
Christmas Edition!
No matter what you celebrate, all the different cultural holidays are relatively the same. At least they all seem to share the same messages so there is nothing wrong with wishing someone a Merry Christmas if they are not Christian or Happy Hanukkah if they are not Jewish. You are simply saying I'm wishing you a wonderful holiday or time of year... is that so bad? I know some people say, "Oh I don't celebrate that" or "I'm not Jewish." Who cares! You can be Jewish or Christian for the day, will it kill or hurt you? To me, it's the same thing as if saying, "Have a good (or great) day!" But you are mixing it up a little bit for one time during the year. Accept it, appreciate it, reply back thanks or to you as well.. or whatever you prefer.
Weekly Update:
Wow it rained a LOT this week! YES!!!! Finally!!! We need it! Bring more rain please! So it started around Wednesday night, Thursday morning, very light, barely enough to get the ground wet. Then it continued to build and build. Come Friday morning (like early AM) it came down heavy! I love the sound of rain in a warm home or under the sheets as it hits the house and ground. But also it washes away all the pollution, soot from all the fires from the year and hopefully refills a lot of dry river beds and aqua ducts we have. Oh and the snow on the mountains again! That is always so great to see because that snow will be our future water supply. I just wish I had a way to collect as much rain water as I can to use for things like my grass when I need it instead of relying on sprinklers all the time. Just saying, need ways to save water while we can.
At the movies:
The holiday weekend was in full swing as "Spider-Man: No Way Home" holds top honors with another 81.5 million and now over 450 mil domestic cume. It did suffer a sizeable drop but how could it not with such a tremendous opening! Should hit 500 by end of next weekend if not sooner. Taking the spotlight at #2 is Sing 2 with 41 million and overall buzz is mellow for it but should still have a nice 2nd weekend. Sweeping in to #3 is The Matrix Resurrections with 22.5 mil and not a whole lot on this film, will struggle to hit 100 mil if at all. Coming in at #4 is The King's Man with only 10 mil to open and not an outstanding number for the holiday. This could have done better on a different time frame I think. Rounding off the top 5 is American Underdog with 6.2 mil and probably will stay under.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one major release, coming in at #8 is A Journal for Jordan with 2.2 mil and will probably be lucky to hit 10 mil.
Quote of the week:
"For it is in giving that we receive." - Francis of Assisi
Facts & Tips:
The only thing that can scratch a diamond is a diamond.
"A little, I've been watching you guys these past few weeks and I think I know the steps." - Cheryl Burke as Shannon in the TV show "The Suite Life of Zack & Cody."

Took some time off this past week and spend a few days down in San Diego. I've been many times but always for one thing... COMIC CON!! It was nice to just visit and see other things besides the convention hall, the nearby hotels for press interviews, the crowds, waiting to find a table to eat something and the overall traffic. Ok well, the traffic was still there but we are so close to the holidays it made sense. Plus it rained!! Now that was nice but some things I did get to enjoy were the Natural History Museum, Old Town San Diego and Shoreline Village. Also driving around those familiar Gaslamp District streets because that is basically where all of Comic Con lived. Didn't do the USS Midway Museum because of the rain and about half of it is on the flight deck. I have been to that ship before but for a movie premier for the TV show "Stargate SG-1" so I have the basics of the ship. Maybe another trip is in order to see and do more! I did want to go to the San Diego Zoo but, apparently the pandas went back to China.
Weekly Update:
Circle K, you disappoint me. I usually do not visit Circle K's or like an 7-11 unless I'm desperate for a beverage of some kind. I went into one this past week, was the only thing I could find in the area (but honestly I didn't really look around that much) and wanted to get an Arizona Iced Tea (the green tea with honey and ginseng). Now at any gas station or store it's a flat .99 cents as it's even printed on the can. But apparently Circle K has a deal with them and it's not printed but instead has the Circle K logo around the top of the can. And they charge $1.29 for it instead. I mean I know it's only 30 more cents but come on, if it's .99 every where else, why are you kind of being a jerk and marking it up? Not our fault you wanted to have your logo printed on the can and so you can simply charge more? I'm glad we have alternatives to stop at so I will for sure go to those places instead of another Circle K. You lost me.
At the movies:
Exceeding all expectations, Spider-Man: No Way Home swings in to #1 with 253 million for it's debut. More than any estimates and predictions and word-of-mouth says it's the best one yet and should carry through the holidays with some strong numbers. Holding on to the #2 spot is "Encanto" with 6.5 mil more and continues to get closer to that 100 mil mark, may take till early 2022 to hit it. Big drop down to #3 is "West Side Story" with 3.4 mil and trying to hold that note. Slight drop down to #4 is "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" with 3.4 as it continues to slow down as well. Rounding off the top 5 is Nightmare Alley with 3 mil for it's debut and cracking into the top 5 this week!
Quote of the week:
"In life, as in chess, forethought wins." - Charles Buxton
Facts & Tips:
There are more fake than real flamingos.
"Oh, totes! We sing covers of songs, but we do it without any instruments. It's all from our mouths!" - Brittany Snow as Chloe in "Pitch Perfect."

It sure felt like an actual Winter this week with 2 days of light rain... still never enough but it was something and freezing too! The temps during the day where high maybe 60's, to 72 degrees but it did stay around 60 a lot which was great! Prefer the cold and it's always easier to get warm than is to cool down (and cheaper too!). But overall (so far) it's been a good start to December weather wise, still a bit too dry for my taste. My hands are so chapped from it and I try to use my lotion as often as I can but need some moisture here soon. At least our weather is fairly accurate and it did call for rain 2 nights this past week and we got them. Next week it looks about the same but 2 days in a row so looking forward to that (I can turn my sprinklers off for a bit and save some water!).
Weekly Update:
This has been an interesting week and month (so far). So in my decluttering long term project I have been putting a lot of items for sale on eBay. I figured since I have the room, I can sell things off and slowly get rid of them while turning a penny or two. This week alone I have sold 4 items... on average I MIGHT sell 1 item a month or 1 every other month. December is generally no different despite the holidays but this year is very different! And it has been a good mix of my higher-end collectibles and movie memorabilia that I have been sitting on for over 10+ years. One item for example was a McFarlane Toys motorcycle from the anime Akira, no box and I had it sitting forever on a shelf. I cleaned it up and saw it was going for about $99 and so decided to put it up. Sold! Pretty quickly in fact and that was just for a toy motorcycle. I would say combined this past week between the four items I've made (gross) about $164 which is nice for clearing out some of my old stuff and the boxes I've been saving to ship things with.
At the movies:
Singing it’s way to #1 is West Side Story for 10.5 million in it’s debut. Not a strong number but right now it’s a box office lull and a way to get those award contenders out. Drop down to #2 is “Encanto” with 9.4 mil as it continues to try and hit the 100 mil mark. It should get there eventually but will definitely take time. Slipping to #3 is “Ghostbusters: Afterlife” with 7.1 mil and will start to fade from here. Following the trend and dropping down to #4 is “House of Gucci” with 4.1 mil and sure we will see some award nods soon. Rounding off the top 5 is “Eternals” with another 3.1 mil and may be gone soon.
Quote of the week:
"Civilization began the first time an angry person cast a word instead of a rock." - Sigmund Freud
Facts & Tips:
Adult humans are the only mammal that can't breathe and swallow at the same time.
"In my experience guys are way more attracted to the back of you than to the front." - Kate Flannery as Meredith Palmer in the TV series "The Office."
Ouch my hands!

This is kind of interesting, when it gets super cold it can still be super dry. Hot doesn't always mean dry but just very very warm. So lately it has been very cold (again) and my hands are super dry and chapped. I need to remember to put some lotion on more than once. When it gets like this I tend to do it before bed but then they get cracks and such that they begin to hurt. I do think it interesting though that many relate cold with moisture for some reason but alas, that is not the case at all. But ouch, my hands are super chapped right now (image is not mine but pretty dang close lately!!).
Weekly Update:
It wasn't a Black Friday sale but I purchased a mono-pod or uni-pod. Or, a Hohem gimbal for steady came (for the phone). It was pretty inexpensive and I got a $20 coupon off so it was barely over $50! I am still trying to learn how it works but from the youtube video's I've watched so far, both gave it great reviews. But the video's were talking about how to use it but not set it up. I've never had or used one of these before but it feels like a high quality handle and everything about it seems pretty great, I just need to learn how to use it now! But why did I get this thing?? Well with all the potential projects coming up, filming certain talent and such I thought this would be great for social media.
At the movies:
Hanging on to #1 is "Encanto" with another 12.7 mil as it quickly slows down. This week and next are traditionally a lull week till X-Mas week where it will pick up again for another 2 weeks. Also holding at #2 is "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" with 10.4 mil as it crosses the 100 mil threshold. Staying still at #3 is "House of Gucci" with 6.8 mil and continues to drop but will start getting some award recognition. New at #4 is "Christmas with the Chosen: The Messengers" with 4.1 mil as this was more than likely due to large groups and selling auditoriums to churches. And rounding off (and dropping down) to #5 is "Eternals" with 3.9 mil as it closes up quickly.
Quote of the week:
"Whenever you do a thing, act as if all the world were watching." - Thomas Jefferson
Facts & Tips:
The flamingo can only eat when its head is upside down.
"You get back here and you make love to my wife!" - Brett Gelman as Hal in "The Other Guys."