The pool is so warm but probably because its been so hot. I was walking around barefoot in the backyard and the concrete was scorching! I understand if its black asphalt but was surprised for white concrete and it wasn't even noon yet! So ran to the first step of the pool and it felt so good. I wish I wasn't working otherwise I would have gone in all the way for an hour or so! I wish the dogs weren't so afraid of the pool, I think they would enjoy sitting in there and feeling the water. But, they don't like water of any kind except drinking it and freak out if I am in the pool but won't come near me in fear I will pull them in ... which I would! Funny, they have no problem walking along the edge of it though.
Weekly Update:
That food poisoning I got last Sunday, that thing lingered! Even today my stomach still did not feel 100% but the Monday right after I was still very week and didn't eat anything. The Tuesday after I was better but light headed and stomach still upset. Wednesday I had the annual Variety Poker event at Paramount, was feeling better but still not 100% Even today, still not 100% but getting there, I heard this can linger for as much as 10-days after. Crazy indeed! But the poker tournament was fun and got to meet some new people:
*Gigi Edgley - best known from "Farscape" and incredibly nice!
*Taishi Tamaki - actor from Japan and really nice guy.
Rest of the folks were either friends or have met before, it was a pretty nice night.
At the movies:
Pretty solid box office this weekend with the amount of big action films out now. Taking the crown this week is Jason Bourne with 60 million to open. Word-of-mouth is good so it should carry it to a potential 200 mil cume. Big drop to #2 is "Star Trek Beyond" with 24 mil and now just past 100 mil cume. That is a 60% drop from last weekend but two actions films in the top 2, hard to compete. New at #3 is Bad Moms with 23.4 mil and close to expectations. Hanging on to #4 is "The Secret Life of Pets" with another 18.2 mil and just shy of 300 mil. Should reach that by end of day tomorrow. Rounding off the top 5 is "Lights Out" with another 10.8 mil and quickly burning out.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as Nerve comes in at #8 with only 9 mil to open. Close to expectations and will quickly disappear from theatres.
Quote of the week:
"What does it matter how many lovers you have if none of them gives you the universe?" - Jacques Lacan
Facts & Tips:
The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.
"KISS? You don't know who KISS is?" - Seann William Scott as Wheeler in "Role Models."
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