The daily heat continues but the nights continue to stay cool!! Been having to run the AC more and more so I hope this Summer Program I am on with SCE does in fact save some money to compensate for it. I tried joining this other program with this company that basically sells back your energy that you do not use to SCE Edison and you get like a penny a kilowatt saved. The problem is you can't have both programs and SCE's Summer Program can possibly save me around $300 to $400 but the other program can be up to $300 over a year. So its a gamble but I think I would rather stick to the Summer program because that is almost a guaranteed savings than a possible savings.
Weekly Update:
Pokemon Go ... this game is both amazing and a phenomenon! I have never seen so many people outside, gathering and hearing the stories of strangers talking with each other! When has this ever happened in the last few years let alone decades? This has surpassed Twitter users and you know people are playing by either the bluish hue from their phone or just walking around with their phone looking down. Chances are they are playing and I see people standing around these check points and you know they are playing because before, these areas were deserted just a few weeks ago. You do hear some terrible stories of accidents and attacks but one of them really is kind of dumb. One guy was walking in a rough neighborhood park and was stabbed because he was looking at his phone. Later you find out it was 12:30 AM and they were by themselves ... I am sure that would have happened regardless and I am sure it was an unfortunate muggy but because he was playing a game, they blame the game. The first thing the game reminds you every time you log in is be aware of your surroundings and he clearly did not. But aside from that, always go in groups or if you see others playing, join up and make a bigger group. Safety in numbers and more fun to be had. And who knows, you may make some new friends.
At the movies:
Holding on to #1 is "The Secret Life of Pets" with another 50.6 million and now just over 200 mil domestic cume. Still great word-of-mouth and reviews should reach 300 with no problems. New at #2 is Ghostbusters with 46 mil and not a bad opening despite mixed reactions. Should be able to hit 100 mil cume with that opening. Holding at #3 is "The Legend of Tarzan" with another 11.1 mil and was able to break 100 mil cume. Dropping down to #4 is "Finding Dory" with another 11 mil and looks like it will be shy of 500 mil as it makes its way to 450 mil currently. Rounding off the top 5 is "Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates" with another 7.5 mil and this adventure is quickly coming to an end.
New movies that did not make the top 5:
Just one this week as The Infiltrator comes in at #8 with only 5.3 mil and fairly close to expectations.
Quote of the week:
"When one must, one can." - Charlotte Whitton
Facts & Tips:
Horses can't vomit.
"It was your Nixon rattle." - Meredith Baxter as Elyse Keaton from the TV series "Family Ties."
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