Today is Memorial Day and a moment we take to remember the veterans who served and have passed. We should remember all veterans but I guess the ones who have already left us should get a day to themselves if not all the time. I think most people use this days for an extra vacation and a reason to have a BBQ. Both are great to do but also remember those who served and gave their lives so we can do things like that. They protected these simple little freedoms, no matter how big or small they may be but their sacrifice ensured we can continue from trivial to important things. So we should remember to take just a small moment to say thanks.

So I went to the grocery store on a weekend day and I never realized how many seniors shop during this time. Now it could have been by coincidence but boy there was a lot. And I noticed something else, they are pretty oblivious of their surroundings. At least 2 or 3 times they had their shopping cards in the middle of the aisle blocking it. One time I tried to sneak by but couldn't and they did not notice me at all. I stood there for a solid 30 seconds and nothing so I finally said in a quiet tone, excuse me. They looked at me like I just insulted them, moved their card begrudingly and I said in a nice tone (so I thought) "thank you very much" and squeeked by. They watched me with such hated eyes that I made them move their cart. I don't know what their problem was but come on people ... courtesy goes both ways.

Summer officially kicked off but not the box office as expected. #1 this week, as expected, is X-Men: Apocalypse with only 65 million, well below all expectations for a holiday weekend. Word-of-mouth is fair on this film and may not make it to a 200 mil cume mark. New at #2 is Alice Through the Looking Glass and also below expectations with only 28.1 mil and may not see the 100 mil cume mark. Holding some ground at #3 is "The Angry Bird Movie" with another 18.7 mil and still flying along. Big drop to #4 is "Captain America: Civil War" with another 15.1 mil and at 373 mil cume domestic gross. Should be able to break the 400 mil cume domestic by the time it is done. Rounding off the top 5 is "Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising" with another 9.1 mil and I think they can finally move away now.
Quote of the week:
"I done wrestled with an alligator, I done tussled with a whale; handcuffed lightning, thrown thunder in jail; only last week, I murdered a rock, injured a stone, hospitalized a brick; I'm so mean I make medicine sick." - Muhammad Ali

Facts & Tips:
The "high five" was introduced by a professional baseball player in 1977.
"Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my war! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to win! But somebody wouldn't let us win! And I come back to the world and I see all those maggots at the airport, protesting me, spitting. Calling me baby killer and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to protest me, huh? Who are they? Unless they've been me and been there and know what the hell they're yelling about!" - Sylvester Stallone as John Rambo in "First Blood."
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