Stubborn but a great girl... goodnight Shadow
Shadow went to sleep... On Tuesday, January 4th, 2022 in the morning my stubborn girl Shadow, finally passed. Back in the start of August she had a bad collapse and found out she had massive tumors on her stomach and chest area. At that time she was only given about a month to live and in her own fashion, she lasted nearly 5 more months. Shadow was stubborn in that fact she rarely listened to you except when it was time for food or maybe the occasional car ride. She was the type of dog that loved anyone she met but didn't like other animals. She tolerated her son, Orion but even that was on occasion. She would bark at you if you knocked at the door but once she saw you, she would expect a pet or some kind of recognition. She would let you stare down her nose and not move unless she was bored and walk away. If you were ever afraid of dogs, she would be the one to change your mind. She did look intimidating but she was the traditional black and brown German Shepherd with the pointy ears. When she was rescued they estimated her to be about 3-years old and had her almost 13 years, sad the average life-span is only around 15-years for this size and breed of dogs... it is never long enough. She was definitely the Queen of the house, did not hesitate to let you know. Shadow, you will be dearly missed and never forgotten. Sleep and snore as loud as you like...
No more rain?! Well, I guess our Winter is more-or-less over as the current forecast shows no rain for the next 2-weeks (not sure past that as it doesn't go out that far right now). The temps do look good though, will stay in the low 70's and nights in the low 60's but was hoping for some moisture to help get us out of the massive dry spell we have been stuck in for years (if not decades) now. It is nice seeing the nearby mountain tops with snow but how long will that last? I hope towards the end of the month we get some rain like last year but more than just one or 2-days of it. How about a week or two... or three? What happened to April Showers and all that stuff? I've been lied too... those dang climate change and nursery rhymes!
At the movies:
Continuing to hold it's spot at #1 is "Spider-Man: No Way Home" with another 33 million as it quickly approaches 700 mil domestic. If it has another good weekend it should get that by end of next week. Also holding its spot at #2 is "Sing 2" with 11.9 mil extra as it just passes the 100 mil mark. New at #3 is The 355 with 4.8 mil and not much on this film, could be a quick burn. Drop down to #4, "The King's Man" with 3.3 mil as it struggles along and for a prequel, it is not living up to it's predecessors. Rounding off the top 5 and hanging in there is "American Underdog" with 2.4 mil and should be ending it's run soon.
Quote of the week:
"Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day." - Thornton Wilder
Facts & Tips:
Ripening bananas glow an intense blue under black light.
"Are you crazy? This is radioactive material! One wrong move, and it's ka-frickin'-boom!" - Ken Davitian as Shtarker in "Get Smart."
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