I'm a weatherman!

Brrrr it got cold outside! So, I could be a weather man! I could say there is a 50% chance of rain tomorrow and I would be right! If it doesn't rain, I'm right but if it does rain, I'm also right! And I thought hey I could make up crazy ranges as well and say it should be in the Mid 70's to Mid 80's, that is a wide gap and just say it could get hotter if those breezes don't kick in. What is bringing this all up? The weather report said we were going to get rain (80% chance) on Saturday, we got some rain and it just occurred to me if we didn't, it would still be an accurate weather report! Now, if they said we will get rain at 9PM and we get it around that time, then I am impressed but that doesn't really happen very often.. maybe like 1% of the time (hey if it's more, margin of error!)
Weekly Update:
TWICE this past week I encountered people walking in the middle of the road again. Is this a new thing that I don't know about? Ok so one was at Costco and it was one family with 2 shopping cards going exactly down the middle of the parking lot aisle. I was behind them but another car was in front of them coming towards us. How do you not move to the side of the aisle?!? Why are people so rude and oblivious all of a sudden? Then, on that same day I was entering a parking garage and 2 people were walking in the middle of the entrance when there are walk ways on both sides of the entrance! I mean not only that but also one in the middle as well. It is an entrance and exit with a walk way separating them and then one on both sides. HOW do you just walk down the drive-way entry when you literally have 2 walk-ways to use and thus preventing me from going into the garage? How did people become so selfish all of a sudden? Not that this may be connected but none of these people wore masks but it was also all outside. (This picture pretty much sums it up).
At the movies:
Sci-Fi takes the box office this weekend as the long anticipated remake of Dune hits the screens with 40.1 million to open. A solid number considering the long run time and number of screens available but solid word-of-mouth on this film and could carry it to 100 mil easily. Drop down to #2 is "Halloween Kills" with 14.5 mil extra as it makes it's way to the 100 mil mark. It may be shy of that goal but Halloween weekend might give it a slight boost. Also dropping down to #3 is "No Time to Die" with 11.9 mil as it breaks through that 100 mil mark! Won't go much further but still an overall decent box office. Hanging to #4 is "Venom: Let There Be Carnage" with 9.1 mil and still on track to get to 200 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is Ron's Gone Wrong with only 7.3 mil for it's debut and what looked to be a cute film just didn't find it's audience.
Quote of the week:
"Quality is everyone's responsibility." - W. Edwards Deming
Facts & Tips:
A lemon contains more sugar than a strawberry.
"What happened to the blowtorch, Plug?" - Adam Hicks as Joe in "How to Eat Fried Worms."
Do you smell that in the air?

Hot cold, hot cold, what is going on?!?! So during the week it was a nice brisk Wintery weather and then this weekend it spiked into the 90's again! I will say it didn't feel as hot like in the past, maybe we had some nice breezes? But I did have to turn on the AC a few times. It almost smelled and felt like fire weather and by fire I mean brush and forest fires. It was very very dry in general. But to add to that, it was also slightly windy too and that can contribute to fire weather (or season). I hope this weather passes and we get some rain, that would be greatly needed and appreciated! My car is getting dusty and needs a car wash from Mother Nature please! I mean with all the traffic again, we need to wash away all that smog dust again, rain is the best way! Send rain to SoCali please.
Weekly Update:
I discovered this new Chex mix (at least new to me)... Strawberry with yogurt. I am not sure where this has been but it's not too sweet and the ones with the yogurt sort of refresh in your mouth making it cool, not sure how it does that but delicious! I kind of wonder if this would work as a cereal with milk (I mean Chex is a cereal itself after all). But one bag is basically 1 or 2 bowls of cereal (at least for me based on the bag size I got). I am going to have to get more of these when they go on sale again! I got a bag because it was a $1 off so can't pass up $1.99 for a bag of Chex! I still got my usual ones as well with those little rye looking crisps, I could eat a whole bag of those just by themselves and they are great in soups! Oh but I supposed those aren't Chex but Gardetto's garlic rye chips... so that is my #1 and these strawberry ones are my #2 currently.
At the movies:
Shaking things up a bit as a new #1 takes the crown. Coming in with 50.4 million this weekend is Halloween Kills and fair word-of-mouth. As we get closer to Halloween it may carry a bit more. Drop down to #2 is "No Time to Die" with another 24.3 mil and just shy of 100 mil cume but should get it by end of tomorrow. Also dropping down to #3 is "Venom: Let There Be Carnage" with 16.5 mil as it continues its road to 200 mil mark, still has a way to go. Hanging on to #4 is "The Addams Family 2" with 7.2 mil and it might get a boost during this month but not a big one. Rounding off the top 5 and new is The Last Duel with 4.8 mil for it's debut and very less than favorable numbers.
Quote of the week:
"Where there is no vision, there is no hope." - George Washington Carver
Facts & Tips:
Children have more taste buds than adults.
"That would be good advice if you were somebody else." - Zachary Gordon as Greg Heffley in "Diary of a Wimpy Kid."
Early Winter?

RAIN!!! We got some actually rain for maybe half a day but it was solid rain!! It felt like Winter for SoCali but after about 3P it was bright and sunny but not hot or warm. It pretty much rain through the night on Thursday into Friday and it was just so so nice! I always say this, not enough and it isn't! We are still in a major draught and this little bit of rain is about enough to clean off the first layer of smog dust or dirt we have. I just like it because it smelled so nice and clean plus a few days before we had some strong winds so this was a nice clean up from that. Also the sound of rain soothing and pleasant to me. It can sort of lull you to sleep but also during the day, nice gentle sounds outside. The past Winter was extremely dry here so I hope this means or sets us up for a better and wetter Winter this year! Heaven's know we need it!!
Weekly Update:
So what is wrong with people? I encountered this about 3 times this week and all at different locations but people walking in the middle of the parking aisle. Almost all the car spots are filled and there are cars coming from both directions but these people think they can take up the entire aisle. All I wanted to do is get through, not park so I wasn't following them to their spot. Clearly you can see the cars and some times they have a cart which I get they stick out a bit more but not the middle! The aisle is big enough for two Ram size trucks to be side-by-side and still have space in-between for people to walk, yet these folks seem oblivious. I know people have the right of way but I think that is intended for crossing the street and walking from point A to B, not point A to D to G to O and then to Z. It's just a little courtesy people. You aren't the only ones in this world and we don't revolve around you. FYI: pic is not mine.
At the movies:
Nothing shocking at the box office as the final Daniel Craig Bond takes to the screens. Nabbing the #1 spot is No Time to Die with 56.007 million (yep, they reported that!) for it's debut. Reports are mixed on this movie but should be fine, yet a struggle, to hit 100 mil. Big drop down to #2 is "Venom: Let There Be Carnage" with 32 mil and now way past the 100 mil mark at 141. On track to hit 200 at this rate but it will be a long road. Dropping down to #3 is "The Addams Family 2" with 10 mil more and quickly burning off. Hanging to the #4 spot is "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" with 4.2 mil as it continues into 200 mil range but not likely to go too much further. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Many Saints of Newark" with 1.4 mil and likely the last we see of this one.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week coming in at #7 is Lamb with only 1 mil to open on nearly 2000 screens, not a great average and will quickly lose those.
Quote of the week:
"The world is round so that friendship may encircle it." - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Facts & Tips:
Sailors once thought wearing gold earrings improved eyesight.
"This is my family. I found it, all on my own. It's little and broken, but still good. Yeah, still good." - Chris Sanders as the voice of Stitch in "Lilo & Stitch."

What a roller-coaster of weather this week! First it was super cold, had to put on socks! And very cloudy it felt like it could rain but didn't. Then it would warm up but very little in the day and just remained a constant 60 to 70 degrees... it was amazing. THEN, towards the end of the week it hit 90 at the peak and of course, no breezes so it felt closer to 100. I will say the pockets of heat we got, as soon as it hit maybe 7PM it immediately dropped and fast. It went from 90 to 75 in minutes. I am not sure if that is good though because usually big climate changes like that we tend to get more earthquakes. I'm sure there is some warm/cooling science behind that but, I know it happens most when that tends to happen or so it feels like it.
Weekly Update:
Sooooo hot on Sunday! So Sunday I went to do a little photo shoot for one of the voices on a Disney Jr show called Spidey and his Amazing Friends, Lily Sanfelippo. Her and the entire family spent the day at Disneyland and Disney's California Adventure and thought it would be a good opportunity to get some pics with her and the character she voices on the show. In DCA, they have a little photo opp set up which is pretty cool with the three main characters. What is also cool about the whole street-scene is off to the side they had a sign for Stan's Heroes New York Deli... a nice little tribute to the late and great Stan Lee. But everything was great except the dang heat, it had to be hottest day of the week (98 degrees) that they were visiting the parks.
At the movies:
Big change up at the box office this weekend but also not a huge surprise either. New at #1 is Venom: Let There Be Carnage with a BIG 90.1 million for it's debut. To record that is the biggest opening for 2021 thus so far but also could mean a big drop next week. Already in close striking distance to hit that 100 mil mark in just another day! New at #2 is The Addams Family 2 with a distant 18 mil to open. Still a solid number for an animated sequel during this time of year. Big drop down to #3 is "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" with another 6 mil and now past the 200 mil mark. It may not get too much further but has hit several milestones. Also new at #4 is The Many Saints of Newark with 5 mil to open and will be knocked off soon. Rounding up the top 5 is "Dear Evan Hansen" with 2.5 mil extra as it also will close out sooner than later.
Quote of the week:
"Our daily decisions and habits have a huge impact upon both our levels of happiness and success." - Shawn Achor
Facts & Tips:
Some cats are allergic to humans.
"Talk to me." - John Stamos as Jesse Katsopolis in the TV series "Full House."