Monday, December 26, 2016


RAIN!!!  We had some rain this week and it was glorious!  Just about 2 days of it but it was solid rain and went through the day and night.  I drove by the riverbed the other night and saw patches of water in there.  I mean it wasn't covering the surface but it was patches!!!  Its a start, now if we can just get more please and see some flowing water in there, that would be a miracle!  But it did feel good to see, hear and feel the rain.  More rain more rain more rain ... gah, need it so badly.  And it felt a little like winter.

Weekly Update:
Saturday was Christmas Eve and Sunday X-Mas Day ... not sure when the last time that happened it fell on a weekend but honestly to me, it just felt like a regular weekend.  In fact, I worked both days and I honestly thought Sunday was Friday because of the holiday, it confused me.  But started a new tradition of a McRib (if I am working) for dinner and it was delicious.  They will be gone again soon but that is good with me.  I had my fill of them so I am glad they are seasonal. It is almost like eggnog, I can only have a cup a year which I didn't have any this time around ... or Turkey this year ... how sad.

At the movies:
No surprise this holiday weekend as "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" remains #1 with an extra 96.1 million and now just past 300 mil cume.  In route to a solid 500 mil domestic cume when it is said and done.  New at #2 is Sing with a nice holiday weekend of 76.7 mil. For the weekend it did 56.1 mil which is above expectations.  New at #3 is Passengers with a weekend total of 23.1 mil and right on target.  Also new at #4 is Why Him? with 16.7 mil and also right on target.  Rounding off the top 5 is Assassin's Creed with 15 mil and just below expectations and this video-game based film will fizzle out quickly.

Quote of the week:
"Christmas is the day that holds all time together." - Alexander Smith

Facts & Tips:
A camel can drink 25 gallons of water in less than three minutes.

"Jeez. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?  Oh, I forgot ... you don't." - Nicki Aycox as Meg Masters in "Supernatural."

Monday, December 19, 2016

Baby its cold outside ... as the song goes and it sure is!  I don't think I have seen the temperatures drop to close to 30 before but they have!  Now if we can just get some rain, maybe it could be snow?  That would be a first, for me anyway.  Have had hail before but that was decades ago.  The mountains could use some snow which will be some water for us later.  But I am not sure how people here would react if it did snow!  Traffic would become an utter halt and others would simply freak out.  Snow chains are not readily sold stores around here so that would be interesting.  I bet a lot would get them because that is all they know about when it snows, chains on tires.  But what they fail to realize is that snow melts to make water and if it just covers the ground, chains may not be necessary.  Sure icing can happen but we don't even have any snow yet!  A step at a time I guess.

Weekly Update:
The week before Christmas and the drivers are out in force ... crazy!  I have seen so many insane people just simply not paying attention.  Over 5 red lights ran, speeding through to beat a red light, cutting people off on the street both cars and pedestrians.  It is simply not safe out there! Take your time and relax folks.  I don't think the first item on your holiday list is to get a ticket or deal with auto insurance because of a fender bender that could have been avoided.  I mean just an extra minute or maybe just 30 seconds can be a huge difference from getting to your destinations safely or simply not at all.  Slow down, look around you and hey, remember what the season is all about ... some kindness and courtesy.

At the movies:
No surprise this weekend as the off-shoot story of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story takes #1 with a hefty 155 million to open.  A bit low from expectations but solid word-of-mouth that should carry it to over 500 mil domestic cume when it is all said and done.  Holding ground at #2 is "Moana" with an extra 11.7 mil and crawling to reach 200 mil but should get it eventually.  Holding at #3 is "Office Christmas Party" with another 8.5 mil and this party should be ending soon.  New at #4 is Collateral Beauty with 7 mil to open and well below expectations.  The counter-programming didn't work for this one.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" with 5 mil more and breaking the 200 mil mark domestic.

Quote of the week:
"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." - Charles Dickens

Facts & Tips:
A tankless water heater uses half the energy of a standard model.

"Well, it was a great twelve minutes." - Marieh Delfino as Rhonda Truitt in "Jeepers Creepers II."

Monday, December 12, 2016

Getting colder and getting ... just getting colder.  Finally starting to feel a bit like winter but not quiet there yet.  Where is the rain?  At least getting to wear jackets again is nice.  I don't know why but I like jackets but rarely wear them because its most summer all the time here!  They say its perfect weather but for what?  Not having seasons is kind of crappy.  I don't mind not having snow but a chill, some rain, breezes ... any of that would be great.  We don't get much of any of that but some.  A breeze can last an hour and not a season.  Rain?  maybe an hour of that but we need a solid month of rain to get us out of the drought, partially any way.  Some leaves changing colors would also be kind of nice.  Oh well, there is something to be said for consistency I suppose.  But the water is the biggest issue that we need to get a handle on.

Weekly Update:
So what did I do this week ... I went to our Annual Young Variety Charity dinner at Maggiano's at the Grove and it was delicious.  I do like that particular one for some reason and they did the family dinner.  What does that mean?  It means two things actually ... 1) all the food is family style so you share it, pass it around and no one has their own ordered food.  2) at Maggiano's it means endless!  So if you finish say a plate of artichoke dip, they bring another one!  If you eat all the chicken piccata in lemon sauce, they bring another dish of it!  It is quiet insane and I made the mistake of loading up on appetizers that I didn't get to enjoy as many of the main entree's ... but that is ok, it was all good and I was very stuffed!

At the movies:
No surprises this weekend as "Moana" continues to sail with full winds to #1 for its 3rd week.  Earning an extra 18.8 million and just shy of 150 mil cume.  Still on track to break 200+ when it is all said and done.  New at #2 is Office Christmas Party earning 17.5 mil and almost right on target.  Slight dip to #3 is "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" earning another 10.8 mill and JUST shy of 200 mil, should have it by tomorrow though.  Holding ground at #4 is "Arrival" with another 5.6 mil as it creeps its way to 100 mil.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Doctor Strange" with 4.6 mil and probably will drop off after this weekend.

New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Miss Sloane went wide and comes in at #11 with only 1.9 mil.  No surprises here and it is said and done.

Quote of the week:
"Are right and wrong convertible terms, dependent upon popular opinion?" - William Lloyd Garrison

Facts & Tips:
Abraham Lincoln is the only U.S. President who was also a licensed bartender.

"This is Berk. It snows nine months of the year, and hails the other three. Any food that grows here is tough and tasteless. The people that grow here are even more so. The only upsides are the pets. While other places have ponies or parrots... we have... dragons." - Jay Baruchel as Hiccup in "How to Train Your Dragon."

Monday, December 05, 2016

So now its starting to feel like winter with both day and night being chilly.  I can now wear my jacket more and more ... FINALLY!  Said there was suppose to be some rain but didn't see any, not surprised but that is OK.  I just want the cold weather because it's called Winter.  I mean that means cold weather right?  Not unusually hot for the season but we still call it Winter because of the months it falls into.  I just hope it maintains this temperature wise because if it warmed up soon then I would be sad.  I like the cold ... as I always say, its easier to warm up than to cool down.

Weekly Update:
I have no idea what is wrong with people or maybe its the season?  Perhaps the current political mess we are about to encounter?  Or all of the above!  Recently I have seen so many people run red lights that one time someone got hit.  So I was at a stop, 3 rows of cars and I was on the far left.  I see the light go green so I start to go when this car from the left comes racing through.  Clearly they ran the light as I was already a car length into the intersection and the cars next to me as well but maybe a little less. I stopped, so did the car next to me and they yelled, "HEY!" and the car next to them hit the car.  It was clearly the fault of the person who ran the red light but I had to get some place at the time but was hoping I could return and give them my name as a witness.  I was gone about 15 minutes which I guess was enough time for them to exchange information because I did go back and couldn't find anyone.  I do hope that car who ran the light does get what they deserve because that was really bad.  From the looks and sounds it was a slight fender bender.  But this was just one incident all this week where I saw so many run the light, just the first to make contact.  Slow down people!

At the movies:

Pretty predictable weekend as "Moana" continues to sail into #1 for its 2nd weekend earning another 28.4 mil and passes the 100 mil cume mark.  On track still to break 200 when it is all said and done.  Holding to #2 is "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" earning an extra 18.6 mil and closing in on the 200 mil cume.  Holding to #3 is "Arrival" with 7.3 mil as it creeps up to 100 mil.  At #4 is "Allied" with 7.1 mil for its 2nd weekend, look for this to be an award contender.  Rounding off the top 5 is "Doctor Strange" with another 6.5 mil as it slowly wraps up.

New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week (as expected), coming in at #9 is Incarnate earning only 2.6 mil and pretty much at expectations.

Quote of the week:
"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows." - Sydney J. Harris

Facts & Tips:
"Arachibutlphobia" is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.

"I'm in charge of thinking of things before people know they need them." - Christina Hendricks as Joan Harris in the TV series "Mad Men."