It sure heated up again but the nights continued to stay cool. So what do we do with this weather? Nothing ... nothing at all. It hot but at least not humid compared to other parts of the country. I also heard other parts of the country are getting mass flooding and rains. What?! Why are we not getting just a smidgen of this? Do we not have the technology to move rain clouds around yet? No? How come? Special airplanes that can push them or seed the current clouds with water-seeds? None of this exists yet? Why?? We need to devote more science money towards this. I mean if you think about it, could really solve a lot of drought in countries struggling worse than we are.
Weekly Update:
So what happened during this week ... I don't think anything did? I was suppose to go to a convention over the weekend but based on the plans for that, I opted out because it would have been complete disaster and embarrassing. But it turns out the ones who were suppose to show up did not till the last day and didn't even bother to arrive till the last few hours of the convention. After the efforts spent to set up badges and such for them. I just don't understand some people and the inconsideration ... if someone set something like this up for me, I would take full advantage of it and thank them too ... a week later and not a peep.
At the movies:
Big surprise at the box office this weekend as Don't Breathe earns top honors with a nice 26.1 million to open. Above expectations and a good word-of-mouth could carry this for another week. Dropping to #2 is "Suicide Squad" with another 12.1 mil and shy of 300 mil right now. Potentially within reach and with Labor Weekend coming up, could get there now. Slight drop to #3 is "Kubo and the Two Strings" with another 7.9 mil and will likely do better in the after-markets. Average drop to #4 is "Sausage Party" with another 7.7 mil and quickly burning out. Rounding off the top 5 is Mechanic: Resurrection with 7.5 mil and below expectations. Looks like the public is burnt out on this genre and Statham mix.
Quote of the week:
"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." - Audrey Hepburn
Facts & Tips:
Dolphins are unable to smell.
"Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain... Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club." - Anthony Michael Hall as Brian Johnson in "The Breakfast Club."
And the heat wave continues ... remained pretty hot again this past week, few temps in the low 90's with most being in the high-80's but the nights cooled down again. That is always nice to open up the windows and let the cool air in. Now if that can just be during the day as well! I spoke with a friend who just put in solar panels but apparently it cost them about $10k! That is crazy but let's do some math ... they said their monthly electric bill is about $200 so that is $2400 a year they will save. So in 5-years it will pay for itself. I also know there is a buy-back program that Edison purchases the unused energy but they said that doesn't happen till the end of the year and we don't know what that cost is. So I guess you have to calculate is it worth it for a chunk of change for a long term savings? I think it is as long as you can afford that chunk of change now.
Weekly Update:
This week ... nothing happened. Pretty much sums it up and I'm glad. I was just exhausted and still have problems going to sleep by a certain time. I may start to fall asleep before midnight but then something wakes me up and then I fall asleep later past midnight. Why, WHY?? You would think after awhile the body would adjust but no matter how little or how much sleep I do end up getting, I will wake up around 6 AM ... so if that can adjust, why can't the part about going to bed also adjust? This confuses me but I found a cool image of a Pac-Man clock that I want now. I wonder if it folds so the mouth is closed and becomes portable? Looks like a very basic yet fun clock to have.
At the movies:
WB and DC finally have a decent hit on their hands as "Suicide Squad" continues to dominate the box office for a 3rd week in a row. With another 20.7 million, it is now slowly approaching the 300 mil cume mark. Uncertain if it will hit that but should come very close. Holding ground at #2 is "Sausage Party" with another 15.3 mil and continues to buzz along. New at #3 is War Dogs with 14.3 mil and below expectations. Also new at #4 is Kubo and the Two Strings with 12.6 mil and right on expectations. Rounding off the top 5 is Ben-Hur with 11.4 mil and slightly below expectations but this film also had a high price tag along with it.
Quote of the week:
"Immensely grateful, touched, proud, astonished, abashed." - Boris Pasternak
Facts & Tips:
The king of Hearts is the only king without a mustache.
"He would have told us, no one can take that." - Al Leong as Endo in "Lethal Weapon."
WOW it got warm!! It was so nice but then we hit the high 80's and into the 90's. The nights are warmer but still OK but the problem I am having, no breezes! So been sleeping with the AC on auto-on but it hasn't been running all night which is good. The ceiling fans are nice but they only circulate the air that is in there so you need input air to keep it cooler or you just circulate the air as it gets warmer and warmer. We need ceiling fans with some sort of coolant! That way when they run, they can generate their own cool air. Someone make this happen please and it would be a cool add-on to existing fans. I am sure there is some health and environmental problem with it but one can dream and hope. By the way, I want this fan pictured because it is cool.
Weekly Update:
What happened this week ... more work, many hours but in the middle had a fun event. Had our semi-annual town hall event and a cool place in Fullerton called Museo. Its a small museum but the space is really nice. It is also walking distance to our offices, half a block so no has an excuse about driving to it. The food was really good, had a couple of pulled pork sliders along with mac & cheese. I love me good mac & cheese, always on the hunt for quality mac/cheese. One of the best I have had is Slidebar in Downtown Fullerton but it has been awhile so who knows if it has gotten better or worse. But the event was good, the food was delicious and I was paid to be there ... win-win for me.
At the movies:
No surprise this week at #1 as "Suicide Squad" continues to dominate. Big drop though from last week, 67% but still managed to earn an extra 43.8 mil and now just over 200 mil cume. Continue to expect a rapid decline and should get close to 300 mil cume which is good but not great for a film of this magnitude. New at #2 is the R-Rated animated Sausage Party with 33.6 mil, above expectations. New at #3 is Pete's Dragon with 21.5 mil and close to expectations. Not much to write about on this one and unfortunately won't reach 100 mil at this rate. Big drop to #4 is "Jason Bourne" with another 13.6 mil but has surpassed the 100 mil cume. Rounding off the top 5 is "Bad Moms" with another 11.5 mil and could still break 100 mil cume.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Quote of the week:
"Imagination creates reality." - Richard Wagner
Facts & Tips:
The longest attack of hiccups ever lasted 68 years.
"I am Grey. I stand between the candle and the star. We are Grey. We stand between the darkness and the light." - Mira Furlan as Delenn in the TV series "Babylon 5."
Got a bit more warmer this week, enough to have the AC on for short periods of time but the nights are still so nice! I hope the rest of Summer is like this then it will be great. I have to say in general our Summer has been fair to good so I wonder if this means our Winter will be good? I hope that is a sign or a clue and we may get some rain this year. I wish we had fireflies around here but are they only in humid areas? I have never seen one in person but seem pretty fascinating. I think that is what we are missing around here ... some fireflies!
Weekly Update:
Not much of a week but work work work. Felt very busy but then again been working a lot of crazy and extra hours. But I am also extra sleepy too. I mean if you work 12 hours in a day, half of it is gone. But you figure eating, driving, shower, other times ... that has to be at least 4 or 5 hours right? But HALF the day is working ... we need a siesta time AND a lunch time, that would be great and recharge the batteries for the rest of the day. Would it improve before and after inefficiencies? Who knows but I remember at other jobs the sodas and hot beverages were free and that was nice. Monday's breakfast brought in and Friday's lunches all paid for by the company. Those were nice times.
At the movies:
Big weekend with no major surprises as Suicide Squad takes top honors opening to 135.1 million. Word-of-mouth in general is unfavorable for this film so could see a significant drop next weekend. Big drop to #2 is "Jason Bourne" with another 22.7 mil but enough to pass it over the 100 mil cume mark. Will struggle to reach 150 mil cume though. Slight drop to #3 is "Bad Moms" earning an extra 14.2 mil and will not reach that 100 mil cume mark but will be close. Another slight drop to #4 is "The Secret Life of Pets" with another 11.6 mil and now at 320 mil cume. Should cap out soon but solid run for this film being a non-Disney animated. Rounding off the top 5 is "Star Trek Beyond" with another 10.2 mil and also will cap out soon in the 150 mil range.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Nine Lives comes in at #6 earning only 6.5 mil and short of expectations but not by much.
Quote of the week:
"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." - Frederick Douglass
Facts & Tips:
The average person spends 2 weeks over his/her lifetime waiting for a traffic light to change.
"I'm more hungry than a green snake in a sugar cane field!" - Phil Lamarr as Hermes Conrad on the TV series "Futurama."
The pool is so warm but probably because its been so hot. I was walking around barefoot in the backyard and the concrete was scorching! I understand if its black asphalt but was surprised for white concrete and it wasn't even noon yet! So ran to the first step of the pool and it felt so good. I wish I wasn't working otherwise I would have gone in all the way for an hour or so! I wish the dogs weren't so afraid of the pool, I think they would enjoy sitting in there and feeling the water. But, they don't like water of any kind except drinking it and freak out if I am in the pool but won't come near me in fear I will pull them in ... which I would! Funny, they have no problem walking along the edge of it though.
Weekly Update:
That food poisoning I got last Sunday, that thing lingered! Even today my stomach still did not feel 100% but the Monday right after I was still very week and didn't eat anything. The Tuesday after I was better but light headed and stomach still upset. Wednesday I had the annual Variety Poker event at Paramount, was feeling better but still not 100% Even today, still not 100% but getting there, I heard this can linger for as much as 10-days after. Crazy indeed! But the poker tournament was fun and got to meet some new people:
*Gigi Edgley - best known from "Farscape" and incredibly nice!
*Taishi Tamaki - actor from Japan and really nice guy.
Rest of the folks were either friends or have met before, it was a pretty nice night.
At the movies:
Pretty solid box office this weekend with the amount of big action films out now. Taking the crown this week is Jason Bourne with 60 million to open. Word-of-mouth is good so it should carry it to a potential 200 mil cume. Big drop to #2 is "Star Trek Beyond" with 24 mil and now just past 100 mil cume. That is a 60% drop from last weekend but two actions films in the top 2, hard to compete. New at #3 is Bad Moms with 23.4 mil and close to expectations. Hanging on to #4 is "The Secret Life of Pets" with another 18.2 mil and just shy of 300 mil. Should reach that by end of day tomorrow. Rounding off the top 5 is "Lights Out" with another 10.8 mil and quickly burning out.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Nerve comes in at #8 with only 9 mil to open. Close to expectations and will quickly disappear from theatres.
Quote of the week:
"What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe?" - Jacques Lacan
Facts & Tips:
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
"KISS? You don't know who KISS is?" - Seann William Scott as Wheeler in "Role Models."