Brrrrr it's cold outside!

This week we saw the start of a 2nd Winter! Although it did not rain, it sure got extremely cold. It got so cold during the day, I had to get a long-sleeved shirt out and it's already April. No rain or at least nothing major. I think one night we got some light mist because the ground was wet but not drenched, just enough to cover the ground and cold enough to where it didn't dry up that fast. Isn't April Showers a thing? I know the month is just about over but there is still time left if you rain drops want to be dropping some... You know, bring your buddies and get everything wet and watered please, maybe just a little bit? Anyone, anyone, Bueller, Bueller?
Weekly Update:
I won a major prize! Ok, maybe not that major like a fancy leg lamp from Italy (Fra-gile) but I still want a neat prize. Last week I won a $25 gift card for Door Dash. Now, I haven't been one for those food delivery places because even though they give you like free delivery offers to get you to sign up, the charges otherwise are pretty dang expensive. I don't have a lot of places really far that it won't take me more than 5 to 10 minutes to drive and get back to eat. But hey if you give me a gift card, I'll use it and I ended up using it for pick-up instead of delivery. Many have told me by the time they ordered and had it delivered, a simple burger was like $20 to $25 total. But by picking it up, I was able to get a 3-entree meal from Panda Express and the next day a large stuffed crust pizza with spending only about $3 over the card. So hey if you want to get more value out of those food type delivery things, go pick it up!
At the movies:
MORTAL KOMBAT!!!! Big opening this weekend for the video-game based film with 22.5 million. Considering a non-holiday and number of screens/seats available that is a solid number. 2nd weekend will be a big tell for this film to see if it can hold up to the hype. New at #2 is Demon Slayer The Movie with 19.5 mil to open and also a solid film for first time distributors FUNimation. Drop down to #3 is "Godzilla vs. Kong" with 4.2 mil but just shy of 90 mil! May get it by end of the week and could be on track to hit 100 mil cume. Drop down to #4 is "Nobody" with 1.9 mil extra and steady as it goes. Rounding off the top 5 is "Raya and the Last Dragon" with 1.6 mil as it closes in on 40 mil with just a tad bit more.
Quote of the week:
"We must not allow other people's limited perceptions to define us." - Virginia Satir
Facts & Tips:
In the Middle Ages, chicken soup was considered an aprodisiac.
"Perhaps she is lying. Bitches are liars." (translated) - Adrian Martinez as Manuel in "Casa de mi Padre."
Duck, duck HEAT

Cold, cold, cold, HEAT! Talk about a crazy Sunday and some crazy heat! It was nice and cool (to cold) all week and then Sunday it was incredibly hot! I managed to not turn on my AC but boy did I have windows open and the fan going to keep air circulating. I am not sure what it got to, and it might not have even been that hot but just stagnate which can be pretty warm. Fortunately it did cool down at night but is this what our Summer will be like? Very warm throughout?? Our Winter was extremely dry, maybe 2 to 3 full days (in total) of rain but otherwise cold. I wonder what is causing this odd shift of unseasonable weather, I would have thought it would be getting better with less cars and emissions being spewed out over this past year. I don't know...
Weekly Updates:
So this is cool, they announced a Disneyland cast preview for the last week of April and I get to go! The theme park has been closed for over a year, I think before that it was closed one or two days during 9/11 and that was it! So this is definitely unprecedented in our time or in the time of Disneyland. This will be both exciting and interesting on how it will work with the park, staff and rides. I just want to walk around and be surrounded by nothing again. I mean I've been inside the park before when there was next to no one inside and that is kind of interesting and eerie. So maybe more to report that week after I get my visit in!
At the movies:
Still dominating at the #1 spot is "Godzilla vs. Kong" with an extra 7.7 million and now hitting 80 mil cume! On track to break the coveted 100 mil mark as we see box office numbers quickly returning to normal again. Bumping up to #2 is "Nobody" with 2.5 mil more and about to hit 20 mil, should get it probably by end of day Tuesday. Drop down to #3 is "The Unholy" with 2 mil and shy of 10 mil. Hanging on to #4 is "Raya and the Last Dragon" with 1.9 mil and still shy of 40 mil. At this pace it should hit it by end of next weekend. And still hanging on to #5 is "Tom and Jerry" with 1.1 mil as it passes 40 mil cume.
Quote of the week:
"No matter what people you, words and ideas can change the world." - Robin Williams
Facts & Tips:
Heavier, not bigger, lemons produce more juice.
"Shame on you, Moe, you let your pride ruin everything for us and them kids." - Will Sasso as Curly in "The Three Stooges."
Chill out!

For once I am happy the weather forecast was very wrong! Last week forecasted that this week we would have a major heat wave (well, at least major for us). They were saying last Sunday - Monday it was going to hit 90 degrees and then during the week mid to high 80's. I was not looking forward to that at all but some cold front must have came in or something. It was cold and great! I would say the high might have been 75-ish degrees but we had some nice breezes as well. Nights were cold, around 50's cold but no wind which was nice as well. So I for one am glad the weather forecast was way off! Like I always say, it's easier to warm up than it is to cool down (and way less expensive too!)
Weekly Update:
Last week is kind of an emotional rough week. First off I found out a former co-worker who had to stop working due to cancer treatment will not be able to take anymore. Not due to cost or availability but because they discovered it will no longer work for her. She was an incredibly sweet and nice person and now that her cancer isn't getting better with no more treatments available, she has gone into hospice care to live out her remaining time. I don't think she is more than 40-years old, IF that old. Cancer sucks. And to add more to that, learned that a current co-worker suddenly passed away. As far as we knew he wasn't sick or anything and no details as to what happened but apparently he just died. I didn't know him that well but we were co-workers (remotely) for I would say 5+ years. I only saw him in messages, meetings and chats. He was pretty quiet towards me but nice nonetheless. What a very insane week it has been.
At the movies:
A big roar at the box office as Godzilla vs. Kong gets a 32.2 million wide-release opening and that is near close to what an average box office would look like! Each week more theatres open but remain at a lower capacity but still means more BITS (Butt in the seats). Word-of-mouth is soft on this film so it may get a big drop next week. New at #2 is The Unholy with 3.2 mil for this semi-wide release. Drop down to #3 is "Nobody" with 3.1 mil extra and now just past 10 mil cume. Holding ground at #4 is "Raya and the Last Dragon" with another 2.1 mil as it passes the 30 mil mark. It will struggle to get to 40 but possible. Rounding off the top 5 is "Tom and Jerry" with 1.4 mil and just shy of 40 mil cume, should get it in a couple of days.
Quote of the week:
"All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward." - Ellen Glasgow
Facts & Tips:
Ancient Romans thought strawberries could cure bad breath and chronic fainting.
"But that girl in the park said that Lisa and me can't be sisters because I'm white and she's black." - Erin Murphy as Tabitha Stephens in the TV series "Bewitched."