's wrong with me. I don't know what, but something is very, very wrong with me. I'm remembering things I shouldn't know." - Zachary Levi as Chuck Bartowski in the TV series "Chuck."