I have to say the weather for May, usually the start of Summer, has been really nice and cool. Borderline Fall-like with a lot of cloudy skies and in the 60's which is perfect for me. It is chilly but not cold ... I am just glad it is not hot! Not sure if these means the rest of Summer, Fall and Winter will be really hot again. I think we need some sort of daylight saving month and not just an hour, I feel like our calendar is off a bit and we need to adjust it. It feels like May is April with the light drizzles in the morning and the cloudy days (April Showers) which none of that happened last month. So May is April and April ... well April can be April I guess but it was not the usual April I guess.
Weekly Update:
I didn't realize it was May already ... it just hit me that April is over and what happened?? We are almost halfway through the year and time really does just fly by. The terms blink-of-an-eye also comes to mind because if you think back to what happened in those past few days or weeks, it is like nothing had happened. It is almost hypnotic in a way as you think of what you did or didn't do, who you saw or meant to see ... blink of an eye.
At the movies:
As expected and almost right on estimation, "Captain America: Civil War" holds on to #1 for a 2nd week-in-a-row with another 72.6 million and now just shy of 300 mil cume domestic. It should get that some time tomorrow. Also holding strong at #2 is "The Jungle Book" with another 17.8 mil in its 5th week! Now just over the 300 mil mark and should cap out shy of 400 mil. New at #3 is Money Monster with 15 mil and close to expectations overall. Also new at #4 is The Darkness with only 5.2 mil and below expectations but not by much to be honest. Rounding off the top 5 is "Mother's Day" with another 3.3 mil and that day is over.
Quote of the week:
"Don't go around saying the World owes you a living. The World owes you nothing. It was here first." - Mark Twain

Facts & Tips:
Sea otters hold each other's paws while sleeping so they don't drift apart.
"Wait I didn't steal anything! I was returning something I stole!" - Paul Rudd as Scott Lang/Ant-Man in "Ant-Man"
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