Weekly Update:

This past week wasn't too bad, kind of quiet but still busy at the same time. Had some house guest over the weekend, they left and more came in staying into this following week. Thursday night I did go to a King's vs Sharks hockey game which was pretty cool. Had really great seats and then got to meet my friend's dad up in the press box that is his office since he does the radio play-by-play for the LA Kings. The game itself was pretty good. It was a very close game and King's almost won but the Shark's scored a goal to tie it up with about 3 seconds left to go. Then the game went into sudden death 5 min overtime which no goal was scored. THEN it went into 3 vs 3 shoot out at which it remained tied. However, the first Shark's goal should not have counted because the player went slightly pass the goal and stopped then shot it in and from what my friend tells me, you are not allowed to stop on the shoot out. After that it went into 1 vs 1 shoot outs till one makes it and the other team loses ... finally the King's won but what an exciting game and I never saw a shoot out because they tend to just end in OT if I ever saw a tied game.

Big upset at the box office this weekend as kid comedy takes out eye-candy adult! In at #1 is Diary of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules with a decent 24.4 million for it's debut. The family sequel starts off the Easter Break! New at #2 is the action film Sucker Punch with 19 mil. Slight drop to #3 is "Limitless" with an extra 15.3 mil. Down to #4 is "The Lincoln Lawyer" with another 11.1 mil. Rounding off the top 5 is "Rango" with an extra 9.8 mil as it surpasses the 100 mil cume mark.
Quote of the week:
"Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to." - George Seaton
Other News:

Wednesday morning a true Hollywood legend passed away. I would consider this one almost like royalty for the silver or big screen. Actress Elizabeth Taylor passed away Wednesday after a bought with congestive heart failure. Taylor was one actress in which we all watched her grow up through the movies. From the pre-teen in "National Velvet" to living piece of history in "Cleopatra" which nearly bankrupted 20th Century Fox at that time. She defined American pop culture over the past 70 years. Taylor is a two time Academy Award Winner for Best Actress in "BUtterfield 8" (1960) and for "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" (1966). Taylor was also famous for being the constant bride as she was married eight different times to seven different husbands. She had married Richard Burton two times in a row from 1964 to 1974 in which they divorced and re-married in 1975 to 1976 which they divorced again. Her list of credits is beyond impressive but to name just a few: "Giant," "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," "The Sandpiper," "The Taming of the Shrew," and was the voice of Maggie Simpsons when she spoke her first and only word on the hit TV show "The Simpsons." A true Hollywood icon who will sorely be missed. Taylor was 79.

The blue whale's heart is the size of a small car.
"Excuse me, C-C-Captain..." - John Volstad as Corporal (Captain Stillman's Aide) in "Stripes."