Hot days and warm nights

Hot hot hot! This past week was a scorcher but not as bad as last month one or July. But still pretty bad and what made it even worse was some of the nights were warm! Usually depend on the nights cooling down but they never did for the most part and it just stayed relatively warm. It was cool from like the hours of 4AM to 7AM till it started to warm up again... my electric bill can't take this! I am part of this program too where SoCal Edison can shut off my AC during peak times to prevent a brown-out and so far they haven't this week which surprises me. I really want to get solar but not sure if the upfront costs are worth it and I hear to have it pay itself off ranges from 8 to 10 years... I would love a Tesla roof though!
Weekly Update:
Poor Shadow had another turn for the worse and hoping it could just be temporary but unlikely. She started having a lot of diarrhea and couldn't stop. Thought it was from too many treats or being over feed (because time is so short for her now), but it's likely the tumor on her stomach. Vet may prescribe some meds to help that but who knows if that will help in the short time left. She shows NO other signs of being sick. She still jumps up for food, wants all the attention and sleeps like a log. You would never guess she is so sick inside. Aside from always trying to go poop or pooping all over, she is still the same Shadow. Still doesn't listen, still expects her spot on the bed, dog bed and/or floor available at all times.
At the movies:
Holding on to the top spot for another week is "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" for another 13.3 mil and now just shy of the 200 mark with 196.5 mil domestic cume. Should hit the mark in another day or two but the overall drops on the film are well below-average which is good. New at #2 is Dear Evan Hansen with 7.5 mil and solid reviews. Could have some legs to get it to 20 mil. Drop down to #3 is "Free Guy" with 4.1 mil as it solidifies itself in the 100 mil club. Can't shake this one at #4 is, "Candyman" continues to perform with another 2.5 mil. And drop down to #5 is "Cry Macho" with 2.1 mil extra as it cry's itself to sleep.
Quote of the week:
"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Facts & Tips:
Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
"I got a fast bird doing pizza runs. Call sign is "Hatchet," and that is wherever you want it to be." - Joe Carnahan as Mike 'The Operator" in "The A-Team."
Cooling down and cooling off

What a nice week of weather! I think I only turned on the AC maybe twice for a little but with a breeze that changes everything! The temps were probably in the high 70's to mid 80's but with a slight breeze it certainly felt low 70's. The nights were freezing though but that is OK, I don't mind if I can have a window open and stay under the covers. I hate having it cool to cold outside and then the AC on because, yep, no breeze! Just funny how that one thing can make such a huge difference and ceiling fans do not help create the breeze. All they do is circulate the existing air so if the air is warm, the breeze is warm. So, hopefully this continues!!
Weekly Update:
I made a "quick" trip to LA this weekend, or so I thought it would be. I was going to a photoshoot for an upcoming project and I thought, hey it's Saturday, traffic won't be bad at all. ARMAGEDDON!!!! Once I hit that invisible line from the OC to Los Angeles country, everything stopped. It felt like the traffic the day before a holiday weekend and it used to take me about 2 to 3 hours to get home. But this was a SATURDAY! Non-holiday, weather was fine and nothing special going on that I was aware of. But it took me a solid 2 hours to get to the LA area and then getting home was just as bad and about 90+ minutes. So in total I was on the road for about 4 hours and stopped to make 2 quick errands. I was so tired after that long drive and the kicker to all of this, the photoshoot was cancelled and no one told me!
At the movies:
Still going strong at #1 is "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" with another 21.7 million and now within a close striking distance to 200 mil. At this rate, it could hit that within the next 7 to 10 days. Holding ground at #2 is "Free Guy" with 5.2 mil and continues to maintain a solid course. New at #3 is Cry Macho with 4.5 mil and could be the start of Award contenders for this year. Still holding it's ground at #4 is "Candyman" with 3.5 mil more and now past the 50 mil mark for domestic box office. Drop down to #5 is "Malignant" with 2.7 mil and quickly disappearing off the charts.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just three this week but most are limited releases. In at #6 is CopShop with 2.3 mil and this will likely fade out very fast. In at #9 on under 500 runs is The Eyes of Tammy Faye with 675k. More of another award contender but per screen average is very low so expansion may be weak. New at #13 is Blue Bayou with 315K and even worse per screen average, unlikely will get many more screens after this weekend.
Quote of the week:
"The secret of business is to know something that nobody else knows." - Aristotle Onassis
Facts & Tips:
The Bee Hummingbird weighs less than a penny.
"Yes, I heard him all right. He said he was sorry." - Jim Meskimen as Officer Wholihan in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
Oogie Boogie BASH!

Did a little fun thing on Tuesday night, went to a special preview of Disney's Oogie Boogie Bash at Disney's California Adventure. I was debating about going or not since it started from 10P to 1:30A and I had to work the next morning at 6A. But, I went because the inaugural year pre-covid, I went and I didn't get do this special trail with lights and shadows, mist and music. I believe it is called (this year at least) Villainous Trail and it was pretty cool! You walk this wilderness trail and it is filled with little lights like the wisps from Brave, lot of fog machines to give it that eerie feel and of course music. There is also a lot of projections which are pretty dang good including seeing the hyena's from Lion King. Walking through the trail was very visual with beams of light and at the end it's almost going towards the light that might symbolize death but then rebirth. Not sure but it's very bright and mystical at the same time. Highly recommend it if anyone is able to go! The rest of the event was fine, nothing too special as all but one ride (Guardians) were closed for the evening. The parade was fine, I did like the touch of grave-diggers and they were kind of dancing but would scrape and bang their shovels... not in a bad way but like in am choregraphed "Stomp" like fashion.
Weekly Update:
Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening! This past Thursday night was interesting, had a roaming thunderstorm roll through and that never happens! Like shows up, says hello and then leaves. It did come with some rain but honestly it was very little! Barely enough to cover the ground... I mean it did but just not a lot. My scaredy-dog was a bit anxious but with the new calming treats I have, he wasn't shaking. What he was doing was sitting up, barked at the window and jumped off the bed and back on. But at least he wasn't doing that usual shiver. And the thunder didn't seem to bother him (which most noises do) but the flashes of lightning did. I heard off the coast the show of lights was pretty spectacular though (pictured). But just in my area I could only see big flashes of light.
At the movies:
Keeping the #1 spot for it's 2nd weekend is "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings" earning a hefty 35.8 million. Now has a 10-day total of 145.6 mil cume for domestic box office. Still very good word-of-mouth and on a quick road to 200+ mil. Rebounding up to #2 is "Free Guy" with another 5.8 mil and now just over 100 mil mark! Not much further for this film but still hitting that milestone is great for this time of year and current movie-going climate. New at #3 is "Malignant" with 5.6 mil and probably would have fared better opening a week earlier. Dropping further down to #4 is "Candyman" with 4.9 mil and shy of 50 mil but will get that soon. Rounding off the top 5 is "Jungle Cruise" with 2.4 mil as it comes to the end of it's trip.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
A few this week but most are limited releases. In at #8 on only 580 screens is The Card Counter with 1.1 mil and counted out. New at #9 with a wider release is Show Me the Father with only 700k and didn't show for much. And lastly at #15 with only 250 runs is Small Engine Repair earning 73K and not sure what this was.
Quote of the week:
"Beware the fury of a patient man." - John Dryden
Facts & Tips:
Both green and black tea come from leaves of the same tree.
"Little does Hoagie know, I've been teaching a women's self-defense boot camp for six years." - Jeremy Renner as Jerry Pierce in "Tag."
One hot weekend!

Labor Day Edition
And this weekend ended on a scorcher! It was odd how the start of the week was around 70 during the day, up till almost 1PM it was cloudy, almost Winter like conditions for here. Even some misting and fog which was really nice and the nights cold (50+). But then come Friday, hit the 90's, Saturday 99 even! And the nights calmed back down the 60. This weather does not help poor Shadow with her thick German Shepherd fur and have to run the AC a lot. My electric bill last month was crazy out of control but, all for her the poor pup. I try to keep them primarily downstairs during the day while I work upstairs as it's literally almost 10 degrees cooler. Also have all the blinds closed as well and ceiling fan going to keep it more cool if possible. While I sit upstairs with no natural breeze and there is one window that I can't cover and... it's warm.
Weekly Updates:
I did a lot of shopping this weekend (all groceries) and I noticed a few things, pricing. So I needed eggs to make quiche and I saw that Costco had their usual 24 AA Large eggs for $3.99. That seemed like a pretty good deal but I had already purchased eggs. I was at Ralph's earlier and bought a dozen for $1.99 because ultimately I only need 6 more eggs. But then I did the math in my head (which is hard) and 2 dozen eggs is essentially $4 while Costco, it's $4. So buying in bulk is not really the best way to go especially if you won't use those eggs in a timely manner. I also noticed bananas are usually $1.49 a bunch and the average number is usually about 5 bananas = so about 30 cents each. Amazon Fresh next door they are 15 cents per. I think the best deals are their paper goods like toilet paper and paper towels. Or when they have stuff on sale, then it becomes a better savings. So, to know if you are getting the best deal, just know your numbers I guess. NOTE: Image is not my quiche but honestly, it's pretty darn close.
At the movies:
Kicking it's way to the #1 spot is Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings with a BIG 71.4 million (estimated 83 mil with Labor Day). Very good word-of-mouth on this film and it should reach 100 mil by the end of the week! This is also the highest grossing movie for Labor Day weekend as it's usually a throw-away time frame and typically only horror movies do fair to well on. Drop down to #2 is "Candyman" with another 10.5 mil and that is actually a good number for this holiday weekend. Small drop to #3 is "Free Guy" with 8.7 mil more and very close to 100 mil cume. It may take another week or two for that stretch goal but very likely to hit it. Holding ground at #4 is "Jungle Cruise" with 4 mil as it solidifies itself post 100 mil mark. Rounding off the top 5 is "Paw Patrol: The Movie" earning another 3.7 mil as it quickly runs away.
Quote of the week:
"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth." - Khalil Gibran
Facts & Tips:
Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
"No, we need Ritalin and leashes, that's what we need." - Jeff Garlin as Phil in "Daddy Day Care."