Weekly Update:
Spent most of the week again on set for the Disney show "Pair of Kings" and got to meet the rest of the cast while there:
*Mitchel Musso- one of the principle cast and a nice kid.
*Larramie Doc Shaw- another of the main cast and good kid.
*Kelsey Chow- another principle cast and very sweet.
*Ryan Ochoa- one of the main cast and a really level headed and great kid.
Aside from that, still was another pretty busy week with consulting and these numerous side projects going on. Start of the week I was completely running on empty because I didn't get any sleep in a 48 hour period.
At the movies:

A little bit of a shocker at the box office as the unusual film of Limitless takes top honors with a respectable 19 mil. This marks the first win for new studio Relativity in their otherwise dismal release pattern so far. Can they keep the streak going? Slight drop down to #2 is "Rango" with an extra 15.3 mil as it just passes the 90 mil cume sure to break 100 soon. Sizable drop to #3 is "Battle: Los Angeles" with 14.6 mil as it struggles to see 90 mil. New at #4 is The Lincoln Lawyer with 13.4 mil. Right behind that is the comedy Paul with 13.2 mil, a tad under expectations.
Quote of the week:
"Old age is not so bad when you consider the alternatives." - Maurice Chevalier

Japan still struggles with the aftermath from the earthquake from last week as the newest threat of nuclear meltdown looms over them. Several reactors are near meltdown and desperate measures continue to cool them down to avoid catastrophe. The latest development is additional gas to be released into the atmosphere to avoid a full meltdown which means more radiation but to what levels? Recently milk and spinach growing in nearby areas were found to be contaminated with radiation but unsure if it is completely unusable or unhealthily which I am assuming it is. On top of all that, still thousands of missing persons and compound that with almost half a million displaced people who have lost their homes. But the government of Japan said they will rebuild and we know as a people they can since destruction has hit this small island country once before and not more than 100 years ago either ... not even 70 years ago. This current disaster has the death toll up to about 18,000 now. Hopefully soon some stability will occur and rebuilding can commence.
Facts & Tips:

Chinese is the most spoken language in the world.
"I'm not scared of you." - Kristen Stewart as Isabella Swan in "Twilight."
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