Avengers... ASSEMBLE!

Memorial Day Edition
Another year we take time to observe and remember those who served this country in some form of military service either abroad or at home. Though we are not in any major conflicts at the moment abroad (dispute potentially 2 huge ones last year), doesn't mean we have folks in danger in countries who are serving and those who have served and past. So, if you know of someone that has served or is serving, maybe say thanks. It doesn't hurt you, might give them a nice smile and you had to do is say one word.
Weekly Update:
This past Friday was a fun (yet tiring) day. I had a chance to preview the new land coming to Disney's California Adventure, Avengers Campus! It wasn't a hot day but there is next to no shade in the area so you can feel the heat directly hitting you. I was 2nd in line to enter the new land and when they opened it up, made a b-line to the new ride/attraction. I was about 3rd on the ride and it was both fun and tiring at the same time. You are basically motioning your arms and hands like you are shooting webs like Spider-Man. The technology was pretty neat but if you don't know what to expect, your upper arms get tired. Right after the ride, ordered some food and the shawarma stand had just opened so everything was fresh. The chicken shawarma was delicious with the coconut yogurt tahini sauce. Then right after, had to try something from the Pym Test Kitchen so got a Pym-ini (or panini) and it was pretty good. I did get the kids portion because after the shawarma I was getting pretty full. Other than that, not much else to do in the land except walk around and took some photo ops so will see how they come out after June 4th.
At the movies:
Movies are back, or on the road to recovery anyway. New at #1 is A Quiet Place: Part II with a nice 48.4 million! Really solid number but slightly below industry expectations. Not a bad start for the Summer though. New at #2 is Cruella with 21.3 mil and right about expectations for this one. Drop down to #3 is "Spiral" with 2.3 mil extra as it's inches away from 20 mil. Dip down to #4 is "Wrath of Man" with 2.1 mil as it now passes the 20 mil mark. Rounding off the top 5 and hanging in there is "Raya and the Last Dragon" with 2 mil extra and finally crosses that 50 mil mark!
Quote of the week:
"Give light and people will find the way." - Ella Baker
Facts & Tips:
OMG was added to dictionaries in 2011, but it's first know use was in 1917.
"Yeah, right. And Grizzly Adams had a beard." - Christopher McDonald as Shooter McGavin in "Happy Gilmore."
first people, now cars... with people in them

Ok so last week I mentioned how people don't seem to know their surroundings and just walk down the middle of a drive-way in a parking lot... what about car who drive down the middle of a two-way drive-way? Made a quick trip to Costco the other day and there was this silver car driving down the middle of the road. The aisle way is already hard to get through with people on the sides walking up and down, going to and from the store, now a car? As everyone gone stupid and forgot 1) common auto courtesy and 2) how to drive? Picture is not by me or exactly what happened but only one I could find.
Weekly Update:
Lately I've been selling quiet a few things on e-bay all of a sudden, primarily these old games I had. These games are called "bookcase" games because they were like having big books and you could put them in a bookshelf. These were all close to being a standard size and the best ones were for different battles and campaigns during World War II. I don't have a lot of them (picture is not mine) but looking back, I really wish I had more. These are big in the 80's and then just kind of faded away. But these are selling really well and the majority of them I didn't play them much. I remember growing up these games would last way to long for one sitting and even once I played one over the span of a month (not every day but maybe once or twice a week). I don't think we ever finished that game but it was fun. I hope these are going to good homes and those who will enjoy them as much as I did growing up.
At the movies:
Holding the #1 spot for a 2nd week is "Spiral" with another 4.5 mil and closing in at 20 mil cume, it should hit that by end of this week. Also holding at #2 is "Wrath of Man" with 2.9 mil as it is also just shy of 20 mil as well. Holding at #3 is "Those Who Wish Me Dead" with 1.8 mil and not seeing much traction for this movie. Rising up a notch is "Raya and the Last Dragon" with 1.7 mil as it's inches away from 50 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Godzilla vs. Kong" with 1.4 mil and so close to 100 mil, could take a few more weeks.
Quote of the week:
"Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers." - Voltaire
Facts & Tips:
A group of porcupines is called a prickle.
"I wanted to be heard so bad that I never thought about listening, but what I regretted the most was that I lived every day waiting for my life to begin." Chris Colfer as Carson Phillips in "Struck by Lightning."
Let's go to the movies...

I still find it both interesting and annoying when people walk in the middle of the road in a parking lot. You have cars coming and going, looking for parking spots in a place that is very busy (i.e.: Costco parking lot), and people will walk down the middle of the road as if there is nothing around them. I mean, isn't it just a common courtesy to walk off to the side so you are not blocking traffic? I know (for the most part) pedestrians have right-of-way but come on now. Why are you being the jerk and just walking, especially if you have no cart or bags? Does that make sense? Sure if you have a cart, ok you may be out some or if you are crossing the aisle to the other side and go diagonal some but just a little common courtesy, step to the side. You have more area to move about then I do if I'm in my car. (image not taken by me but pretty accurate as to what occurs).
Weekly Update:
Went to the movies this weekend, what a treat. You know, even before the closure of everything, I honestly haven't been going to the movies hardly ever! I mean I would go to movie events but to actually have a seat and watch a movie was super-rare for me. The last few movie events I went to, I was actually working taking care of certain talent and making sure they got in front of press and had everything they needed at the after-party. So to actually watch a movie, kind of crazy nowadays. Not just because of the re-opening but just in general for me! The movie was "Army of the Dead" which opened to limited screens for the weekend as it will stream on Netflix next week. The first Zack Snyder movie with Netflix and it was a blood bath! The person I work for (on the side) rented out a couple of theatres to treat everyone to a movie so that was really nice. It was both great to go out again and be back to my roots and home, the movie theatre.
At the movies:
Another new film takes number 1 this week as Spiral earns an opening of 8.7 million. Not a great number for this time of year but it isn't terrible. Probably won't reach to much more in the long term though. Dropping down to #2 is "Wrath of Man" for another 3.7 mil as it continues a run for 20 mil mark. New at #3 is Those Who Wish Me Dead for 2.8 mil and kind of what was expected I think. Hanging on to the #4 spot is "Demon Slayer The Movie" with another 1.9 mil as it just passed the 40 mil mark. Rounding off the top 5 is "Raya and the Last Dragon" for another 1.7 mil while it continues it's long climb to 50 mil.
Quote of the week:
"Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy." - Saadi
Facts & Tips:
Gentoo penguins propose to their life mates with a pebble.
"Drive!" - Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa in "Mad Max: Fury Road."
Into the hermit cave

When the sun is out, warm but a breeze does the trick to keep you nice and cool. This past week it has been a little warm but not terrible which is very nice. But I think that is all because of the wind. I keep windows open in hopes of getting some air circulating, it hasn't been hot, around the low 80's I would say but when air is not moving and the sun it out, it feels closer to 90. All it takes is a simple little breeze and that changes everything. And one 5 second breeze can make it feel really nice for at least 15 to 20 minutes! The air has been refreshed and of course less-stagnant which just really makes a nice difference. What is interesting is fans don't really do the trick. They keep the air circulating, sure but it's not really fresh even if you have it by the window. Something different about it as if you are forcing a breeze instead of getting a breez.
Weekly Update:
I feel like outside is an alien world lately, I mean besides keeping myself inside due to the seen and unseen dangers of outside. But between working multiple projects these last couple of months, is there an outside? I think there is, I see light from the window, so that means there is an outside! It must mean there is one! But there is light at the end of this tunnel as one project has already ended a couple of weeks ago, this second one will be 90% over by the end of this weekend! I am pretty sure at least and things will start to slow down and get back to a "normal" or at least a normal before January started of this year. And with no other really big projects in sight (as of yet), will there be a break? I don't know but we shall see, at least it shouldn't be as crazy as it has been this past couple to few months... did I just jinx myself? Probably but, oh well.
At the movies:
New at the #1 spot is Wrath of Man with a mediocre 8.1 million to open, not a great number but not much was seen on this film to begin with. Drop down to #2 is "Demon Slayer The Movie" with another 3.1 mil and now just shy of 40 mil. Should be able to obtain in a day or two tops. Bigger drop down to #3 is "Mortal Kombat" with 2.4 mil and close to 40 mil but will take a big longer to get there. Holding it's ground at #4 is "Godzilla vs. Kong" with 1.9 mil extra as it still continues to crawl it's way to a potential 100 mil cume. Rounding off the top 5 is "Raya and the Last Dragon" with 1.9 mil as well.
Quote of the week:
"An effort made for the happiness of others lifts above ourselves." - Lydia M. Child
Facts & Tips:
Chameleons can move both their eyes in different directions at the same time.
"In the lake, the one... the one who attacked me. The one who pulled me underneath the water." - Adrienne King as Alice in "Friday the 13th."
Disneyland Re-opens!

I can not tell if it will rain or just not. We have been getting some heavy clouds this week but nothing falls from the sky, the deception!! I mean they look like proper rain clouds, like a wave of sky-water yet, nothing. Why oh why can't we get some rain, this has been such a dry Winter and going into an even drier Spring which will mean, yep, a dry Summer. I will say this though, clouds are pretty amazing and neat to look at. I just wish once and awhile, as they provide us some sun block and cover, they would let loose some liquids so everything will get watered at once and clean up some dirt in general. Turn on nature's hose please for a few minutes, hours, days... please.
Weekly Update:
This past week was kind of a long week but fun (yet very very tiring). I went to the cast preview of Disneyland on Tuesday just before the re-opening on the 30th. It was nice going back and at the same time, felt like nothing has changed. I guess it's that kind of thing where it will always seem the same and familiar no matter what. Nothing everything was open (rides and such) but enough to get some fun in and noticed a few changes as well. Haunted Mansion they moved the pet cemetery in the queue line so that was fun to see. Snow White in Fantasyland is now called Enchanted Wish (still Snow White) and it was pretty amazing actually. The edition of projection and I am not sure if additional animatronics were added but it felt like it. Even if they were a possible projection, it was really cool to see. Enjoyed Smuggler's Run in Galaxy's Edge, that is probably one of my favorite rides now being able to pilot the Falcon. Rise of the Resistance is fun but I kind of prefer Smuggler's over it. All-in-all it was a fun (and very tiring) day.
At the movies:
BIG drop at the box office this week from last week. Taking the #1 spot from #2 is "Demon Slayer The Movie" earning an extra 6.4 mil for it's 2nd week and now just past 30 mil cume. Dropping down to #2 is "Mortal Kombat" with 6.2 mil and also past 30 mil cume. Both of these movies are neck-and-neck at the box office in both overall and weekly gross. Holding at #3 still is "Godzilla vs. Kong" with another 2.7 mil and just hitting the 90 mil cume mark. On track to potentially hit 100 mil! New at #4 is Separation with 1.8 mil to open and likely to disappear pretty fast. Rounding off the top 5 is "Raya and the Last Dragon" with another 1.3 mil as it seems hitting 50 mil is too far in sight.
Quote of the week:
"Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by our permission." - Arnold Bennett
Facts & Tips:
No two lip impressions are the same.
"It's a Ducati, I'm thinking it will get people off my back about the male nurse thing." - Aaron Takahashi as Lee in "Yes Man."