Summer Time (electric) Blues

Having a heat way, a Summer time heat wave... the temps continued to climb but haven't hit 100... yet! I mean I sure hope they don't hit that high but it has been peaking in the 90 and forecast show same for next week. I got my electric bill and I have to cut back on that AC but hard when you work on the 2nd floor of the house and heat rises. Plus the dogs and their thick fur (well, one of them anyway) and always panting. I try to keep them downstairs as much as possible but anything outside can set them off barking. I will say though so far this year SoCal Edison has cut my AC off yet. Last year they cut it off (but I could still run the fan) till almost 9PM most nights, some times till 7PM. So I would just lay on the couch and not move with the house fan on and the ceiling fan going, just waiting for it to kick in. I guess I just need to raise the temp to 78 degrees instead of 76 and hope that saves me a little bit on next month's electric bill.
Weekly Update:
Work kind of sucks... I mean not much more to say about that. So for what I do in the unique position I'm in (between all the things), I kind of get shafted. I get little to no incentives because I'm a lone-island where as the majority of my team are across the country... wait, not the majority, ALL OF IT but me. So I have to adhere to different labor laws, tax laws, etc. ... which are all fine. I often (VERY OFTEN) get forgotten in things but whatever, I'm used to it. And I get thrown pretty much every where with no real thanks or compensation. The one time I did ask for something, I was denied and I had to use my own personal days instead of the max'd out vacation I have. All I want, just let me do my job.
At the movies:
Battle at the box office this week as the end of Summer is near! New at #1 this week is Old with 16.5 million to open. Not a terrible number but should have been higher and well below expectations. Also new at #2 is Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe with a disappointing 13.5 mil. Hopes of at least doubling that were in the air but came up... snake eyes. Big drop down to #3 is "Black Widow" with another 11.6 mil but so far passing the 150 mil cume mark. At this rate it should get to around 190 but likely will fall short of that 200 mark. Big drop to #4 is "Space Jam: A New Legacy" with 9.6 mil more as it barely hits 50 mil total. Not a lot of bounce left in this one with poor reactions. Rounding off the top 5 is "F9: The Fast Saga" with 4.6 mil as it slows down, not going to make the 200 mark as well.
Quote of the week:
"We live in a rainbow of chaos." - Paul Cezanne
Facts & Tips:
One of Snapple's original founders ran a sardine and pickle store in Queens with his family.
"Wow, that's gotta hurt. I mean, he's always doin' that to you. Stealing your thunder. You remember the red head? In gardening? Boinked her behind the monkey grass. And the asian in automotive? Did her on a pile of carburetors. Oh, and the blonde in frozen foods, with the... doink! Doink! Turkey's done! Remember her?" - Andy Dick as Lon in "Employee of the Month."
We are closed, again

It appears cases of old and new covid are skyrocketing again in California so on Saturday night in Los Angeles county they re-instated the mask mandate. It should be state wide but I guess LA is so dense and also very large, maybe that is where the spike is mostly. Someone told me the massive spike are those who are not vaccinated, not sure if that is true or accurate but I would not doubt it either. I continue to wear a mask in general public, why not? It's not hurting me and potentially protecting others, especially those with some kind of compromised immunity. It was interesting this morning I had the window open and the sun was shining to where you could see all the dust particles floating around. My one dog sneezed and I saw all those droplets fly every where. Then he shook his whole body, saw all the loose hairs flying off of him... if it wasn't my dog and say a grown adult doing that I would be (or am) concerned. 1) if they are not wearing a mask, not vaccinated and sneezed like that and 2) why was he shaking his whole body?! That might be another issue altogether. Wear a freak'n mask people and vaccinate!!! Geez, stop being selfish for just a moment.
Weekly Update:
Post-holiday fireworks... why? Stop it! 3:30 AM on a Sunday and you have to fire off fireworks. You are not only an idiot but a jerk... I bet you aren't vaccinated too. Again, HATE fireworks (now) and unless I am going some place to specifically see them, they shouldn't be allowed except on certain holidays (just 4th of July and New Years) in like residential areas. PLUS, we are so terribly dry here this year. Massive fire hazard due to lack of rain and moisture so far in 2021. And it has been getting increasingly hot here (but then again it is Summer) so stop with the fireworks. A LOT of people do have to get up in a few hours and work (like myself at 5:30) and I would have appreciated some uninterrupted sleep. But your two fireworks at 3:30 doesn't mean I can go straight back to sleep, it means I have to then close my windows, turn on the AC (thanks for wasting my money), get calming treats all so the dog can take the next 30 mins to an hour to calm down. And do all of that other stuff in case more fireworks happen. People are really selfish or have become so increasingly selfish these last few years.
At the movies:
Jumping high for the win this weekend is Space Jam: A New Legacy earning a disappointing 31.6 million for it's debut. It was enough to take the #1 spot but a poor performance at the box office for a mid-Summer film. BIG drop down to #2 is "Black Widow" earning an extra 26.3 mil. Although for 99.9% of movies in general that would be an amazing weekend but for this franchise it's a significant drop for week #2. However it has past 130 mil cume domestic already. New at #3 is Escape Room: Tournament of Champions with 8.8 mil. Dipping down to #4 is "F9: The Fast Saga" with 7.6 mil more and now hitting 150 mil, unlikely to reach 200 at this speed. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Boss Baby: Family Business" with another 4.7 mil as it closes in on 50 mil cume (another low Summer box office return).
Quote of the week:
"Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world." - George Bernard Shaw
Facts & Tips:
Two of Snapple's founders were window washers in Brooklyn.
"Your mother cheated, that's why you look like a plumber." - Aramis Knight as Bean in "Ender's Game."
It's warm... inside!

Another warm week! This past week continued to sizzle and the nights were nice but no breeze. So with no breeze it felt warm. So say it's 70 degrees outside but if there is no breeze and the air circulating is the same air you just had, it will feel warmer. My inside temps recorded around 76 to 78 despite it being 70 or below outside. Because there is not breeze or even the slightest wind, nothing moves and the heat just continues to rise. I tried putting a fan to circulate the air from one room to the next but it didn't help that much, maybe a little but not enough. So no wind/breeze still could mean warm temperatures.
Weekly Update:
Did I mention before how much I used to like this drink called Cleary Canadian and that it's only an import on Amazon for some crazy amount per bottle, like over $7 a bottle and they are not that big. And Wal-Mart has something called Clear American which is similar but you have to go to Wal-Mart which in itself is a bad idea. I discovered other stores have their own versions of these and they are essentially flavored waters. Albertson's and Vons call it Signature Select flavored waters and they are zero sugar and caffeine free! I know Ralph's has a brand but I forgot and they average around .59 to .69 cents a bottle plus CRV. And they are good!!! So now I don't have to go to Wal-Mart or order on Amazon, I can stick to these now! NOTE: they may have artificial sweetener's
At the movies:
No surprise as the long anticipated Black Widow takes the top box office spot and as well as top opening movie for 2021 thus so far earning a hefty 80 million. Hard to say how much more it could have done if there wasn't online Disney+ as well as limited seating at most theatres still. Drop down to 2nd place is "F9: The Fast Saga" with another 10.9 mil to it's total which is just over 140 mil cume after 3 weekends. Hanging on to #3 is "The Boss Baby: Family Business" earning 8.7 mil extra as it makes it's way to 50 mil cume and should get there in the coming weeks. Drop down to #4 is "The Forever Purge" with another 6.7 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "A Quiet Place: Part II" with 3 mil as it now hits the 150 mil cume mark for domestic box office.
Quote of the week:
"The traveler sees what he sees, the tourist sees what he has tome to see." - Gilbert K. Chesterton
Facts & Tips:
The tiny pocket in jeans was made for pocket watches.
"You know I took a long time to compile this the least you can do is check it out!" - Adam Irigoyen as Deuce Martinez in the TV series "Shake it Up."
4th of July... kind of sucks

4th of July Edition
Sunday was 4th of July but most business, banks and services are observing it on Monday, July 5th. Why? I don't know why since what is wrong with Sunday? But it's also fireworks week and not great in this household with the dogs. One dog doesn't care but the younger one gets massively scared. Have tried the thunder-shirt for dogs, closing all the windows and blinds and having music or a TV on loud but at some point I need to go to sleep! He shakes and pants all night long, and why must there be fireworks till 6AM? There needs to be noise laws because that is just plain stupid. Also, not to mention we have had one of the driest Winters in the last several years so we are a big fire hazard waiting to go off. It's cool when people think they are fun and exiting till they destroy 1,000's of acres of land, millions of dollars of destruction to homes and business and wildlife killed by it. Have designated areas for fireworks and shows, and those who want to see them can go and enjoy them. While others can just stay at home and enjoy the quiet. Fourth of July is kind of a crappy holiday to be honest.
Weekly Update:
With the fireworks going off all weekend and nothing really working to keep the younger dog calm, I got a tip to try calming treats. So when the weekend began I tried a few pieces of these treats from Zesty Paws and though the firework activity was low, 2 to 3 treat squares seem to do the trick! He was overall pretty calm and kind of zoinked out nd slept through the night. The next day being Saturday, the level of fireworks doubled so 4 squares this time did the trick but took a couple of hours for him to settle. Normally he won't settle at all and shakes all night. At least there was no shaking but still some panting, and I didn't need the thunder-shirt. Sunday night, the worst of all nights being 4th of July itself. Fireworks were going for hours (Over 5 hours) and getting increasingly louder. He kept pacing, panting and up to 5 squares, I would say overall this was over 50% effective compared to anything else but ultimately, just stop the fireworks!! But so far these calming chews/treats seem to be the most effective so far.
At the movies:
Holding on to the lead is "F9: The Fast Saga" with another 24 million at the holiday box office. The film is now over 117 mil domestic cume and on track to an easy 150 now. How much gas will this go... with more Summer big box office films coming out soon, it could be a tight race. New at #2 is The Boss Baby: Family Business with 17.4 mil to open, not a bad number but still below expectations. New at #3 is The Forever Purge with 12.8 mil to open and also below expectations but not by much. Drop down to #4 is "A Quiet Place: Part II" with an extra 4.2 mil and very close to hitting 150 mil cume. It make take another full week to get there but will get it! Rounding off the top 5 is "The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard" with another 3 mil as it slows down quiet a bit.
Quote of the week:
"Courage is knowing what not to fear." - Plato
Facts & Tips:
Dairy cows drink up to 50 gallons of water per day.
"What is dead may never die." - Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy in the series "Game of Thrones."