It rained? Well, for like 20 minutes ... was supposed to have several hours of rain, from like 6AM through 6PM but it was more like 2PM for 6 minutes instead, sad. It was a big dump of rain too but not enough and way to short. Why is it so dry all of a sudden? I know we are in a constant drought but we usually get a least more rain than this! This is not good. Not even enough to fill a cup of water with but of course everyone freaks out we were hit with a flood. Ok you people who think that need to visit a place that has rain on a regular basis or during certain seasons. Traffic also sucks when it rains because I guess people are trying to dodge all the drops from the sky or something? Keep it together people!
Weekly Update:
So this is a bit interesting but more annoying. E-Bay is probably the #1 self auction site out there, I think everyone will agree with that. I know there are others and even Amazon but E-Bay still is the most recognizable and used for this purpose. I know people can counter-offer on your posted price and you can negotiate (if the seller is willing). But what is the interesting/annoying part is when you agree to a price and then confirm the sale and send them the new invoice, they don't pay. Or at least wait for days when the negotiating took hours of back-and-forth. People are weird like that I suppose.
At the movies:
Holding ground at #1 for a 2nd week is "Sonic the Hedgehog" with another 26.3 million. An average drop but now past 100 mil makes this film a solid win for Paramount and with the changes. New at #2 is The Call of the Wild with 24.8 mil and above expectations but not enough for a #1 seat for the struggling Fox post Disney merge. Hanging on to #3 is "Birds of Prey" with 7 mil more. New at #4 is Brahms: The Boy II with 5.9 mil and right as expected. This will disappear pretty fast. Rounding off the top 5 is "Bad Boys for Life" with 5.9 mil more as it gets closer to 200 mil cume.
Quote of the week:
"They can conquer who believe they can." - Virgil

Facts & Tips:
About 11% of the people in the world are left-handed.
"Don't take it personal. He never touched me and I'm closer to him than anyone in the world. Known him for nine years. It's not in him. If I left tomorrow without saying goodbye, he probably wouldn't notice." - Michael D. Roberts as Vern in "Rain Man."
I was thinking of our weather lately and how it wasn't been that cold or super hot at all lately. Which is weird because it should be one or the other (usually is). Then I saw this picture and it's supposed to represent hot (red) and cold (blue) but I thought a blue part of the flame was one of the hottest part of it?? So are they saying with this picture that it is super hot (blue) and then not as hot but cooler (red)? I am confused now but this picture and our weather lately. And that is too easy to do, confuse me with all the things!
Weekly Update:
Was trying to fight a cold this week, I think I semi-succeeded too. I have this cold routine (well, just a general getting sick one) of day time: Tylenol, any day-type-cold medicine like Dayquil, cinnamon tea (with honey), OJ and soup with bread (or even better, bread bowl with soup- usually clam or corn chowder). I used to have 7-Up or ginger ale on tap! But cost for a 2-Liter soda went from .79 to 1.99 so completely not worth it at this point. My night time routine is humidifier and NyQuil basically. The NyQuil varies though if I have to wake up early the next day or not. I also have this handy nasal inhaler thing that has lasted me for almost 10 years! And still effective! Oh and a lot of cough drops.
At the movies:
Zooming to #1 is Sonic The Hedgehog bringing in a hefty 57 million for it's debut. Above all expectation and it appears the corrections paid off. How much of a profit will it make in the end after all that, that is yet to be seen. Drop down to #2 is "Birds of Prey" with 17.1 mil more and will likely fall short of the 100 mil cume mark. New at #3 is Blumhouse's Fantasy Island at 12.4 mil. Almost right on target too for this one and word-of-mouth is non-existent on this movie. New at #4 is The Photograph at 12.3 mil and also right on expectations. Hanging on to the #5 spot is "Bad Boys for Life" with another 11.3 mil as it makes it's way to 200 mil and should get that!
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Downhill comes in at #10 with only 4.7 mil. Pretty much landed right as expected too.
Quote of the week:
"I believe in being an innovator." - Walt Disney

Facts & Tips:
There are 63,360 inches in a mile.
"What are you doing here? You could have just called." - Ashley Palmer as Tina in the short "Saving Rent."
and the Oscar goes to ...
Sunday night was the 92nd Academy Awards and not many surprised as usual. Not a lot of films really stood out or me (personally) this year but I do recognize the ones which have gained a lot of critical acclaim. One movie I wish I had gotten to see on the big screen (specifically IMAX) was "1917." Not for being an epic movie but because it is WWI and next to WWII, that is one my favorite historical wars ... if one can favor wars that is. But it did end up winning a couple of awards, more technical stuff while "Parasite" took home the majority of gold last night! This will open doors for the director but for that style of film? It will but in the very limited sense as the studios still need to make money. Not a profit but lots of money to stay afloat and films like this one aren't big box office, just big awards.
Weekly Update:
Early to mid-week I started to get a sore throat ... ugh. I hate these and just make everything miserable. But than again any illness makes everything miserable. Started off like a rough swallow on Monday and I started to take vitamin C and Tylenol to combat it! the next day the sore was worse but not by much. Loaded up on soups, warm tea and OJ. I then started to take some NyQuil and did a lot of sleeping (or as much as I could). Got the humidifier out for the night time as well, which reminds me I need to get more distilled water to have on hand. After the third morning, the sore was about 75% gone! Can still feel it a bit but now the thick mucus is building up some (eeeww, I know). So took some warmer showers to break it up and kept on on the OJ. Hopefully that has knocked it out with our crazy cold weather as of late.
At the movies:
A new #1 takes the box office with a smash ... Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) earns a 33.3 million weekend however sets it on track to be under 100 mil cume total. Pretty close to initial projections and word-of-mouth is fair. Drop down to #2 is "Bad Boys for Life" with 12 mil extra as it crawls to 200 mil now, still reachable. Also dropping down to #3 is "1917" with 9 mil and it could get a second wind tonight if the Oscars are in their favor. Holding on to #4 is "Dolittle" with 6.7 mil extra and just about out of steam. Rounding off the top 5 is "Jumanji: The Next Level" with 5.5 mil as it is now inches away from 300 mil and should get it by the end of the week.
Quote of the week:
"There are years that ask questions and years that answer." - Zora Neale Hurston
Facts & Tips:
Despite its hump, a camel has a straight spine.
"They're creepy. Creepy Italian trees. Of course, the baby's going to like them cause it's going to be a creepy Italian baby who goes around saying things like 'Ciao mama' and doing that weird backward hand wave thing. Life is strange." - Sandra Oh as Patti in "Under the Tuscan Sun."
I have to say, our weather for SoCali is kind of accurate most of the time. So the other day I was outside before it got dark, maybe 4PM so still have at least a solid hour of daylight and the clouds were coming in dark and heavy. You could even smell the moisture and I checked my weather app and it didn't say anything about rain. But the clouds were really dark and almost completely covered the area so I made sure the sprinklers were turned off that night and let the dogs out a little bit earlier than usual before bed. Also made sure window's were closed and sure enough ... NO RAIN! I guess I should trust the weather app but dang did it look like we were going to get some much needed water from the sky!
Weekly Update:
So this past Tuesday night was fun. Helped out at the annual Disneyland Minnie's Moonlit Madness event. Now usually there is a sort of underline theme to it all. Last year was about technology or cyber. One time it was about musical or Broadway. This year ... I have no idea what the theme was or if they even had one. Everything I saw was just Minnie and in her usually detective style outfit like she has every year. Which is fine but I like how they generally develop a theme for it. Kind of gives it a uniqueness to the year. Another thing I noticed, not a lot of coordinated dressed up teams. Previous years I would see dozens of teams in some kind of team costumes. This year, only saw maybe 2 or 3. Not sure why many decided not to do it this year but that felt like a big part of the fun.
At the movies:
They continue to sing at the top as "Bad Boys for Life" holds #1 for a third week in a row. Earning another 17.7 million, just shy of 150 mil cume and will definitely fall short of 200. Holding to #2 is "1917" with an extra 9.7 mil as it continues it's academy run for a few more days. Still in the top 5 is "Dolittle" at #3 with 7.7 mil as this one quickly loses holding and may not be around too much longer. New at #4 is Gretel and Hansel with 6.1 mil to open and below expectations but not by much. Very little awareness out there and this genre film at this time isn't a great combo. Rounding off the top 5 is "The Gentlemen" with 6 mil and also will soon fade out.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one as The Rhythm Section comes in at #10 with only 2.8 mil to open. Close to expectations too which is also sad to see.
Quote of the Day:
"The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness." - Dalai Lama
Facts & Tips:
Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.

"You've got to let go, I'm getting married here. Now if you can't respect that then please, as a friend, go, now." - Andrew Shue as Billy Campbell in the TV series "Melrose Place."