Got chilly again! So we were hit with some warm days but not that warm, like mid 70's but the nights got super chilly again. Hit just below 50 degrees several times and had to turn on the heater once or twice. I am not sure what a cold front means weather-wise ... like is it suppose to change something other than the temperatures? Does it cause chance of rain or lightning? Or is it simply saying cold weather comes in and pushes out the warm? I don't really hear the term warm front so wouldn't that be the same if it's cold and warm weather comes in? I usually call this night or day to be honest because it only got cold when the sun went down.
Weekly Update:
So the other day I went to the park (Disneyland) and actually walked around to hunt Pokemon's. I have never really done that before but a friend was in town and got into the game so helped him learn it (as best as I can and know) and kind of discovered there was a lot at the parks. I knew there always was a lot but not to that degree. I usually just go to the parks for a very specific thing and leave as soon as I am done. Like get in some friends or family into the park or pick something up for someone using my discount to save them a few bucks. But not for hunting Pokemon so that was a first. I only spent a couple of hours there as I try not to stay there all day and night (unlike me friend did). I mean could one do that there? Yeah, I suppose but I wouldn't ... it is rare for me to spend more than an hour or two and I like to get in and then get out!
At the movies:

Whatcha goin to do ... "Bad Boys for Life" holds the #1 crown for it's 2nd week earning an extra 34 million. Below average drop which played well for this film and now has surpassed 100 mil cume! On track to go a bit further but will fall short of 200 total. Holding the #2 spot is "1917" with another 15.8 mil as it also passes the 100 mil cume mark. Still great word-of-mouth but will also fall short of 200 total. Slight drop down to #3 is "Dolittle" with 12.5 mil as it will not make 100 mil on this one. New at #4 is The Gentlemen with 11 mil to open and close to expectations but was hoping to do better. Rounding off the top 5 is "Jumanji: The Next Level" with 7.9 mil as it gets very close to 300 mil cume but may not make it.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as The Turning comes in at #6 with 7.3 mil to open. Half of expectations but then again that wasn't very high to begin with. Turns out the movie "Run" got pushed back to early May from it's original release day of this past Friday.
Quote of the week:
"You may delay, but time will not." - Benjamin Franklin
Facts & Tips:
A cat's lower jaw cannot move sideways.
"Do your parents feed you? Do I need to make a call?" - Mary Passeri as Astrid Marcus in the TV series "Best Friends Whenever."
This weather is completely messing with me! So I will say the weather forecasts have been pretty accurate but only when it is days away. Last week it called for 2 1/2 days of rain this week. THEN, when it was a couple of days later, it said one day ... ok, not much but still something. THEN when it was like the Monday of that week, it says starting in the afternoon through the evening ... still some rain at least. THEN the day before it said starting at 9PM to 11PM ... was there like a scheduling conflict so it could only fit us in for those 2 hours? But what is funny is at almost 9PM that night, rain! It was so light and pretty much enough to get the ground wet and water all the plants I suppose. I am not sure if it lasted till 11 though, I should have checked but I just new it started almost on time because I had let the dogs out and saw it start to drizzle. Hey Rain, can we maybe schedule a much longer lunch next time so you can stay awhile and hang out?
Weekly Update:
Friday night did a fun thing, well two fun things I guess. During the day I went and tried out the new attraction at Disneyland's Galaxy Edge, Rise of the Resistance. It opened last month at Disney World and here opens next week but they are doing cast previews. I got at the park at opening and then you get into a virtual queue and wait till they call your boarding group. I didn't get on till later but it worked out because then later that night, I stayed to help with the clue testing for this year's Minnie's Moonlit Madness (image is from 2019, haven't seen the logo for this year yet). It was pretty fun and making sure the clues they will be using work for the competitors of the event itself. Did some testing in the park at California Adventure and overall they were all good with some minor hic-ups but hopefully they will iron those out for next week's 2nd and final test run before the actual event at the end of the month.
At the movies:
Post Golden Globe awards has stirred up the box office a bit! Taking the #1 spot this weekend is "1917" with a hefty 36.5 million. It now has a cume of just short 40 mil total but with the awards and accolades it has now set its course to break 100 mil. Drop down to #2 is "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" with 15.1 mil as it is now shy of 500 mil. May get that within the next 2 to 3 weeks at this current rate. Also dropping down to #3 is "Jumanji: The Next Level" with 14 mil extra. Bumping up to #4 is "Just Mercy" with 10 mil and now with a 10.4 mil cume after 3 weeks. New at #5 is Like a Boss with 10 mil to open and not far off expectations.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one wide release as Underwater comes in at #7 with 7 mil to open. Another one not far off expectations and the Fox-Disney product continues to suffer.
Quote of the week:
"Love dies only when growth stops." - Pearl S. Buck
Facts & Tips:
You burn about 20 calories per hour chewing gum.
"Excuse me, can we go already? Because I was hoping to get in some light protesting in front of an embassy before dinner." Zendaya as Michelle in "Spider-Man: Homecoming."